Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems


Purskyi Oleh Ivanovych

of Computer Science and Information Systems

Purskyi Oleh Ivanovych


doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, head of the department

guarantor of the educational and professional  program of the 2nd level of higher education "Computer’science"

e-mail: o.pursky@knute.edu.ua


Google Scholar


Computer and mathematical modeling of socio-economic systems management processes; development of applied information systems for managing business processes; modeling of the functioning mechanisms of the electronic trade market; development of information systems for remote functional diagnostics, development of models, methods and information technologies for monitoring socio-economic systems, experimental research and computer modeling of heat transfer processes in molecular crystals and liquids in the region of low temperatures.

DISCIPLINES "Introduction to Computer Science", "Theory and Practice of Scientific Research", "Numerical Programming Methods", "Raid Data Arrays and Distributed Server systems", "Information systems and technologies in the economy", "Machine learning"

1988-1993  Dnipropetrovsk National University: received a master's degree, thesis in the field of quantum physics and computer modeling, topic "Calculation of Frank factors for diatomic halogen molecules";

2001 Physical and Technical Institute of Low Temperatures of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, named after B. Verkina, Kharkiv: defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences;

2005 Cherkasy Banking Institute: received the title of associate professor at the Department of Higher Mathematics and Informatics;

2010 Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko: defended a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences;

2013 Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics: received the title of professor at the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Systems.


1993-1995 - Cherkasy Engineering and Technology Institute:  chief of the educational laboratory of the physics department;

1995-1998 - Cherkasy Institute of Engineering and Technology: graduate student of the Department of Physics;

1998-2001 - Cherkasy State Technological University: assistant professor of physics;

2001-2006 - Cherkasy Banking Institute: Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Informatics;

2005-2006 - Kyiv National University of Technology and Design: Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies (part-time);

2006-2009 – Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko, Faculty of Physics: PhD student of the Department of Molecular Physics;

2009 - 2010 -  Kyiv International University: Professor  departments  of international information and informatics;

2010 - 2011 - Cherkasy National University: Head of the Department of Information Technologies and Biomedical Cybernetics;

2011 – 2015 – Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics: Professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Systems;

2016  – 2018 – Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics: Professor of the Department of Cybernetics and System Analysis;

2019 and now – Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics: Head of the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems.

Collective monographs
Articles in foreign publications

1. Pursky Oleg. Customer Transaction Costs Simulation in E-Commerce / Oleg Pursky, Oleksandr Kharchenko, Tetiana Dubovyk, Iryna Buchatska, Iryna Gamova, Pavlo Demidov // Atlantis Press. Series: Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 2020. - Vol. 129. - P. 257-263. (Web of Science).
2. Pursky O. Software implementation of e-trade business process management information system / O. Pursky, A. Selivanova, T. Dubovyk, T. Herasymchuk // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2546, 2019. - pp. 171–181. (Scopus).
3. Pursky Oleg. Computation algorithm for integral indicator of socio-economic development / Oleg Pursky, Tetiana Dubovyk, Iryna Gamova, Iryna Buchatska // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2393, 2019 – 16. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2393/paper_267.pdf. . (Scopus).
4. Pursky Oleg. The Price Competition Simulation at the Blended. Trading Market / Oleg Pursky, Tatiana Dubovyk, Iryna Moroz, Iryna Buchatska and Anastasiia Savchuk // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2422, pp. 15-26. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2422/paper02.pdf (2019). . (Scopus).
5. Pursky O. Experimental setup for measuring the isobaric thermal conductivity of molecular crystals / O. I. Pursky, O. V. Romanenko, R. A. Rasulov, L. M. Mazur // Journal of Physical Studies. - 2019. - No. 4. – R. 4001-4007. (Scopus, Web of Science).
6. Pursky O. E-trade Management System Architecture / O. Pursky, A. Selivanova, O. Kharchenko, P. Demidov and V. Kulazhenko // 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory (ATIT), Kyiv, Ukraine , 2019, pp. 283-288. (Scopus).
7. Pursky O.I. Implementation of the Architectural Level of an Integrated Web-based E-commerce Management System / D.P. Mazoha, O.I. Pursky, O.A. Kharchenko // International Journal of Management and Economics Invention. – 2018. – Vol. 4(2). – P. 1652-1659.
8. Pursky O.I. Architecture model of integrated web-based e-trading business process management system / O.I. Pursky, D.P. Mazoha // International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business. – 2018. – No. 2. – P. 1-8.
9. Pursky O.I. Application of typical IT-decisions and substantiation of structure of the integrated E-trading information system / O.I. Pursky, I.O. Moroz, D.P. Mazoha // Development strategy of science and education: Collection of scientific articles. – Fidelite Edition: Namur, Belgique, 2017. – P. 123-125.
10. Pursky O.I. Functional model of the wholesale B2B Web-system / D.P. Mazoha, O.I. Pursky / International scientific conference "Anti-crisis management: state, region, enterprise" Conference Proceedings. – Le Mans, Frace: Baltija Publishing, 2017. – Part III – R. 150-152.
11. Pursky O.I. Functional requirements to Web-based business process management system in e-commerce / D.P. Mazoha, O.I. Pursky / International Scientific Conference Corporate Governance: Strategies, Processes, Technology: Conference Proceedings, October 20th, 2017. Kaunas, Lithuania: Baltija Publishing..- P. 200-202.
12. Pursky O.I. Thermal Expansion Effect on Phonon Localization in Disordered Molecular Crystals / O.I. Pursky // Joint Conferences on Advanced Materials: The 14th International Conference on Functional and Nanostructured Materials (FNMA’2017) and The 7th International Conference on Physics of Disordered Systems (PDS’2017). September 25-29, 2017 Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. – P. – 128.
13. Pursky O.I. Planning of advertising costs and vendor number at e-trade market / O.I. Pursky, B.V. Grynjuk, D.A. Shestopal //Actual Problems of Economics – 2016. - No. 3 (177). – R. 407-413. (Scopus).
14. Pursky O.I. Determining the optimal level of advertising costs in e-commerce / O.I. Pursky, I.O. Moroz, B.V. Grynjuk // International scientific conference "Modern Transformation of Economics and Management in the Era of Globalization" Date: 29 January 2016, Klaipeda (Lithuania) – R. 315-317.
15. Pursky O.I. Molecular rotation and volume dependence of the thermal conductivity in liquid N2 / O.I. Pursky // Journal of Physical Studies – 2015. Vol. 19 - #3. – P. 3602-1 – 3602-4. (Scopus, Web of Science).
16. Pursky O.I., Moroz I.O. Information technology based monitoring and efficient regional development management // Journal of Regional Development and Planning – 2014. – Vol. 3.- #1. – P. 87-88.
17. Pursky O.I., Konstantinov V.A. Heat transfer in the plastic phases I and II of cyclopentane // Central European Journal of Physics– 2014. – Vol. 12, No. 9. – P. 654-659. (Scopus, Web of Science).
18. Pursky O.I., Fedorenko S.S. Formation of the knowledge base of the specialized expert system of remote monitoring of the functional state of the gas smoke detector // Emergency situations: industrial and ecological security. – 2013. - #1-2(13-14). – P. 30 – 36.
19. Pursky O.I., Fedorenko S.S. Increasing the effectiveness of the training process of gas and smoke protectors by means of remote monitoring of the functional state of the body // Scientific and educational problems of civil protection – 2013. - No. 4(19). – P. 47-49.
20. Pursky O.I., Brodskaya A.O. Management methodology of an organizational project of a trading enterprise. // Actual problems of humanitarian and natural sciences – 2013. - No. 03(50). – P. 73-77.
21. Pursky O.I., Moroz I.O. Accounting for the differentiation of regional development in the social-economic information system
monitoring // Problems of economics and management – 2013. - No. 3(19). – P. 9-13.
22. Konstantinov V.A., Revyakin V.P., Sagan V.V., Zvonaryova A.V., Pursky O.I. Isochoric thermal conductivity of solid furan // Low Temperature Physics – 2013. – Vol. 39, No. 5. – P. 606-610. (Scopus).
23. Pursky O.I., Konstantinov V.A., Revyakin V.P., Sagan V.V. Thermal conductivity of solid cyclohexane in orientationally ordered and disordered phases // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics – 2011. – Vol. 139, No. 2. – P. 220-225. (Scopus, Web of Science).
24. Pursky O.I., Konstantinov V.A. One-axis molecular rotation and phonon scattering in solid C2H6 and C2F6 // Central European Journal of Physics – 2011. – Vol. 9, No. 1. – P. 257-259. (Scopus).
25. Pursky O.I., Konstantinov V.A. Isobaric thermal conductivity in orientationally disordered phases of simple molecular crystals // International Journal of Modern Physics B – 2010. – Vol. 24, No. 29. – Pages 5821-5832. (Scopus).
26. Pursky O.I., Konstantinov V.A. Sysoev V.M. Effect of thermal expansion on the heat transfer in hexafluoroethane β-C2F6 // Physics of the Solis State – 2010. – Vol. 52, No. 1. – P. 148-152. (Scopus).
27. Pursky O.I., Konstantinov V.A., Bulakh V.V. The thermal conductivity jump at crystal-liquid phase transition in CHCl3, C6H6 and CCl4: the action of rotational molecular motion // Low Temperature Physics – 2009. – Vol. 35, No. 4. – P. 307-310. (Scopus).
28. Pursky O.I., Konstantinov V.A. Thermal expansion effect on heat transfer processes in orientationally-ordered molecular crystals // Journal of Physical Studies – 2009. – Vol. 13, No. 3. – P. 3601 (4 p.). (Scopus, Web of Science).
29. Pursky O.I., Konstantinov V.A. Temperature and volume dependence of the thermal conductivity of solid CHCl3 // European Physical Journal B – 2007. – Vol. 56. P. 205-208. (Scopus).
30. Agent modeling of online store activities. Selivanova, A., Pursky, O., Yurchenko, Y., Samoylenko, H., Dubovyk, T. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021, 2845, pp. 227–236

Articles in professional publications
Articles in other publications
Educational and methodological publications

The author of more than 230 scientific and educational and methodological works. He is the sole author of 2 foreign scientific monographs in the field of development of management information systems and computer modeling. Participated, as a manager or executor, in the implementation of a number of state-budget research works in the areas of: development of management information technologies, modeling of socio-economic systems, and research on the thermophysical properties of molecular substances. He is a member of the editorial board of the international scientific journal “International Journal of Economic Theory and Application” and reviewer of two international journals: "International Journal of Modern Physics (B)" and "Heat Transfer". Academic supervisor of graduate students in the specialty 122 "Computer Science". It is a member of the Specialized Scientific Council K 73.736.01 for awarding the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences. Member of the scientific council section of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the field of "Informatics and cybernetics". Expert of the accreditation commission of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education in the field of "Informatics".


Developer of the information and analytical Web-system for monitoring indicators of socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine. Developer of the integrated Web-system for managing business processes in e-commerce.
Programs: Pascal, MikTeX 2.9, Python 3.X, MS Office, VBA, MySQL database.


Thanks and certificates of the Rector of KNTEU

Certificate of the Desnyan State Administration in Kyiv

Thanks from the Mayor of Kyiv

Thanks to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


 Certificate #6062 2445  2018, Hillel Computer School, Data Science course

Certificate СВ0103 2019, IBM Developer Skills Network, Successfully completed and passing grade in How to Build Chatbots

Internship at the research institute of KNEU named after V. Hetman's "Modeling and information technologies in the economy" from 15.01.2016 to 15.02.2016


"Modeling the mechanisms of functioning of international electronic trade", state registration number 0117U000507, term 2017-2019

"Modeling of the organizational and economic management mechanism of trade and service enterprises", state registration number 0114U00324, term 2014-2016

"Development and implementation of modern information systems and technologies in the socio-economic sphere",state registration number 0112U000635, term 2012-2014.

"Metastable states of simple condensed systems", Agreement No. 10-2012, Agreement N7/H – 2013, term 2013-2014.

"Methodology of management of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership", state registration number 0107U001146, term 2011-2015

Project no. 0107U000941 "Molecular solids and nanoframes at low temperatures". This study was supported by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science., term 2007-2009.

"Influence of radiation-induced structural properties of salt solutions on the functioning of new generation reactors", state registration number 07DF051-01 K-8-375, term 2007-2009

"Low-temperature dynamics of simple molecular solids", state registration number 0104U003038, term 2004-2006

Project No. 111-97 "Investigation of diffusion changes in the structure and physical properties of amorphous and polycrystalline solids". This study was supported by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science, term 1997-1999.

Project No.141-94 "Investigation of the structure and physical properties of thin amorphous and polycrystalline layers depending on the technological conditions of their obtaining". This study was supported by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science, term 1994-1996.

HOBBIES travel, sport

остання редакція 19.06.2023