

Visits of Delegations

International activities

Visits of Foreign Delegations and Guests to the KNUTE

Visits of Delegations 2021

18.11.2021 – 19.11.2021 - A reception of a delegation from Italy in order to hold a series of master classes in culinary arts by the President of UCMItaly Paolo Brescia and coordinators of international practice in Ukraine Olena Herasymenko, Olexander Kovbasa, Alina Dobreli for students and teachers of the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business.

14.11.2021 – 21.11.2021 - A visit of the delegation of the University "KTH Royal Institute of Technology" (Sweden), in order to implement the objectives of a joint project funded by the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education STINT and the signing of a cooperation agreement between KNUTE and KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) and discussion of the cooperation program between KNUTE and KTH for 2022- 2025
Representatives of KTN Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) - Dean of the Higher School of Engineering in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, Professor Mikel Lindström and Associate Professor of Cellulose and Polymer Technology Olena Sevastianova- attended meeting with Rector Mazaraki A., Prytulska N., Karavaiev T.

31.10.2021 – 1.11.2021 - A visit of the delegation from Italy with a purpose of holding a series of master classes in culinary arts by the President of UCMItaly Paolo Brescia and Coordinators of International Practice in Ukraine - Olexander Kovbasa, Alina Dobreli, Anatolii Polosin - for students and teachers of the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business and certificates of practical training.

14.10.2021 - 17.10.2021 - A reception of Polish, Moldovan and Slovenian delegations, in order to participate in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Globalization Challenges of National Economies", the four-party Symposium "Global Transformation of the XXI Century: Economic, Social and Legal Aspects" and the celebrations of the 75th anniversary of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics. Representatives of the Krakow University of Economics (Poland):

  • Rector Stanisław Mazur,
  • Vice-Rector for Research Paweł Lula,
  • Honorary Doctor of KNUTE Andrzej Chochół,
  • Dean Bernard Zibicki,
  • Director of International Relations Agnieszka Nawrocka,
  • Coordinator of the Rector's Committee Katarzyna Baran;

Moldovan Academy of Economics (Moldova):

  • Rector Grygoriy Belostecinic,
  • Vice-Rector for Research Cornelius Gutsu;

Ljubljana School of Business (Slovenia):

  • Director of Der Bele School, Professor Julia Lapuh Bele.

31.08.2021 – 01.09.2021 - A visit of Knud Eric Larsen (Denmark).
For the purpose of holding master classes by the Executive Director of Skandinavia, a member of the World Association of Chefs WACS, an international judge of culinary competitions, a professional chef with many years of experience in restaurant technology Knud Eric Larsen for students of the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism.

19.07.2021 – 22.07.2021 - Was held a reception of the Regional Director of the University Agency of Francophonie (AUF) of the Central and Eastern Europe region, in order to negotiate the establishment of the AUF office in Ukraine at KNUTE. The conversations were held by Mohamed Ketata, Regional Director of the University Agency of Francophonie (AUF) of Central and Eastern Europe, Mazaraki A., Rector of KNUTE; Vitrenko A. , Deputy Minister for European Integration; Shkabka S., Deputy Head of the International Agreements Department; and Deputy Director of the Department №5 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pyvovarova Y.

15.06.2021 – 30.06.2021 - Arrival of Knud Eric Larsen (Denmark).
Knud Eric Larsen (Denmark), a member of the World Association of Chefs (WACS), an international judge of culinary competitions, director of the professional association of chefs of Skandinavia KM (Denmark) for students of the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business in order to prepare for international culinary competitions.

26.05.2021 - A visit to KNUTE by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France
Etienne de Poncins to Ukraine on the occasion of awarding bachelor's state diplomas of France to KNUTE students.

13.05.2021 -14.05.2021, 16.05.2021 -17.05.2021, 20.05.2021 – 21.05.2021 - Visit of the delegation from Italy in order to hold a series of master classes in culinary arts by the President of the Association UCMItaly Paolo Brescia for students and teachers of the Faculty of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Business.

14 of September, 2021 - visit of the representative of the Ministry of Justice (USA) - Russell Pittman to hold a webinar for students of KNTEU.

23 of February, 2021 - visit of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France in Ukraine Etienne de Poncins and Attaché for University and Scientific Cooperation Alix de Gassart, Attaché for Language Cooperation Paul Souligoux.

2 of February, 2021 - an online meeting was held between the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical work and International Relations V. Sai, the director of European Education Center T. Dupliak and the representatives of the Federation "Exchanges France-Ukraine": Jacques Forgeron (Co-President of the federation), Josie Annequin, Denise Durin and Olga Goncet.

Visits of Delegations 2020

4 of December , 2020 - negotiations took place on the Zoom platform between the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical work and International Relations V. Sai, the director of European Education Center T. Dupliak and Co-President of the France-Ukraine Exchange Federation Jacques Furgeron.

30 of October , 2020 - negotiations were held online by the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and International Relations V. Sai with the director of the specialized establishment of the Agency of the Francophonie (AUF) for administration and management regarding the signing of the Memorandum.

23 of October , 2020 - Skype negotiations between vice-rector V. Sai and director of European Education Center T. Dupliak with the representatives of the Higher Institute of Commerce of Paris, Mr. N. Despinua and Mr. Chal Berge on the signing of a joint agreement.

4 of March, 2020 - Visit of the French delegation consisting of: Alix de Gassar, Nicolas Menetti, Tiffen Henry, Gennady Korchagin, Victor Voitovich.

25 of February, 2020 - visit of ESCP Business School`s representatives.

20-29 of February, 2020 - Visit of international culinary and baking art experts David Michel Mizon (UK) and Knud Eric Larsen (Denmark).

17 of February, 2020 - visit of the Silesian University`s of Technology representatives (Gliwice, Poland).

Visits of Delegations 2019
Visit of delegations 2018
Visit of delegations 2017
Visits of delegations 2016
Visits of delegattions 2015
Visits of delegations 2014
Visits of delegations 2013
Visits of delegations 2012

остання редакція 16.12.2021