Department news
of International, Civil and Commercial Law
On November 27th 2024, a significant event took place on the
same day that the European Parliament historically approved the new
composition of the European Commission: a lecture by leading
experts Mr.
Yannis Karamitsios , legal officer of the
European Commission, author of the book "Time for a European
Federation", and
Diana Sokotun, a Political Scientist from
Ukraine. The topic of the lecture was "The new European Parliament
and the new European Commission: what changes can Ukraine expect in
the coming years?"
Mr. Yannis Karamitsios conducted a detailed analysis of the
newly formed European institutions, focusing on their impact on the
future of the EU. The expert paid significant attention to the new
composition of the European Parliament, analyzing the strengthening
of the influence of certain political forces and the potential
consequences for European integration. In addition, he examined in
the competences and priorities of the new European Commission.
Diana Sokotun complemented the speech by emphasizing the impact of
these changes on Ukraine.
The lecture sparked a lively discussion among attendees, who had
a unique opportunity to ask questions to the experts and discuss
the most pressing issues of European politics.
This event became an important platform for everyone interested
in European integration and seeking a deeper understanding of the
processes taking place in the European Union.
We sincerely thank our experts for their valuable knowledge and
interesting discussion. This lecture has been a source of
inspiration and new ideas for us. We look forward to future
For those who were unable to attend the event, we have prepared
a video
recording of the lecture: (Passcode: 75969027)
The event was held within the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair
in EU Internal Market Law (101127611 -
остання редакція 01.12.2024
of International, Civil and Commercial Law
The lecturer of the
Department conducted a series of trainings on the basis of the
Varna Free University named after “Chernorizets
On June 23-30, 2024, Associate Professor of the
Department of International, Civil and Commercial Law of SUTE
Tamara Kortukova was one of the speakers in the
International Internship "Digital Technologies and
Sustainable Development", which took place on the basis of
the Varna Free University named after Chornorytsia Grabar
(Bulgaria) with the support of E-Science Space.
Tamara Kortukova conducted a series of trainings for a
multicultural and multidisciplinary audience, during which topical
issues related to the legal regulation of digital technologies in
the European Union were considered.
The topics of the trainings covered
a wide range of issues, in particular:
- The European Union's approach to digital transformation:
analysis of the EU's strategy for the transition to a digital
economy and society, key priorities and development directions.
- The Single Digital Market of the European Union: study of the
main principles and provisions governing the functioning of the
single digital space of the EU, including the free movement of
goods, services, capital and data.
- Personal data protection in the European Union: a detailed
analysis of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its
impact on personal data processing practices in the EU and
- The Brussels effect of artificial intelligence regulation in
the European Union: a study of the impact of European norms and
standards of artificial intelligence regulation at the global
- Strengthening cyber security at the EU level: legal dimension:
analysis of EU legal acts aimed at countering cyber threats and
protecting cyber infrastructure.
- Ensuring the fair functioning of online platforms in the
- EU Chip Law: analysis of new EU legislation aimed at
stimulating semiconductor production and research and ensuring
Europe's technological independence.
On June 28, 2024, Tamara Kortukova also gave a speech on the
topic "Legal regulation of artificial intelligence in the EU:
challenges and prospects" within the Scientific Conference "Law:
Theory and Practice" at the Varna Free University named after
“Chernorizets Hrabar”.
Participation as a speaker in the
International Internship "Digital Technologies and Sustainable
Development" became a valuable opportunity to share the knowledge
and experience with an international audience, as well as to
acquaint the participants with current trends in the legal
regulation of digital technologies in the EU.

остання редакція 27.06.2024
of International, Civil and Commercial Law
Open lecture “The idea of European
federalism and the future of Ukraine within it” by Mr. Yannis
On February 28,
2024, within the framework of Jean Monnet Сhair in EU
Single Market Law a guest lecture on the topic «The idea of
European federalism and the future of Ukraine in it» was
organized. The lecturer was Mr. Yannis
Karamitsios, a legal officer for the European Commission,
an active member of the European federalist movement and a founding
member of Alliance4Europe, an organization that promotes European
values and unity.
The lecturer offered the audience
an interesting and dynamic working format. At the beginning of the
lecture, Mr. Yannis drew attention to the fact that considering the
European integration process as a continuous movement towards an
ever closer union of European states and peoples, it is impossible
not to note that its fundamental philosophy is the idea of
federalism. The development of the European federalist movement
could be traced back to ancient times, but it became most
widespread after the Second World War - during the period of rapid
development of Western European integration processes. The lecturer
focused the attention of the audience on the fact that the modern
EU actually has most of the features that define federal systems as
such. Among them, in particular, the following can be named:
two-level management system in the EU; supremacy of EU law over
national legislation of EU member states; common EU citizenship;
Eurozone; Schengen area, etc. In addition, Mr. Yannis provided
arguments that in the conditions of modern geopolitical challenges,
the formation of the European Federation should be the main
During the discussion, Yannis
Karamitsios presented his book «Time for a European
Federation», which proposes the creation of a federated
European state, that replace the EU, its member states and other
European countries that would like to join. This is the only way
for Europe to successfully overcome the challenges and remain at
the center of world affairs in a century of globalization, climate
change and the fourth industrial revolution.
The discussion that arose between
the lecturer and the present teachers and students proved the
considerable interest of the participants. Therefore, at the end of
the lecture, the listeners had the opportunity to hear meaningful
answers to questions about Ukraine’s path to EU membership and the
challenges that may arise along the way; reforms to be implemented
by the EU before future enlargement; the level of support of the EU
member states of the concept of European federalism; practical
legal steps to be taken by the EU to create a European Federation,
The event was attended by students, PhD students and scientific
and pedagogical staff of SUTE and other universities of
We sincerely thank Mr. Yannis
Karamitsios for dedicating the time to meet with our teachers and
students, as well as for a brilliantly conducted lecture, a relaxed
atmosphere of communication and a great opportunity to expand the
horizons of knowledge in the field of European federalism and the
future of Ukraine in it.

остання редакція 08.03.2024
of International, Civil and Commercial Law
Lviv International Law Summer
13 August 2023 - 19 August 2023, Lviv,
PhD student of the Department of International, Civil and
Commercial Law Anna Shkrebtienko participated in
the Lviv Summer School of International Law (August 13, 2023 -
August 19, 2023), Lviv, Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Catholic University together with the OSCE Support
Program for Ukraine in cooperation with the Supreme Court and the
National School of Judges held a Summer School on International Law
for students, PhD students of Ukrainian universities and
The lectures and practical assignments will be delivered by
prominent Ukrainian and international legal experts in
international law will deliver lectures and presentations as part
of the Summer School, among them experts European Court of Human
Rights, international organizations, prominent local and
international scholars, and legal practitioners.
During the working days, the participants worked in the
following directions: general aspects of international justice and
mechanisms of international dispute settlement, state
responsibility and court processes in the field of human rights;
the role of the United Nations in the world in terms of issues of
peace and war, the consequences of the change in the geopolitical
balance for the location and functioning of the UN, and in
particular the UN Security Council; expediency and limits of
applying sanctions to the offender; the effectiveness of the use of
the Commission of Inquiry and the role of national parliaments in
condemning international crimes; features of international
humanitarian law and mechanisms for the protection of war victims;
issues of prohibition, prevention and punishment for the crime of
genocide; an overview of the interstate complaint procedure under
the European Convention on Human Rights, with a special emphasis on
cases related to armed conflicts; characteristic features of the
Special Tribunal for the Investigation of the Crime of Aggression
against Ukraine and the International Criminal Court; facts of
investigation, prosecution and documentation of international
crimes; certain aspects of individual criminal responsibility of
propagandists; conflict-related sexual violence in Ukraine: its
dynamics since 2014 and support for victims; compensation to
victims of international crimes committed during the aggression of
the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
The purpose of participating in the Lviv International Law
Summer School is to gain knowledge and tools for the effective
protection of human rights and the application of international law
in future professional activities.

остання редакція 20.08.2023
of International, Civil and Commercial Law
lecture at
the European Court of Human Rights
Within the framework of the
course on international human rights law, Dr. Bohdana
Ostrovska gave a guest lecture
about the protection of victims of the Russian armed
aggression against Ukraine at the European Court of Human
Rights. She told about the implications of the end of the
membership of the Russian Federation in the Council of Europe and
discussed what this means for the victims of the aggression in
Ukraine. The guest lecture allows participants to gain a better
understanding of the interactions between the field of
international human rights law and international humanitarian law
(or the law of armed conflicts) as well as general public
international law.
Dr. Bohdana Ostrovska is
currently an external
scientific collaborator of the Faculty of Law at the University
of Fribourg, an expert of the UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Peace,
Democracy, Tolerance and International Understanding” at the
National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, and the Chief
Scientific Collaborator of the Department of Public Legal Studies
of the Research Institute of Law-Making and Scientific-Legal
Expertise at the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine. Dr.
Ostrovska is a professor at the Department of International, Civil
and Commercial Law of the State University of Trade and Economics,
Kyiv , and professor at the Department of Public and
International Law of the Institute of Law at the Kyiv Vadym Hetman
National University of Economics. Dr. Ostrovska obtained her Doctor
of Legal Sciences degree in 2021 at the Institute of State and Law
V.M. Koretsky of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Her
thesis was on the international legal regulation of the human right
to life in the context of bioethics.
In April 2021, she completed
the course «Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights
and the European Court of Human Rights» of The European Programme
for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP)
co-organized by the Council of Europe and the European Union. She
has provided legal assistance to Ukrainians affected by the Russian
aggression (preparation and support of cases before the ECtHR),
since June 2022.

остання редакція 16.03.2023
of International, Civil and Commercial Law
On November
07, 2022, Anna
Gurova, a researcher at the International Center for Space
Law, PhD, a member of the International Institute of Space Law and
the Lunar Settlement Association, delivered a lecture on the
peculiarities of legal regulation of the use of outer space for
students majoring in International Law.
At first, she spoke about
international organizations and international treaties governing
the use of outer space, focusing in detail on the mandate of the UN
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, the activities of
its Scientific and Technical Subcommittee and the Legal
Subcommittee, the UN Office for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space,
the Space Applications Division of the International Committee on
Global Navigation Satellite Systems.
The second part of the lecture was devoted to the practical
aspects of the use of outer space and the challenges faced by the
international community. It was interesting to hear about modern
space wars, space debris mitigation, registration of space objects
and responsibility for space activities.
The students were fascinated by the information they heard, when
it was so simple and easy to talk about the complex.
We sincerely thank dear Anna
Mikhailivna for the time and opportunity to share her knowledge
with our students.
остання редакція 15.11.2022
of International, Civil and Commercial Law
«Polish-Ukrainian Summer Camp for Young
(10-19, September 2022, Warsaw,
A PhD student of the Department of International, Civil and
Commercial Law took part in the Polish-Ukrainian School
«Polish-Ukrainian Summer Camp for Young Scientists» (September
10-19, 2022, Warsaw, Poland).
The implementation of the project became possible thanks to the
joint organization of the Council of Young Scientists under the
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, KRD Polish
Association of Doctoral Candidates, PAN Polish Academy of Sciences,
SGGW Warsaw University of Life Sciences, SGH Warsaw School of
Economics, NAWA Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.
33 young Ukrainian scientists were chosen to participate in the
school, who had the opportunity to work with Polish colleagues for
a week.
During the working days, the participants worked in the
following areas: listened to a course of lectures by Polish
scientists, in particular discussed topical issues of networking,
systematic literature review, integrity of scientific research,
gender equality in the academic field, public activities and
leadership in scientific activities, business ideas scientists and
their effective implementation, professional burnout of scientists,
methods and preventive measures that prevent professional emotional
The scientists visited the Office of the Prime Minister of
Poland – a meeting of the Council for Dialogue with Youth, which
took place in the format of a dialogue with young scientists. They
discussed the state and prospects of the development of Ukrainian
science, the features of further cooperation in the scientific and
research sphere.
The goal of the implementation of joint projects is the
inclusion of Ukrainian science in the European research space, in
addition, thanks to the cooperation established in this way, young
scientists will be able to successfully complete their research,
receive their degrees, as well as maintain and develop the
cooperation that they started with the team from Poland, in their
further scientific activity.

остання редакція 20.09.2022
of International, Civil and Commercial Law
International Summer School for Young Researchers “ Citizenship
under Fire: Practices of Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe
in the Times of Conflict” University of Rzeszow, Poland, 3-9 July
This year, the participants of the
summer school were scientists from the universities of the USA,
Brazil, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Poland, Romania, Slovakia,
Pakistan and Ukraine.
The participants discussed important and topical issues of
national identity, EU citizenship, migration policy features, and
gained invaluable experience that could be useful for Ukraine in
the face of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian
During the working days, the
participants worked in the following directions: listened to a
course of lectures by foreign scientists, participated in
discussions, workshops, had a meeting with non-governmental
organizations, attended a press conference with the mayor of
Rzeszów, young scientists demonstrated presentations of their
dissertation works.
The results of the summer school showed that in all corners of
the world Ukrainians receive support and wishes for victory.
Thank you
Nauk o Polityce UR for inviting us to be a part of the

остання редакція 12.07.2022
of International, Civil and Commercial Law
Our lecturers always invest all their skills and
inspiration so that students get maximum knowledge and skills. And
it inspires both students and lecturers.
Yes, PhD, associate
professor Mozhaikina Olena shared the results of her studies
with modern, creative, intelligent and very creative young
We thank each student for inspiring
the teachers, pleasing them with their successes, and encouraging
them with their perseverance!
We share some photos of the
educational process and creative works of students.

остання редакція 05.07.2022
of International, Civil and Commercial Law
international legal readings in memory of Professor Oleksandr
On June 27,
2022, associate professors of the Department of
International, Civil and Commercial Law
of SUTE, Ph.D. Nataliia Melnychenko
and Ph.D. Lilia Nevara took part online in the
Sixth international legal readings in memory of Professor Oleksandr
Zadorozhnii, held with the assistance of the Ukrainian Association
of International Law.
Prof. Zadorozhnyi was
born on June 26, and for the sixth year in a row, his colleagues,
friends and students are gathering to remember Oleksandr
Viktorovych, his works and to discuss his contribution to the
science of international law of Ukraine. International legal
readings were started by Oleksandr Viktorovych as a platform for
discussion of current issues by international lawyers, the role of
international law in relations between states.
This year, representatives
from the universities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa and Lviv took part in
the readings. A significant part of the professor's monographs and
publications in the last years of his life were devoted to issues
of bilateral relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation,
the annexation of Crimea and armed aggression against
Ph.D. Nataliia Melnychenko in her
report focused on the relevance of the violations by the Russian
Federation of all the main principles of international
law, identified by prof. Zadoroznii, which took
place back in 2014 and, unfortunately, have not received an
appropriate reaction from the international community until now.
She emphasized that this contributed to the further escalation of
the conflict.
Ph.D. Liliia Nevara analyzed in detail
the impact of the European integration of Ukraine on the
recognition of higher education diplomas and qualifications. In
connection with the aggression of the Russian Federation and
Ukraine's acquisition of the status of a candidate for EU
membership, this issue is becoming increasingly urgent, which
requires deeper integration into the European space of higher
education, recognition of qualifications for the expansion of the
single European labor market.
All conference
participants mentioned Oleksandr Viktorovych personality and his
predictions regarding the further development of bilateral
relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. His works are
practically oriented and should be used by our international
lawyers in protecting the interests of Ukraine in international
judicial institutions, planning the state's foreign

остання редакція 05.07.2022