Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law
Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law
Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law


Teaching staff

of Administrative, Financial and Information Law


Doctor of Law

Head of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law
Faculty of International Trade and Law, KNUTE, Kyiv, Ukraine
Profile of the scientist in international bases:  Web of ScienceResearcherIDGoogle ScholarORCID  

RESEARCH EXPERTISE: covers problems of Theory of Law; Human Rights; Public Administration; Public Law; Informational Law.

COURSES: “Administrative Law and Process”.


  • Doctor of Sciences (hab.) in Law, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, 2011
  • PhD in Law, National Academy of Internal Affairs, 2005
  • Specialist Degree, National Academy of Internal Affairs, 2001; Specialty "Lawyer"


  • Professor, 2015
  • Senior Researcher, 2008


  • Head of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, since 2016;
  • Head of the Department of Commercial Law, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2013-2016;
  • Professor of the Department of Commercial Law, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2011-2013;
  • Chief Researcher of the Interagency Scientific and Research Centre on problems of combating organized crime under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, 2008-2011;
  • Head of the Department of Monitoring Scientific Support of Police Activities,  State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, 2006-2008;
  • Senior Researcher of the Department of Monitoring Scientific Support of Police Activities, Kyiv National University of Internal Affairs, 2003-2006.


  • The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Gratitude for Contributing to the fight against crime, 2011
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Award for the Development of Science, Technology and Education, 2008
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Award for a conscientious service, 2007

PUBLICATIONS: 150 scientific and educational works, including 7 monographs and 80 articles (list of publications)

Publications in periodicals included in the Scopus or Web of Science science-based databases are not translated from other languages:

  1. Gurzhii T., Gurzhii A., Seliukov  V. Public administration of personal data protection in modern Ukraine Politické vedy. 2018. № 2. p. 138-158 (Web of Science) http://www.politickevedy.fpvmv.umb.sk/en/archive/2018/2-2018/taras-gurzhii-anna-gurzhii-vadym-seliukov.html
  2. Gurzhii T., Deshko L., Ivasyn O., Novikova N., Radyshevska O. Patenting of Medicines in Ukraine Through the Prism of the Association Agreement with the EU and the TRIPS Agreement: Improvement in Medical and Administrative Regulations. Georgian Medical News. 2019. №3(288). p. 154-158 (Scopus). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31101796


  • Deputy Head of the Kyiv Regional Branch of the Association of Specialists in Administrative Law
  • Member of Editorial Board of “Foreign Trade: Economics, Finance, Law” ISSN: 2616-6119 (Online), 2616-6100 (Print)
  • Member of Editorial Board of “Journal of Eastern European Law” ISSN2409-6415
  • Member of Editorial Board of “Herald of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Political Science, Sociology, Law” ISSN 2308-5053
  • Head of State Budget Scientific Research "Actual Problems of Development of Public Law" (0116u000418), 2019.

HOBBY: travel, faleristics.

Candidate of legal sciences;
Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative,
Financial and Information Law 

Profile of the scientist in international bases: ResearcherIDGoogleScholarORCID

RESEARCH EXPERTISE: actual problems of labor law, social security law, social insurance.

COURSES: ”Labor law", “Social security law”, “Social insurance”


  • In 2004 graduated from the Interregional Academy of Human Resources Management.
  • in 2011 took Ph.D.  on the topic: "Legal relations of compulsory state social insurance", specialty 12.00.05 (labor law, social security law).


  • Associate Professor


  1. Andriiv VV Regarding legislative guarantees of employment of certain categories of persons who are not able to compete on equal terms in the labor market / V.V. Andriiv // Scientific Bulletin of the Kherson State University. Collection of scientific works. Series "Legal Sciences". Issue 3-2. Volume 2. 2015. - P. 46-48.
  2. Andriiv VV Burial assistance as a form of social support / VV Andriiv // Scientific Bulletin of Uzhgorod National University. Series "RIGHT". Issue 35. Part II. Volume 2, 2015. - P. 20-23.
  3. Andriiv VV Concepts and types of provision in the social insurance system / VV Andriiv // Comparative and analytical law - electronic scientific professional edition of the law faculty of the State University "Uzhgorod National University". - No. 5, 2017. - P. 158-161.
  4. Andriiv VV, Sysetskaya VI The Prohibition of Discrimination in the Workplace / Problems of the Protection of Human and Citizens' Rights and Freedoms: Materials of the All-Ukrainian Science. - practice conf. Young scientists and students (Chernihiv, May 16 - 17, 2018). - Chernihiv: Cherng. nats technol. UNF, 2018. pp. 55 - 58.
  5. Andriiv VV State social standards and norms in social security / Global imperatives of business and law development [Electronic resource]: Abstracts International sciences - practice conf. (Kyiv, November 15-16, 2018) / rec. edit AA Mazaraki. - Kyiv: Kyiv. nats Trade.Ekonom. un-t, 2018. pp. 178 - 182.

HOBBY:  travelling, books, sport activities, live music.

Doctor of Law,
Professor of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law
Profile of the scientist in international bases: OrcidResearcherid; Google Scholar


RESEARCH EXPERTISE: covers problems of legal regulation of administrative, labor relations, relations in the field of intellectual property

COURSES: «Labor Law», «Administrative Law and Process», «Resolution of Labor Disputes», «Intellectual Property»


  • Doctor of science of Law, Specialty 12.00.07 – administrative law and process; financial law; information law; PrJSC «Higher Education Institution «Interregional Academy of Personnel Management», Kyiv, 2018.
  • PhD in Law, Specialty 12.00.07 – administrative law and process; financial law; information law; Kyiv National Economics University named after Vadym Hetman, 2009.
  • MS «law», Kyiv University of tourism, Economics and law, 2005.
  • MS «Public Administration», Ukrainian Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Kyiv, 1997.


Associate Professor, 2012


  • Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, since 2016.
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Commercial Law, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, since 2014.
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Commercial Law, National Academy of Management, Kyiv, since 2010.
  • Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process, Faculty of Law, National Aviation University, Kyiv, since 2001.
  • Before 2001 worked in various positions, including the public service.


  • National Academy of Management, Gratitude for the fruitful work, 2012.
  • National Aviation University, Gratitude for the active participation in the organization and conduct of university-wide events, 2009.
  • National Aviation University, Gratitude for the good work, 2008.
  • Main Department of Civil Service of Ukraine, gratitude for the personal contribution to the formation and development of the control and inspection structural unit of the Main Department of Civil Service of Ukraine, 1999.

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS:  scientific and educational works (list of publications)


  • Methodical Commission of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, 2017-2018.
  • responsible person for the scientific work of the department, since 2014.
  • Member of the commission of the All-Ukrainian contest of students’ scientific works on intellectual property, 2017.
  • Examination of draft laws and current legislative acts and submit proposals aimed at improving them, in particular:
  • examination of the Law of Ukraine «On Occupational Safety», 2017-2018.
  • examination of the draft Air Code of Ukraine, 2007-2008.
  • examination of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, 2007-2018.
  • Reviewing: dissertations, abstracts of dissertations, monographs, textbooks, programs, etc., since 2002.

HOBBY: floriculture, gardening, design.

Doctor of Law
Docent of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law
Faculty of International Trade and Law, KNUTE, Kyiv, Ukraine


RESEARCH EXPERTISE: covers problems of Intelectual Property, Copyright; Public Administration; Public Law; Family Law.

COURSES: "Intelectual Property".


  • Master Degree, Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2018; Program Subject Area "Philology"
  • PhD in Law, The State Research Institute of Internal Affairs, 2014
  • Specialist Degree, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, 2012; Program Subject Area "Lawyer"
  • Specialist Degree, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, 2004; Program Subject Area "Engineer chemist technologist"


  • Docent, 2019


  • Docent of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, since 2016;
  • Senior Lecturer of the Department of Commercial Law, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2014-2016;
  • Lecturer of the Department of Jurisprudence, Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2013-2014.


  • Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Award for a conscientious service, 2017

PUBLICATIONS: 50 scientific and educational works, including 2 monographs and 43 articles (list of publications)

Publications in periodicals included in the Scopus or Web of Science science-based databases are not translated from other languages:

  1. Gurzhii A., Gurzhii T., Seliukov V. Public administration of personal data protection in modern Ukraine Politické vedy. 2018. № 2. p. 138-158 (Web of Science) http://www.politickevedy.fpvmv.umb.sk/en/archive/2018/2-2018/taras-gurzhii-anna-gurzhii-vadym-seliukov.html
  2. Gurzhii A., Deshko L., Novikova N. Leading approaches to modernization of state financial control: a case of Ukraine. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social, Economic and Academic Leadership (ICSEAL 2018). Prague: Atlantis Press. p. 149-156. (Web of Science) https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/icseal-18/25904306


  • Deputy Head of the Kyiv Regional Branch of the Association of Specialists in Administrative Law
  • Member of Editorial Board of “Foreign Trade: Economics, Finance, Law” ISSN: 2616-6119 (Online), 2616-6100 (Print)
  • Member of Editorial Board of “Journal of Eastern European Law” ISSN2409-6415
  • Member of Editorial Board of “Herald of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Political Science, Sociology, Law” ISSN 2308-5053
  • Head of State Budget Scientific Research "Actual Problems of Development of Public Law" (0116u000418), 2019.

HOBBY: travel, faleristics.

Doctor of Sciences in Law
Profile of the scientist in international bases: Web of ScienceResearcherIDGoogleScholarORCID


RESEARCH EXPERTISE: administrative law and process, information law, municipal law.

COURSES: “IT-law”, “Information law”, “Municipal law”, “Legal regulation of financial services and markets”, “Legal regulation of tourist services”.


  • Doctor of Sciences (hub.) in Law, PrJSC “Higher Education Institution «Interregional Academy of Persjonal Managment», 2018
  • PhD in Law, PrJSC “Higher Education Institution «Interregional Academy of Persjonal Managment», 2012
  • BS, National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, 2004.


  • Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative law, Financial law and Information Law, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2017
  • Senior Lecturer of the Department of Administrative law, Financial law and Information Law, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2015-2016.

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: 75 scientific and educational works (list of publications)

Publications in periodicals included in the Scopus or Web of Science science-based databases are not translated from other languages:

  1. Yuliya Pustovit, Viktor Timashov, Alina Berher Principles of state financial control of Ukraine in the conditions of europian integration / Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. – 2018. Vol. 4 No 1. – P. 293 – 303. (Web of Science).

HOBBY: travel, games of skill, contemporary art.

Candidate of Judicial Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Law in Kyiv University of Market Relations,

Senior Lecturer in Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics 
Profile of the scientist in international bases:  Web Of Science, ResearcherID, GoogleScholarORCID

RESEARCH EXPERTISE: covers issues of administrative law and administrative procedure, legal regulation of financial control.

COURSES: “Administrative Law and Procedure”, “Administrative Legal Proceedings”, “Financial Law”, “Legal Regulation of Financial Control”, and “Taxation Law”


  • Candidate of Judicial Sciences, National University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine,  2015
  • LL.M, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, 2004
  • Specialist, National Pedagogic University named after M. P. Dragomanov, 2002


  • Associate Professor, Kyiv University of Market Relations, 2015


  • Senior Lecturer of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics 2017
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Law, Kyiv University of Market Relations, 2016
  • Post-graduate Student, National University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine,  2011-2015
  • Junior Research Fellow, Scientific and Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship named after Academician F. G. Burchak, 2013

PUBLICATIONS: 30 scientific and educational works (list of publications)

Publications in periodicals included in the Scopus or Web of Science science-based databases are not translated from other languages:

  1. Yuliya Pustovit, Viktor Timashov, Alina Berher Principles of state financial control of Ukraine in the conditions of europian integration / Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. – 2018. Vol. 4 No 1. – P. 293 – 303. (Web of Science).
  2. Olena Dragan, Alina Berher, Yuliya Pustovit Estimation of marketing price policy efficiency of the enterprise Management // Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development eISSN 2345-0355. 2018. Vol. 40. No. 2: 175–186. Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.15544/mts.2018.17 (ESCI by Web of Science).

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES:                                                          

  • The 2nd scientific and practical internet seminar for the Day of Science, Irpin, 2017, State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, University of the State fiscal service of Ukraine, Research Institute of fiscal policy;
  • Voronovsky chytannia (Value of material and procedural in the regulation of financial relations): International scientific and practical conference, Chernivtsi, 2017;
  • Service Economy in the Context of Global Competition: Legal and Institutional Dimensions: International scientific and practical conference, Kyiv, 2017;
  • The twenty-fourth economic-legal discussions: International scientific and practical conference, Lviv, 2018;
  • Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowo-praktyczna «Nowoczesne orzecznictwo Unii Europejskiej: interakcja prawa, stanowienie prawa i praktyka» Lublin, 2018
  • The Twenty-Seventh Economic and Legal Discussion: International scientific and practical conference, Lviv, 2018.

HOBBY: travelling, reading, fine art.

Ph.D. in Law
Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Informational Law
Profile of the scientist in international bases: OrcidResearcheridGoogle Scholar

RESEARCH EXPERTISE:  actual problems of financial and tax legislation

COURSES: Financial Law, Tax Law, financial and legal subjects


PhD in Law, Institute of state and law named after V.M. Koretskiy, 2006
Specialist (Lawyer), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 1997


Associate Professor, 2011


Guarantor of the educational program "Financial Law" from 2008 till now
Secretary of the Scientific Council of the FITL, 2016 to present
Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law of Kyiv National Trade and Economic University, 2016 to present
Legal support of the organization and holding of the 1st and 2nd All-Ukrainian Congress of State-owned Higher Educational Institutions, 2015, 2016
Associate Professor of the Commercial Law Department of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2008-2016
Legal Counsel of the Joint-Stock Company "VIPOL", 1998-2000, 2009-2011
Associate Professor of the Department of Economic and Criminal Law of the Faculty of Law of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 2006-2008
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic and Criminal Law of the Faculty of Law of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 2001-2006
Teacher of the Department of Economic and Criminal Law of the Faculty of Law of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", 1997-2001
Legal Counsel of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine, 1996-1997


Kyiv National Trade and Economics University for proficiency and fruitful work, 2019
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, for proficient work, high professionalism 2016
Gratitude from the Kiev mayor for long-term conscientious work, high professionalism October 2016
Kiev National Trade and Economic University - for a significant contribution to the training specialists, 2011, 2014, 2016

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: 110 scientific and educational works, including 1 monograph and 20 scientific articles (list of publications)

HOBBY: travel, reading, art.

Senior lecturer of the department of Administrative, Financial and Information law
Profile of the scientist in international bases:
 Web of ScienceResearcherIDGoogleScholarORCID  

RESEARCH EXPERTISE: covers problems of banking, insurance, financial and budget law.

COURSES: “Banking law”, “Insurance law”, “Financial law”, “Budget law”


  • MS, National Academy Of Internal Affairs, 2005
  • BS, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 1999


  • Senior lecturer, 2001


  • Senior lecturer of the department of Administrative, Financial and Information law


  1. Nikolayeva L.V., Mazaraki N.A., Sevastyanenko O.V., Orlenko V.V., Zelenitsy I.M. Workshop. Entrepreneurial law K .: Center for the preparation of educational and methodical publications of KNUTE. - 2014. 167p.
  2. Collection of test tasks in the discipline "Insurance Law": educational and methodical publication. K .: Center for the preparation of educational and methodical publications of KNUTE. - 2014. 49 p.
  3. Collection of situational tasks in the discipline "Insurance Law": educational and methodical publication. K .: Center for the preparation of educational and methodical publications of KNUTE. - 2014. 45 p.
  4. Insurance law: Reference summary of lectures K.: Center for the preparation of educational and methodical publications of KNUTE. - 2015. 95 p.
  5.  Modern Features of the State Information Policy in Ukraine »International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists: The Strategy of Sustainable Development" Ukraine-2020 "KNTEU (17.05.2016)
  6.  "Legal regulation of banking secrecy". International scientific and practical conference "Service economy in the conditions of global competition: legal and institutional dimension" Kyiv, KNTEU November 2017.
  7. 3. "Protection of property interests in insurance". ХVІІІ All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Ukraine XXI Century: Trends and Prospects of Development Kyiv December 2017 European University
  8. 4. Timashov VA, Sevastyanenko O.V. Legal regulation of banking secrecy. Entrepreneurship, economy and law. Scientific and practical economic and legal journal. Kiev. No. 11. 2018 pp. 130-134. URL: http://pgpjournal.kiev.ua/archive/2018/11/26.pdf
  9. 5. Sevastyanenko O.V. Legal regulation of foreign investments in the Ukrainian economy. Global Business and Law Implications: Abstracts of International Papers. sci. pract. conf. (Kyiv, November 15-16, 2018). Kyiv, 2018. p. 215-218.


  • leadership of the student who took the prize in All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference 2017.
  • membership in the Ukrainian Union of Prisoners of Victims of Nazism;
  • scientific advising of institutions, enterprises, organizations for at least two years.
  • 1.09.2010 - at this time - Legal Counsel Ukrainian Union of Prisoners of Victims of Nazism.

HOBBY: travel, games of skill, sport, music.

Doctor of Sciences,
Senior Lecturer in Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Profile of the scientist in international bases: 
GoogleScholar, ResearcherID, Orchid

RESEARCH EXPERTISE: covers issues of administrative law and administrative procedure, customs law.

COURSES: “Administrative Law and Procedure”, “Administrative Law”, “Law-making Activity”, “Customs Law”, and “Contraband and Customs Offence Control”

  • Doctor of Science, 2019
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, 2017
  • Master, Technology of Bread, Confectionery, Macaroni Products and Food Concentrates, National University of Food Technologies, 2006
  • Specialist, Finance, National University of Food Technologies, 2005
  • Specialist,  Technology of Bread, Confectionery, Macaroni Products and Food Concentrates, National University of Food Technologies, 2005


  • Senior Lecturer in Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2017 -present
  • Lecturer of the Department of Bread, Confectionery, Macaroni Products and Food Concentrates, National University of Food Technologies, 2012-2017


Management of the ​​safety and quality area of food products in Ukraine: administrative and legal research, Features of registration of capacities of market operators in the field of food safety and quality, Concept and control features as a means of public administration in the field of food safety and quality. Actual problems of domestic jurisprudence, Forms and types of food safety and quality control, Supervision as a means of public administration in the field of food safety and quality,  Drawbacks of legislative supervision in food safety and quality.

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES:                                                          

1. Advanced training at the Prague Institution of Advanced Studies (72 hours), “Publication and project activity in the countries of the European Union” (certificate)
2. Round table “Unity of administrative and legal thought under the conditions of the 100th anniversary of the unity of Ukraine”, Kyiv, 2018.
3. All-Ukrainian Forum: “Human Rights and Public Governance”, Chernivtsi, 2018. 
4. Int. scientific and practical conference “Human rights and problems of organization and functioning of public administration under the conditions of formation of a civil society in Ukraine”, Zaporizhzhia, 2018.
5. III Round-table “Strategy of Ecological Safety of Ukraine: Socio-Economic and Legal Dimension”, Lviv, 2018.
6. Int. scientific and practical conference “Actual issues of reforming the legal system of Ukraine”, Dnipro, 2018.
7. Int. scientific and practical conference “State regulation of social relations: development of legislation and problems of law enforcement", Kyiv, 2018.
8. Int. scientific and practical conference “Legal regulation of social relations: current problems and requirements of today", Zaporizhzhia, 2018

HOBBY: travelling, music, fine art.

остання редакція 07.11.2023