

Promotion Internationalization of Research through Establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda

International activities

Erasmus experience for the national quality assurance system

The National agency of Ukraine for quality assurance in higher education has launched an extensive program of training the pool experts for accreditation procedures.

One of the performers of the C3QA project, Nataliia Mazaraki, has been engaged in the development of the curriculum of experts’ training and has been acknowledged as the trainer by the National Agency since September 2019. Personally she has provided a series of trainings for ca. 100 persons of teaching and administrative staff, as well students, of different Ukrainian universities and higher education institutions.

The experience and expertise gained through C3QA workshops and dissemination conferences, communication with numerous EU experts and program-countries experts has been successfully implemented by Nataliia into the training curriculum and case-studies for future experts. Ukraine has built its accreditation mechanism in line with the best European practices, that’s why the profound understanding of accreditation procedures run by C3QA member-countries has enabled Nataliia to provide the Ukrainian experts with needed clarifications and advice.



KNUTE participation in international scientific and practical conference

On November 7, 2019, the Vice Rector of KNUTE on scientific work Svitlana Melnychenko presented the model of internal quality assurance and quality of PhD training programs of students of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics at the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "European Integration of Higher Education of Ukraine in the Context of the Bologna Process: Student-Centered Learning, Teaching and Assessment as Part of the Higher Education Quality Assurance System" held at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. The model presented the results of the implementation of the international educational project Erasmus + “Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda” (С3QA). It was stated during the presentation that one of the tasks of this project implementation was the accreditation of the cycle 3 programs. Obtaining international accreditation of the cycle 3 educational program by specialty 051 "Economics" by the Higher Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education of the French Republic has confirmed the effectiveness of the existing model of ensuring the quality of training of doctors of philosophy in KNUTE. 

KNUTE participation in the C3QA Final Conference

 On September 26-27, 2019, the KNUTE delegation participated in the final conference on the Erasmus + project "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda" (C3QA), held in Yerevan.

The conference presented the results of the project implementation at KNUTE, including a number of the developed methodological and regulatory documents designed to ensure the quality of training of PhD applicants, the experience gained in the accreditation of the Cycle 3 program 051 "Economics" by Hceres, as well as in the implementation of multilateral seminars and trainings, bilateral contacts with external quality assurance agencies, the Ministries of Education and Science, higher education institutions as the project participants.

In confirmation of the KNUTE project achievements in the framework of the conference, the quality certificate by the 051 "Economics" program was given by the Head of the European and International Division of Hceres to KNUTE, indicating its five-year unconditional accreditation internationally.

In addition, a cooperation and scientific exchange agreement was signed between KNUTE and Otgontenger University (Mongolia), which will allow continuing and extending cooperation with Mongolian colleagues beyond the project boundary.


Presentation of the C3QA Project Deliverables for NAQAHE

 On June 26, 2019, the deliverables of the Project "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda" (C3QA) were presented at the meeting of the National Agency for the Quality Assurance of Higher Education (NAQAHE). The draft of Guidance on QA system for Cycle 3 programs in Ukraine and the draft of external evaluation standards of Cycle 3 programs developed in the framework of the project were presented at NAQAHE.

In addition, the concept of internal quality assurance of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (KNUTE) and Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (KhNUE), as well as the Guidance on Development and Implementation of Cycle 3 Programs at KNUTE were offered as the examples of internal quality assurance regulations; the experience of universities, as the project executors, on the procedure of international accreditation was disclosed.

The presentation aroused the interest of the Agency members. The NAQAHE Deputy Head Natalia Stukalo suggested placing information about the project and international accreditation of the Cycle 3 programs "Economics" at the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics and the Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics on the NAQAHE website as an example of the best accreditation practices.


Presentation of the C3QA Project results at the International Dissemination Conference "Development of the System of Higher Education Quality Assurance in Ukraine"

 On June 11-12, 2019, the International Dissemination Conference "Development of the system of higher education quality assurance in Ukraine" was held at the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, where the results of the project "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda"(C3QA) were presented. The project coordinator Arayik Navoyan reported about the global results of the Project implementation, while Natalia Mazaraki (Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics) and Iryna Zolotarova (Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National Seminary Economics University) focused on the elaboration result of the C3QA Project.

The joint publication "C3QA Project Deliverables" of the Kyiv National Trade and Economic University, Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine was presented during the Conference. It summarized the recommendations for improving the regulatory framework for the Cycle 3 Programs in Ukraine, the draft of Guidance on quality assurance system for Cycle 3 Programs in Ukraine, the draft of External Evaluation Standards of Cycle 3 Programs, the Concepts of the Kyiv National Trade and Economic University and Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics on internal quality assurance of PhD training, Guidance of Kyiv National Trade and Economic University on development and implementation of Cycle 3 Programs.

In addition, Natalia Mazaraki and Irina Zolotareva shared the experience of international accreditation of Cycle 3 Program 051 "Economics" conducted in the Kyiv National Trade and Economic University and Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics  by the French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education. In the framework of legislative requirement of Cycle 3 Program accreditation, their report raised the questions of the Conference's audience.

More than 500 people took part in the Conference, including rectors and pro-rectors of the leading Ukrainian higher education institutions, the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; the members of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, international educational organizations, National Erasmus + Office etc.



Training Kit for supporting the continuous professional development of staff involved in Quality Assurance of Cycle 3 (doctoral) programmes in Higher Education

 The сonsortium for the implementation of the project "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda" (C3QA) has developed a set of Training Kit supporting the continuous professional development of staff involved in Quality Assurance of Cycle 3 (doctoral) programmes in Higher Education.

The training kit summarized the experience of Spain, France and Poland in implementation and quality assurance of study programs. It will be useful for both the immediate performers of these programs in Ukraine and for the experts evaluating their quality.

 Participation of KNUTE representatives in the monitoring activities of the National Erasmus+ Office in the framework of C3QA Project

On May 14, 2019, KNUTE representatives (A. Gerasymenko, N. Mazaraki) participated in the monitoring activities of the National Erasmus+ Office in the framework of  "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)'' Project, which were held at the Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics.

A.Gerasymenko and N.Mazaraki presented the results of the C3QA project implementation in KNUTE, in particular, the concept of quality assurance of the Cycle 3 Programs of KNUTE, the self-assessment report of the study program "Economics", the recommendations on the possibile application of French standards for the Cycle 3 programs' assessment in Ukraine, the comments on the draft Regulations on the accreditation of study programs, the experience of expertise of the study programs in Kazakhstan and Mongolia, and other achievements of the project.

As a result of the discussion, the ways of implementing the final stages of the C3QA project were outlined.

Accreditation of the Cycle 3 Programme “Pedagogics” of Otgontenger University (Mongolia)

From April 29 till May 4, 2019 Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Competition Policy of KNUTE, national coordinator of the C3QA Project Gerasymenko A. has been participated in the expert assessment of the Cycle 3 Programme "Pedagogics" of the University of Otgontenger (Mongolia) as the member of international accreditation committee, included the representatives of the "French University of Armenia" Foundation (Armenia), the Armenian National Center for Quality Assurance in Vocational Education (Armenia), the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (Ukraine), the University of Alcalá (Spain), and the Mongolian National Accreditation Education Board (Mongolia).

The Commission held interviews with the rector of the Otgontenger University, the head of the doctoral school of pedagogics, the chairman of the quality assurance council of the Otgontenger University, the scientific leaders, the teachers, graduate students, graduates, potential employers of PhD graduates of the Cycle 3 Programme "Pedagogics" of the Otgontenger University.

During communication with the relevant groups of stakeholders and on the basis of the preliminary study of the self-assessment report of the Cycle 3 Programme "Pedagogics" at the Otgontenger University, the overall compliance of this programme  with the requirements of the Mongolian quality standard for the Cycle 3 programmes, as well as with the requirements of the Standards and Recommendations for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area was stated. As a result, a draft report on accreditation of the Cycle 3 Programme and the recommendations for ensuring its quality and further improvement have been prepared.

Lecture of the representative of the Mongolian National Council for Accreditation of Education for KNUTE students

On April 19, 2019, the lecture of Tsogtsuren Bayasgalan, PhD in public management and administration of the Mongolia University, the specialist on accreditation of the Mongolian National Council for Accreditation of Education was held for the students of the specialty “Public Management and Administration”. The lecture was dedication to the job satisfaction. This mobility activity was in the framework of international accreditation of the Cycle 3 Program 051 “Economics”. Tsogtsuren Bayasgalan has visited KNUTE as a member of the expert commission for international accreditation.  As one of the assessment objects by the expert commission in KNUTE was the level of satisfaction of PhD students and stakeholders with the Cycle 3 Program 051 “Economics”, the lecture outlined the possibility for KNUTE students to obtain meaningful knowledge about satisfaction level measurement and certain aspects of public administration and education system of Mongolia; and to communicate with the honorable guest on public administration issues.


Cycle 3 Program 051 "Economics" assessment by international experts​

 On April 17-18, 2019, the international accreditation procedure to assess the quality of the Cycle 3 Program 051 "Economics" was held in KNUTE. The accreditation activities took place within the framework of the multilateral Erasmus + Project "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)" and the Training Programme Evaluation and Accreditation Trilateral Agreement between the KNUTE, the Foundation Université Française en Arménie and the French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education.

The expert commission consisting of the representatives of the French and Mongolian agencies for quality assurance in higher education, Armenian and French academic experts, as well as Ukrainian representatives from among students (3rd level of higher education) and employers held the meetings with all stakeholders of the Cycle 3 Program 051 "Economics" of KNUTE, including the members of the Academic Council of KNUTE, the Cycle 3 Program assurance groups, PhD students, their scientific supervisors, the reviewers of PhD theses,  teachers of the Cycle 3 Program 051 "Economics", the representatives of the PhD school and specialized academic councils of KNUTE, the Center for career development, the department of international relations, the KNUTE partners from among the scientific institutions and business sectors, etc.

Furthermore, the visit of the expert commission to the KNUTE included the meeting with representatives of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Ukraine (NAQAHE) and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The meeting was moderated by Arayik Navoyan, the Erasmus + Project (C3QA) coordinator. The perspectives of supplementation of NAQAHE into the C3QA Project as an executor and as a beneficiary were discussed. The decision on further cooperation in the context of the proposals to the draft of Regulations on the accreditation of the Cycle 3 Programs for the training of PhD students was taken. The corresponding proposals from the project participants are provided through the link.






Monitoring visits within the ERASMUS+ C3QA Project

On April 15-18, 2019 the coordination meetings of the C3QA project participants in Kiev National University of Trade and Economics (KNUTE) and Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National Economic University (KhNEU) were held. The following issues were discussed:

  • Perspectives of the project implementation;
  • Variety of the activities to disseminate the project results among the Ukrainian higher educational institutions, as well as those in Armenia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia;
  • Settlement of financial issues of the project management;
  • Methodology for the final report preparation.

 By the results of the meetings, the roadmap for the last phase of the project was agreed upon, while the functions of the participants for its implementation were allocated.


Site-visit of the KazGUU within the Erasmus+ C3QA Project

 On 13-14th of March, 2019 the site-visit of the KazGUU (Astana, Kazakhstan) within the framework of Erasmus+ Project "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)" took place.

The Associate Professor of the Department of International Private, commercial and civil law Nataliia Mazaraki  participated in the international panel of experts to audit the Cycle 3 Program «International law». The audit program was governed by European standards and Guidelines for Higher Education, the Salzburg principles as well as the KazGUU's Internal Quality Assurance in Ph.D. Programmes and Standards and Criteria for Specialized (Programme) Accreditation of Doctoral Study Programmes (elaborated by IQAA, Kazakhstan).


 Participation in the International Information Week of the EU Program Erasmus +

On November 5 -9, 2018, the representatives of the Erasmus+ KA2 Project "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)" of KNUTE team have participated  in the International Information Week of the European Union Program Erasmus +, which was held in Kyiv. The event was organized by the National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine together with the Delegation of the European Union in Ukraine, the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture, the Ministry of Education and Science in cooperation with the National Agency Erasmus + European National Erasmus + Offices of the countries-partners.

The goal of the event is to provide the target audience with the peculiarities of the projects of international cooperation and the recommendations for the success completion, to clarify the peculiarities of implementation and management of the grant funds, etc. The results of the project "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)", presented during the meetings of the representatives of KNTEU with the colleagues from the National Erasmus Office in Ukraine, got positive feedback.


Participation of KNTEU in a methodological seminar on the exchange of experience in external and internal quality assurance of PhD training

The representatives of KNUTE, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy Anzhelika Gerasymenko and associate Professor of the Department of International Private, Commercial And Civil Law Nataliia Mazaraki, have participated in the methodological seminar on the exchange of experience in external and internal quality assurance of PhD training. The seminar took place in M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University (Astana, Kazakhstan) on October 16-17,2018 in the framework of Project "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)" 574273-EPP-1-2016-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP.

 Internal procedures of quality assurance of PhD training were discussed and received positive feedback from the С3QA Project partners.  According to preliminary estimates of the experts of the High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (France), the University of Alcalá (Spain), Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University (France), the University of Clermont Ferrand 1 (France), and the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland), the procedures of the development, improvement and monitoring of educational and scientific programmes and their accreditation along with the procedures for enrollment, certification of candidates for a PhD degree and for defense of theses, which were developed and improved in the framework of the Project implementation, meet the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG, 2015), the Salzburg Principles, and the best European practices.


Meeting on the Erasmus+ Project «Quality Assurance System in Ukraine: Development on the Base of ENQA Standards and Guidelines» (QUAERE)

On September 27, 2018, the representatives of the Erasmus+ KA2 Project "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)" of KNUTE team have participated in the final meeting on the Erasmus+ Project ―Quality Assurance System in Ukraine: Development on the Base of ENQA Standards and Guidelines‖ (QUAERE), where the Ukrainian and foreign partners have demonstrated the outcomes of the pilot accreditation of education programmes of the 1st and 2nd higher education levels within the framework of QUAERE implementation. The gained knowledge and experience of the QUAERE participants is expected to use in the procedure of accreditation of the third-level education programmes in KNUTE. The experience in the QUAERE Project will be used to prepare the self-assessment reports according to the requirements of the leading European accreditation agencies, to cooperate with expert committees, external stakeholders, and to integrate the European experience in current national regulatory framework.


Cluster Seminar for Erasmus+ CBHE project teams: Best Practice and Challenges for Projects Implementation and Grant Management

 On 20 September, 2018, the participants of the Erasmus+ KA2 Project "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)" joined Cluster Seminar for Erasmus+ CBHE project teams: Best Practice and Challenges for Projects Implementation and Grant Management conducted by Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (ЕАСЕА), National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and EU Delegation to Ukraine. The main goal of the seminar is to accumulate and disseminate available outcomes of the projects, best practices for further dissemination and inter-project cooperation, and to avoid penalties (reduction of the grant amount). The representative of KNUTE got advices on project management from Belen ENCISO, a project manager of ЕАСЕА Brussels in Ukraine and Armenia, and other seminar participants. The results of experience exchange on docs preparation, funds management, and other important issues for successful final reporting.


Working meeting of the Ukrainian project team on discussion of the National Policy on organizing education at the third level of higher education

 On September 7, 2018, the Ukrainian participants of the project "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)"  took place. The number of participants includes:

- the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Director of the Department of Personnel Certification for Higher Qualification and Licensing A.Shevtsov, Deputy Director of the Department of Personnel Certification and Licensing and Head of the Certification of Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel Degrees S. Kryshtof  and Head of the Department Scientific Personnel Training O. Voronyuk);

- the representatives of the Kiev National University of Trade and Economics (First Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work N. Pritulskaya, professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Competition Policy of KNTEU and national coordinator of the C3QA Project A. Gerasimenko);

- the representatives of Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National Economic University (Professor of the Department of Information Systems of the KhNEU and project coordinator of the C3QA in KhNEU I. Zolotareva).

The purpose of the meeting was discussion of the National Policy on the organizing  education at the third level of higher education, which was developed in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. This document takes into account the Salzburg Principles for the organization of doctoral programs, the Recommendations for the implementation of the Salzburg Principles adopted in Berlin, and the Standards and Recommendations for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). It is expected that the National Policy will determine the further directions of the Project implementation in Ukraine and the prospects for training Doctors of Philosophy and the organization of the internal system for quality assurance of education of the third level.

The mentioned National Policy was discussed and positively supported by the C3QA Project participants from Ukraine and was recommended for inter-project discussion and examination by foreign participants of the C3QA Project.


Summarizing the interim results of the project "Promotion internationalization of research through the establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)"

On June 13, 2018, the workshop of the Erasmus + KA2 Project "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)" was held. The participants included Project Coordinator Araik Navoyan (Fund "French University in Armenia" "), as well as the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Erasmus Office in Ukraine, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, and Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National Economic University.

The main objectives of the meeting were to discuss the interim results of the Project implementation, the planning and organizing development of standards and procedures for internal and external quality assurance of Higher Education Cycle 3 programs. The meeting emphasized that future provisions and standards of quality assurance for Higher Education Cycle 3 programs will be developed on the basis of the Salzburg Principles and the experience of project partners from France, Spain and other countries.

The participants of the meeting emphasized the necessity of completing the procedures for forming and ensuring the proper functioning of the National Agency for the Quality Assurance of Higher Education in Ukraine, revision of existing standards and procedures of quality assurance Cycle 3 programs for higher education in Ukraine. During the discussion, the key role of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in this process was argued at current stage of development of the system of quality assurance in higher education in Ukraine.

The agreement on the completing the project documentation on the general principles for reforming the quality assurance system of the 3rd level of higher education in Ukraine by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine by the end of June 2018 has been reached. Based on this document, the working groups from KNTEU and KhNEU committed to prepare draft regulatory documents on the internal quality assurance Cycle 3 programs of higher education, as well as to improve the quality assurance systems in the relevant institutions of higher education during July-September 2018.

At the end of October 2018, it is planned to hold a Methodical Conference of the Project participants for testing the developed standards and quality assurance procedures for Cycle 3 programs of higher education.

 International seminar on construction of internal & external quality assurance tools for Cycle 3 Programs (Lyon, France)

The representatives of KNUTE have participated in International scientific and methodological seminar 

“Construction of internal & external quality assurance tools” on May 30-31, 2018 in Lyon (France). The meeting was conducted in the framework of the ERASMUS + project “Promoting internationalization of research through establishment and operationalization of Cycle 3 Quality Assurance System in line with the European Integration” (C3QA). 

The participants of the seminar have elaborated and adapted European standards and recommendations for Cycle 3 Quality Assurance System (at the national level and in individual universities) to current domestic practice. The results of adaptation were presented to the colleagues from France, Spain, Poland, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Mongolia. The advantages and risks of implementing these standards in Ukraine were discussed.  


Integrating the results of improvement of legal framework of the Cycle 3 Programs in Ukraine

The Ukrainian project team including the representatives of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has developed a comprehensive document that integrates current achievements of reforming legal framework of the Cycle 3 Programs in Ukraine and identifies the existing problems in this area and the ways to overcome them.​

Ukrainian Synthesis

Meeting of the working group of the project "Promoting internationalization of research through establishment and operationalization of Cycle 3 Quality Assurance System in line with the European Integration Agenda"

On February 23, 2018, a skype meeting of the working group of the project "Promoting internationalization of research through establishment and operationalization of Cycle 3 Quality Assurance System in line with the European Integration Agenda" under the program Erasmus + KA2 was held at the premises of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics with participation of the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv National Trade Economics University, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, as well as the project coordinator Araik Navoyan, the Vice-rector of the French University in Armenia.


During the meeting the problems of ensuring the quality of post-graduate students training in Ukraine and proposals for their overcoming were discussed. Agreements on systematization of relevant problems and proposals have been reached as a basis for improving the existing system of quality assurance of educational programs of Cycle 3 Quality Assurance System. 

Workshop to develop the regulatory frameworks for EQA within the Erasmus + C3QA project in Spain

On November, 16-17th , 2017, has been continued an international educational project  “Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)” under the program Erasmus + KA2 - Projects Cooperation (Capacity building of higher education) (http://c3-qa.com/) at the University of Alcala (Spain). 

Almost 500 years old history of the University of Alcala allowed him to take a worthy place among a number of famous universities such as Cambridge, Heidelberg, Perugia, etc. Among Alcala graduates there are many glorious names: in different years there studied founder of the Jesuit order Ignatius Loyola, the playwrights Tirso de Molina, Lope de Vega and Pedro Calderon, historian and educator Antonio de Nebrich, writer Francisco de Quevedo, poet-mystic Juan de la Cruz and many others. The reputation of this university is very high not only in Spain, but also in Europe as a whole. Therefore, it is not surprising that within the framework of this ERASMUS + project, a representative delegation headed by A. Mazaraki, the rector of KNUTE, A. Gerasymenko, national coordinator and M. Bondarchuk, project manager,  visited the University of Alcala for participating  in workshop.

Based on the results of the inter-project training, which took place on July 4-6th, 2017, at Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, C3QA project team from the University of Alcala prepared a set of training materials for forming / improving the regulatory environment for quality assurance of higher education that were presented at the workshop. In addition, international experts on the project's issues were also invited to participate in the workshop, namely

  • Josep Manuel Torres Sola, coordinator of the institutional and program evaluation of The Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU);
  • Luis Alberto Lazaro, Professor at the University of Alcala;
  • Laureano Gonzalez-Vega, Professor of the University of Cantabria;
  • Concepcion Herruzo Fonayet, Quality Assurance Project Manager of The Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU).

During the workshop, it was reviewed the national policies of partner countries and their quality assurance of Cycle 3 in accordance with the Salzburg Principles, was done in-depth analysis of the situations and specific needs of each partner. 

Within the framework of the working groups, was discussed the possibility of adapting the Salzburg principles to the domestic institutional environment and quality management practices in KNUTE. Within the framework of the workshop, was signed Memorandum of cooperation between Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics and the KAZGUU University (Republic of Kazakhstan) and “French University in Armenia” foundation (Republic of Armenia).

Within the framework of the working groups, was discussed the possibility of adapting the Salzburg principles to the domestic institutional environment and quality management practices in KNUTE. Within the framework of the workshop, was signed Memorandum of cooperation between Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics and the KAZGUU University (Republic of Kazakhstan) and “French University in Armenia” foundation (Republic of Armenia).



Presented intermediate results of C3QA project at International and national Erasmus+ week in Ukraine

On November 8, 2017, the seminar “Capacity Building for Higher Education Day: Workshop on how to implement your project (for winners teams)” took place, bringing together representatives of higher education institutions from different regions of Ukraine, including KNUTE.

The organizers of the event within the framework of International and national Erasmus+ week in Ukraine were National Erasmus+ Office — Ukraine in cooperation with EU Delegation to Ukraine, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EEAEA) and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Workshop for the Project Winners and Implementers teams on Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education (2015-2017 calls) was taken by the head of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, Ambassador Hug Mingarelli. He noted the important mission of the Erasmus + Program for the development of the European Higher Education Area on the basis of quality improvement and awarded the Erasmus + Partner's award to Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian national university as the first Ukrainian coordinator (grant holder) in the history of the EU's educational cooperation programs in Ukraine.

At the meeting, A. Gerasymenko, national coordinator from Ukraine, presented the intermediate results of the international educational project "Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda" (C3QA) under the program Erasmus + KA2 - Projects Cooperation (Capacity building of higher education) (http://c3-qa.com/), in which Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics directly participates.

Such events are very effective, in particular for changing information between participants in related projects, both from a substantive point of view on the practice of ensuring the quality of educational programs in other Ukrainian universities, and with the organizational one – about project management.


Representatives of National ERASMUS + office in Ukraine visited KNUTE

On July 7, 2017, monitoring visit of the National ERASMUS + office in Ukraine was held.at Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics within the framework of the Erasmus + “Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda” (C3QA) after Training on External and Internal.

After the greetings of the rector Mazaraki A.A. and the first vice-rector Pritulska N.V. main project coordinator Navoyan A. (Armenia) presented the content of the partnership, the management structure, expected and ongoing scientific and organizational developments within the project.

Intermediate, but already very significant, given only of half-year work, results of the project were shared by all 3 partners from Ukraine, namely: the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MONU); Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (KNUTE); Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (KhNEU).

According to the requirements of the European Union, in the course of this monitoring, concrete and meaningful meetings of the NEO representatives (Shitikova S. and Atamanchuk I.) took place not only with coordinators from each of the three Ukrainian consortium members, but also with teachers, postgraduate students, administrative staff and their other representatives, which, in one way or another, are involved in the implementation of this important project for higher education in Ukraine.

In the course of exchanging thoughts of the participants at this meeting, a broad discussion was held on the need and directions for improving the organizational, administrative and financial conditions for the implementation of such projects.

At the end of the event, the NEO representatives summarized the monitoring results, which they became familiar with all project implementers.

Completed training within the framework of the ERASMUS + project

On July 6th, 2017, the third, final day of training on external and internal quality assurance withing the framework of the project “Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)”  was held.

In the morning part 2 workshops "Challenges and Solutions" took place. After the coffee-break, the participants summarized the conclusions and expressed their thoughts about training as a whole. After that, a meeting took place to organize the next coordination meeting in Alcalá (Spain), the next steps and terms of the project, financial operational issues.

The training provided an effective exchange of experience in the field of ensuring quality of doctoral philosophy among the participants. According to its results and on the basis of their reports on the content and forms of preparation of PhD, it was decided to develop a package of educational materials and distribute it as between the members of the executive consortium and among all interested institutions in the seven participating countries of the project.



2nd day of training in the framework of the ERASMUS + project

On July 5th, 2017, the second day of training on external and internal quality assurance withing the framework of the project ERASMUS+ 574273-EPP-1-2016-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP  “Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)”  was held.

At the morning session, the participants of the training met with colleagues presentations covering the impact of the Spanish, Polish and French systems of doctoral science and quality assurance.

In the afternoon, first two workshops "Challenges and Solutions" (2 subgroups in parallel) took place. After each presentation and workshop there were active discussions. After all, combining in one project not only the direct executors of the difficult tasks of ensuring the European quality of the 3rd level of HE, but also competent representatives of government and regulatory structures, allows productively to exchange information and ideas and together concentrate on finding optimal solutions in the field of QA of the 3rd level of education.


Start of the Training within the framework of the ERASMUS + project 

On July 4th, 2017, the training on external and internal quality assurance withing the framework of the project ERASMUS+ 574273-EPP-1-2016-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP «Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)» was started and which took place from 4 to 6 July in KNUTE.

 An important feature of this project, which brings together representatives from 7 countries, is participation in it, except for 13 universities, ministries of education and government agencies that are accredited with accreditation from Armenia, Spain, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Poland, France and of Ukraine.

At the opening of this event, the first vice-rector of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics N. Pritulska, head of the national Erasmus + office in Ukraine S. Shitikova, Director of the European and International Department of the Supreme Council for Assessment of Studies and Higher Education (France) F. Perno congratulated the participants. At the opening, diplomats from the embassies of France and Kazakhstan also attended.

In the 1st part of the meeting there were presentations of representatives of Mongolia and Ukraine. In the 2nd part – presentations of representatives of Armenia and Kazakhstan. Subsequently, the representatives of the Supreme Council for Assessment of Studies and Higher Education (France) presented the reports: "Quality assurance, terminology and methodology", "The Bologna process as the starting point for Doctoral studies and QA in Europe", as well as representatives of other French institutions presented a presentation of the French quality assurance system. In the course of these reports and after their completion, lively discussions took place, in particular with the representatives of the national accreditation and licensing agencies of all countries participating in the training.





The participants of the international educational project ERASMUS + made a research about conditions of qualitative training of PhD students 

On April, 2017 the participants of the international educational project ERASMUS+ “Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda” (C3QA) 574273-EPP-1-2016-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP made a research about conditions of qualitative training of PhD students.


Within the research, project team of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics consisting of Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Melnichenko S.V., project coordinator Gerasymenko A.G., project managers Bondarchuk M.Y. and Miklashevska J.B.,  made the content analysis of national regulatory framework for training PhD students; estimated the system of European principles of quality assurance; 

interviewed graduates and potential customers of research among public authorities and business organizations; analyzed statistical data regarding changes in the scope and structure of the provision of research training of KNUTE. It was found that for the vast majority of system parameters of PhD training KNUTE meets the requirements and best European practices outlining further vector of its development.

The High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres) in France, that carried out the general management of the relevant research of partner institutions within the project, praised the report submitted by Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics.

Kick-off meeting of participants international scientific project ERASMUS + C3QA

On February 3rd, 2017, French University in Armenia (Yerevan) hosted the Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ Project “Promoting internationalization of research through establishment and operationalization of Cycle 3 Quality Assurance System in line with the European Integration” (C3QA) 574273-EPP-1-2016 -1-AM-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP. Ukraine is represented as a part of the project by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics and Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics.

The Project consortium includes 20 partners’ institutions from Armenia, Belgium, France, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Poland and Ukraine. Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics was represented by Vice-Rector for Scientific-Pedagogical Work and International Relations Valery Sai and Professor of Department of Economics and Competition Policy – Anzhelika Gerasymenko, Doctor Hab.

The participants welcomed hosted Levon Mkrtchyan, RA Minister of Education and Science, Jean-François Charpentier, French Ambassador to Armenia, Lana Karlova, Program Coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia and other guests.

During the meeting was presented presentations of all consortium members,  discussed implementation plan of the project, discussed questions of the project and financial management, defined roles and responsibilities of responsible persons for working packages defined by the project coordinators from each participant and national coordinators.

The functions of national coordination project in Ukraine entrusted to Professor of Department of Economics and Competition Policy – Anzhelika Gerasymenko, Doctor Hab.

Веб-сайт проекту за посиланням

Start of international scienific project “Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)”

On  October, 15th, 2016 has been started an international educational project “Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA)” under the program Erasmus + KA2 - Projects Cooperation (Capacity building of higher education) in which directly Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics participates.

Subcontractors of the project in Ukraine are  Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics and Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. Also, at the project involved ministries, agencies of ensuring quality of education and universities of France, Spain, Poland, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia.

The main objective of the project is to contribute to the establishment of a knowledge-based society in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Ukraine through the launch and operationalization of a robust quality assurance system for internationalization of Cycle 3 programs. The realization of this objective is planned through the following activities:

  • to develop national policy frameworks for QA of Cycle 3 programs in line with the European Integration Agenda;
  • to build on the capacity of the systems to efficiently operationalize the internal and external quality assurance systems of Cycle 3 programs;
  • to establish an external and internal quality assurance systems to promote quality of Cycle 3 programs;
  • to promote internationalization of the Cycle 3 programs with joint efforts of the key stakeholders and cross-regional cooperation.

остання редакція 01.06.2023