

Education of foreign students /Обучение для иностранных студентов

International activities

Studying at SUTE of Foreigners and Stateless Persons

The catalog of programs in English is available here.

1. Admission to SUTE of foreigners and stateless persons is carried out in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "On Higher Education," "On the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons," "On foreign Ukrainians," "About refugees and persons who need additional or temporary protection," Decree of the President of Ukraine of June 3, 1994 № 271 "On measures for the development of economic cooperation of regions of Ukraine with adjacent regions of the Republic of Belarus and administrative-territorial units of the Republic of Moldova" (except applicants from the Republic of Belarus), Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 12, 2018 № 729 "Issues of higher education by certain categories of persons," Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of November 1, 2013 № 1541 "Some questions of organization of recruitment and training (internship) of foreigners and stateless persons, "registered at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 25, 2013 under the № 2004/24536, the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated December 2, 2019 № 1498 "On Approval of the Procedure for Establishing Quotas for Higher Education by Foreigners and Stateless Persons within the Scope of State Procurement in Accordance with International Treaties of Ukraine," registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 10, 2020 under the № 153/34436. Citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, who do not have a permanent (temporary) residence permit in Ukraine, are accepted for study under an individual permit of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

2. Foreigners and stateless persons (hereinafter - foreigners) may obtain higher education for the funds of individuals and/or legal entities, unless otherwise stipulated by international treaties of Ukraine, consent to the obligation of which is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, legislation or agreements between institutions of higher education on international academic mobility.

The admission of foreigners to SUTE to study at the expense of the state budget is carried out within the quotas for foreigners (except foreigners and stateless persons, in particular foreign Ukrainians who are constantly living in Ukraine, persons who are recognized as refugees, and persons who need additional protection).

Foreigners are admitted to study for junior bachelor's, bachelor's and master's degrees and PhDs in accredited educational programs. SUTE also accepts foreigners for postgraduate and doctoral studies, programs of training faculty (subdivision), study of the state language and/or language of instruction, as well as for postgraduate education, advanced training and internships.

3. Admission of foreigners to study can be carried out in person and/or remotely.

The term of the invitation to study is no more than 1 year from the date of its registration in the Automated System "Electronic Journal" authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of the state enterprise. Only allowed to study in Ukraine foreigners, who received an invitation to study, registered in the Automated System "Electronic Journal" authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, received a range of services for information and consulting support, as well as received a visa to enter Ukraine for studying or have carried out the procedure of legalization of educational documents in the country of their issuance: (legalization in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the country that issued the educational document; legalization in the consular department of the diplomatic mission of Ukraine abroad (consular legalization or apostille).

To organize remote enrollment of foreign citizens for higher education, SUTE enters into an agreement with a partner organization that is a resident of the applicants' country of origin (see Appendix 1). The subject of the agreement is the provision of services for identification of persons, verification of original documents of applicants, organization of acceptance of applications in electronic form, provision of premises and technical means for consultations and entrance examinations by a higher education institution in a remote format.

SUTE concludes agreements with organizations that meet the following requirements:

  • compliance of the area of premises for remote submission of documents, consultations and entrance tests with the established norms of quarantine restrictions in the country where the recruitment is carried out;
  • providing entrants with personal protective equipment;
  • ensuring the procedure of identification of entrants using face recognition technologies, which includes verification of personal data (surname, patronymic name (if any) ), biometric data and their verification with the official (state) database;
  • ensuring control of compliance with integrity requirements during the entrance exam for foreigners;
  • ensuring the place of safety of entrants seized at the time of the entrance test of phones, tablet computers and other electronic devices;
  • providing the device with the suppression of the cellular and Internet network;
  • providing video surveillance around the perimeter of the audience in which the entrance exam for foreigners takes place by installing at least two video cameras;
  • providing technical equipment for video communication with the examination committee of the educational institution in real time (computer, video camera, microphone, TV or projector with screen);
  • the presence of at least two employees in the audience to monitor compliance with the requirements of academic integrity and technical support during the entrance examination for foreigners;
  • providing all entrants with individual computers with connection to the online platform of the institution through which the entrance exam for foreigners will be held;
  • providing consultations and trainings before the entrance exam for foreigners in order to familiarize themselves with the rules of its preparation in the distance form and the use of an online platform;
  • providing of video recording of the entrance test, transfer of video material to the educational institution through the online platform, storage of information and video materials after the entrance exam for foreigners for five years in the partner organization.

In the case of remote admission, a foreigner sends legalized and notarized copies of documents on previous education to the University by post. When crossing the state border of Ukraine for the first time and upon arrival at the University, the foreigner shall hand over the original documents in person.

4. Admission of entrants from among foreigners to study at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities is carried out in the terms defined by these Rules for receiving the degrees of a junior bachelor, bachelor, master;

SUTE calculates the points/grades of the entrant on the basis of the document on the previous level of education and sets the minimum value for admission of the number of points/grades in general subjects from which the entrance exam for foreigners is conducted. Enrollment of foreigners to study at the appropriate level of higher education is carried out according to the results of entrance examinations for foreigners in certain subjects and languages of study and on the basis of academic rights to continue studying, provided by the document on the level of education obtained in the country of its origin, and taking into account the points of success that give the right to continue education at the next level of higher education in accordance with the legislation of the country that issued the document on the degree (level) of education.

5. All categories of foreigners enrolled in the course are enrolled in SUTE on the basis of enrollment orders. Confirmation of the fact of training can be a certificate formed in the USEBE.

6. SUTE requirements on the conformity of applicants from among foreigners who arrived in Ukraine for study, these Rules of admission and Procedure, as well as the deadlines for accepting applications and documents, conducting an entrance examination for foreigners and enrollment are indicated in the Admission Rules and are published on the official SUTE website.

7. Foreigners who are granted government scholarships under international treaties, national and programs, other international ones

Ukraine's obligations are accepted for training within the established quotas for foreigners on the basis of the directions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

8. Foreigners who arrive in Ukraine to participate in academic mobility programs or for higher education at the educational programs agreed between Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions are accepted for studying taking into account of SUTE contractual obligations.

9. Foreigners and stateless persons, in particular foreign Ukrainians, permanent residents of Ukraine, persons who are recognized as refugees, and persons who need additional protection, have the right to obtain higher education on a par with the citizens of Ukraine, in particular at the expense of the state or local budget, with exceptions established by the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine or international treaties, consent to the obligation of which is granted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Foreign Ukrainians, whose status is certified by the certificate of a foreign Ukrainian (except for persons who permanently reside in Ukraine), can be credited to study under the state order within the established quotas for foreigners by interview on the subjects stipulated by these Admission Rules.

10. The terms of entrance examinations and enrollment of foreigners and stateless persons who applied for study and enter SUTE in accordance with the quotas proven by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine or enter into contracts concluded by SUTE with individuals and legal entities are determined by the admission committee.

11. To enter SUTE, foreign citizens personally submit an application in paper form. The following documents are attached to the application:

  1. questionnaire of the established sample;
  2. a copy of the document certifying identity and citizenship;
  3. a document (original and its copy) about the previously acquired educational level, on the basis of which the admission is made;
  4. a medical certificate of health, certified by the official health authority of the country, issued no later than two months before arrival for study in Ukraine;
  5. health insurance policy (provided before the start of classes);
  6. consent to the collection and processing of personal data;
  7. 12 photos of 35x45 mm size on matte paper;
  8. a return ticket with an open date of return to their homeland for up to one year or a contract of voluntary liability insurance for the indemnity of charges related to putting info effect the decision about deportation from Ukraine;

Documents specified in subparagraphs 2), 3), 4) must be translated into Ukrainian and notarized.

Documents on the previously obtained educational level should be certified in the country of their issuance in the manner officially used in this country for such certification, and legalized by the relevant foreign institution of Ukraine, unless otherwise stipulated by the international treaties of Ukraine.

12. When entering SUTE, foreign students are advised to provide a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country of origin of the educational document containing information on the academic rights provided by the educational document, the status of the educational institution that issued the educational document, and or the educational program.

Documents on education issued by educational institutions of other states, pass the procedure of recognition in Ukraine in accordance with the law.

13. To enter Ukraine, foreign entrants must receive an official invitation from SUTE, issued in the prescribed manner, and obtain an entry visa of type D-13 in the Consular Department of the Embassy of Ukraine in the respective country.

14. Acceptance of applications and documents, entrance trials conducted by SUTE, competitive selection and enrollment of foreigners and stateless persons who are on the territory of Ukraine on legal grounds is carried out in the following terms:

Stages of the Admission Process

Full-time studies and part-time studies

Start date of submitting applications and documents

І stage – July 1, 2023

ІІ stage –  December 1, 2023

Deadline of submitting  applications and documents

1 stage – no later than November 22, 2023

2 stage - (in the case of enrollment to the group at least 5 people) - no later than May 28, 2024

Terms of entrance examinations for foreigners in certain subjects and languages of study

According to the schedule of Admissions Committee

Terms of admission

1 stage – no later than November 28, 2023

2 stage - no later than May 31, 2024

15. In addition to the documents specified in clause 11, this category of applicants shall provide a certificate of completion of the training department (faculty/subdivision), a letter from the educational institution of the previous level of study stating that they do not object to continuing their studies at SUTE and that there are no material or other claims against the applicant, as well as a valid temporary residence permit in Ukraine with a note on deregistration from the previous place of residence.

Interviews and enrolment of this category of applicants are carried out according to individual schedules (within 5-10 calendar days from the date of signing the order of expulsion from the previous level of education).

In case of violation of the deadlines for submitting documents, the applicant is issued an invitation of the established form by the decision of the commission and must leave and enter Ukraine in accordance with the current legislation within the time limits set by SUTE.

16. The list of accredited specialties (educational programs) for which the University accepts foreigners and stateless persons for study is given in Table 1.

17. A person who is recognized as a refugee or a person in need of additional protection has an equal right to higher education with the citizens of Ukraine.

18. Recruitment, admission and enrolment of foreigners and stateless persons in the educational programme/field of study "Training of Foreign Citizens for Admission to Higher Education Institutions" is organised by the Training Department for Foreigners and Stateless Persons of SUTE (hereinafter referred to as the Training Department).

18.1. The enrolment to the Training Department is carried out on the basis of copies of documents on previous education, a passport document certifying the person's identity, and written consent to the processing of personal data.

18.2. The commission for the selection and admission of candidates from among foreign citizens and stateless persons for study is established by order of the rector.

18.3. Admission and enrolment of foreign citizens and stateless persons for study within the licensed volume under the educational programme/programme "Preparation of foreign citizens for admission to higher education institutions" is carried out on a full-time basis in economic and humanitarian specialities.

18.4. The basis for enrolment in the Training Department is the order of the rector of the SUTE on enrolment entered in the Electronic Journal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

18.5. Applications and documents of candidates for studying at the Training Department are accepted within the following terms:

Stages of the Admission Process


Start date of acceptance of documents for studying at the Training Department and issuance of Invitations to enter Ukraine

June 1, 2023

Deadline for acceptance of documents for issuing Invitations to study for the purpose of Training Department.

No later than December 30, 2023

Entry to Ukraine on the basis of invitations to study at a higher education institution

From September 01, 2023 To  January 31, 2024,

or according to an individual study plan

18.6. Foreign citizens and stateless persons who have successfully completed the Preparatory Department for Foreigners and Stateless Persons and received a state-issued certificate are recommended for enrolment in SUTE's basic accredited specialities/educational programmes, and are admitted based on the results of entrance examinations conducted in the form of an interview in certain subjects and language of study.

остання редакція 05.10.2023