Кафедра інженерії програмного забезпечення та кібербезпеки
Кафедра інженерії програмного забезпечення та кібербезпеки
Кафедра інженерії програмного забезпечення та кібербезпеки

Workshop for Investigators and Analysts of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine (Territorial Department in Odesa Region)

інженерії програмного забезпечення та кібербезпеки

A representative of the State University of Trade and Economics, Professor of the Department of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity, and Leading Specialist of the Grant Projects Department, Volodymyr Tokar, delivered a presentation titled “Using Economic and Statistical Analysis in Inspecting Business Entities for Violating the Law” as one of the online tutors at the seminar for investigators and analysts of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine (Territorial Department in Odesa Region). The seminar was organized by the European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform Ukraine from May 10th to May 12th, 2023, in a hybrid format.

The tutors of the seminar included representatives from various organizations, including: Europol – Vitalii Kasap; Criminal Police of Poland – Przemysław Rejczak; Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine – Vita MorozMaksym Bohuslavskyi; Center for Cybercrime and Economic Crime at the University of Portsmouth – Igoris Krzekovskis; Finstat – Vincent Touquet; Moody’s Analytics – Matus Levocky, European Financial and Economic Crime Centre (EFECC) – Asset Recovery Analytical Project – Alejandro Pérez; Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine (Kyiv) – Vitalii Sudarikov; Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine (Lviv) – Oleksii Barbashov.

The main topics covered in the seminar were economic security, combating money laundering and cross-border tax fraud, criminal violations in public procurement, the Big Data information exchange and analysis system, and the Orbis database, among others.

It is important to note that despite the martial law and the risks involved, experts from different countries gathered to exchange views and share experiences. This once again reaffirms the comprehensive support of Ukraine by our foreign partners.

Victory is ours!

Ukraine above all!

Glory to Ukraine!

Glory to the heroes!

Владислав Котов
остання редакція 26.05.2023
Владислав Котов