of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science
Profile of Educational
and Scientific Programme (ESP)
of the third level of
higher education, subject area 052 «Political
Head of the project group
(Director of the PhD Programme) –
Baranovskyi F.V., Doctor of Sciences
(Politics), Professor, Professor of the Department of
Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science.
Profile of the Educational and Scientific Programme
of the third cycle of higher education, subject area 052 «Political Science»
1 - General Information |
Full name of HEI and structural unit |
State University of Trade and Economics Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science |
Higher education cycle |
Third (educational and scientific) cycle |
Higher education degree |
Doctor of Philosophy |
Field of study |
05 Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Subject area |
052 Political Science |
Official name of the educational and scientific programme |
Political Science |
Forms of obtaining education |
Full-time form / Part-time form |
Educational qualification |
Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science |
Diploma qualification |
Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy Field of study: 05 Social and Behavioral Sciences Subject area: 052 Political Science |
The scope of the educational and scientific programme |
240 ECTS credits |
Availability of accreditation |
Accreditation certificate № 3572 dated 23.06.2022, valid until July 1, 2026 |
Cycle / level |
QF for EHEA – third cycle, EQF for LLL – 8 level, NQF of Ukraine – 8 level |
Prerequisites |
Master's degree The entrant's possession of the competencies and mastery of the learning outcomes defined by the standard of higher education in the subject area 052 "Political Science" for the second (Master's) level of higher education (verified by entrance tests). |
Language(s) of instruction |
Ukrainian |
Duration of the educational programme |
4 years |
2 - Educational and Scientific Programme Aim |
Prepare a highly qualified, competitive, integrated into the European and global scientific and educational space specialist with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of social and behavioral sciences; develop postgraduate students' research skills in the subject area due to a deeper understanding of political processes, cause-and-effect relationships, the essence of political events and phenomena in the past and present; provide consulting support in the performance of original scientific research aimed at obtaining new scientific knowledge, preparation and defense of a thesis. |
3 - Educational and Scientific Programme Characteristics |
Area of interest |
Object(s) of study and/or activity: political relations between actors and institutions at the local, national and global level (politics, policy, polity), power and governance, political institutions and processes, public policy, world policy and the policy of individual countries, international organizations and regions, military and political (security) aspects of the interaction of political subjects. Learning objectives: acquiring the ability to produce new ideas, to solve complex problems of professional and research-innovative activities in the field of political science, to apply scientific methodology in research and teaching activities, to carry out own scientific research, the results of which have scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance. Theoretical content of the interest area: basic categories, concepts, principles of modern political theory; political relations; political processes, political actors; political institutions; civil society; political transformations; political communications; political system; political power; military and security policy; political conflicts at the local, regional, national and global levels. Methods, techniques and technologies: quantitative and qualitative methods of political science research, technologies and tools for the analysis of the political sphere, modern digital technologies. Tools and equipment: modern information and communication equipment, information resources and software products that are used in practical political activity and research work in the field of political science. |
Orientation of the educational programme |
The educational-scientific program is focused on acquiring knowledge, abilities and skills in the field of political science. The practical component is integral to the study of political processes. |
The main focus of the educational programme |
The educational-scientific program is focused on the training of qualified political scientists who possess the basic categorical-conceptual and analytical-research apparatus of political science, knowledge of political theory and practice. Acquired competences can be applied in expert-analytical, political-organizational, consulting and public activities. A novice researcher receives full support in developing a research topic and preparing a practical and theoretical/methodological strategy. |
Programme features |
The educational component of the programme provides for 48 ECTS credits, of which: • 36 ECTS credits for compulsory educational components, including 3 ECTS credits of scientific and pedagogical practice; • 12 ECTS credits are provided for mastering optional educational components, which strengthen the cycle of professional training. The selective part of the program enables the right to choose academic disciplines, taking into account the individual needs of postgraduate students. The scientific component of the programme involves carrying out scientific research under the supervision of a scientific advisor with appropriate registration and public defense of the obtained results in the form of a thesis. This component of the program covers 192 ECTS credits and is drawn up in the form of an individual plan of a postgraduate student's research work. |
4 - Graduate Employability and Further Learnability |
Employment suitability |
Positions according to the national classifier of professions in Ukraine: Senior official (chairman, general secretary, secretary, president, leader, manager, etc.), people's deputy (1110), representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1120) of a political party (1141.1). Senior officials (1143). Chairman of the Central Election Commission (1210.1), Secretary of the Central Election Commission (1229.1), legislators, senior civil servants, leaders, managers (administrators). Heads of enterprises, institutions, organizations (12): heads of enterprises, institutions, organizations (director) (1210.1), heads of various main divisions (superior officer) (1229.1), heads of functional divisions (superior officer) (1231). Head of the research unit (1237), chief specialist of the research unit (1237.1), head (director) of the research unit (1237.2), manager of projects and programs (1238), head of other functional units (1239), head of small enterprises (director) (13). Consultant (in the apparatus of state authorities, executive committee) (2419.3). Professionals: political scientist, political observer (2443), teachers of higher educational institutions (2310): Doctoral student, Associate Professor, Professor of the department (2310.1), assistant, teacher of a higher educational institution (2310.2). Other professionals (23), (24) researcher, consultant (in the apparatus of state authorities, executive committee), consultant on social and political issues (in parties and other public organizations), lecturer. Administrative assistant (3436). Places of employment. Positions of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers in scientific institutions and institutions of higher education, highly qualified workers in research and scientific-expert institutions and organizations, scientific consultants in state authorities. |
Further learning opportunities |
5 - Teaching and Assessment |
Teaching and learning |
Assessment |
Educational component of the programme. The system of control of postgraduate students' mastery of the courses of the educational and scientific programme consists of current and final types of control. The current control is aimed at obtaining operational data on the level of knowledge of postgraduate students and the quality of the developed competencies. It involves the application of a complex of assessment methods: oral questioning, test control, implementation of project tasks, etc. The final control of knowledge is in the form of an exam/credit and is conducted as a form of assessment of the level of assimilation of theoretical and practical material by a postgraduate student in a particular academic course. Scientific component of the programme. Evaluation of the scientific activity of postgraduate students is carried out on the basis of quantitative and qualitative indicators characterizing the preparation of research papers, participation in scientific conferences, preparation of separate parts of a thesis in accordance with the approved individual plan of scientific work of the postgraduate student. Postgraduate students' reports based on the results of the implementation of the individual plan of scientific work are approved every six months at the meeting of the departments and the academic council of the faculty with the appropriate recommendation. |
6 - Programme Competences |
Integral competence |
The ability to produce new ideas, to solve complex problems of professional and/or research-innovative activity in the field of political science, to apply the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity, as well as to conduct one's own scientific research, the results of which have scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance. |
General competences (GCs) |
GC01. The ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis. GC02. The ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources. GC03. The ability to work in an international environment. GC04. The ability to solve complex problems of political science based on a systematic scientific worldview and a general cultural outlook while observing the principles of professional ethics and academic integrity. |
Special (professional) competences (SCs) |
SC01. The ability to orally and in writing present and discuss the results of scientific research and/or innovative developments in Ukrainian and English, a deep understanding of English-language scientific texts in the field of research. SC02. The ability to perform original research, to achieve scientific results that create new knowledge in political science and related interdisciplinary areas and can be published in leading scientific publications in political science and related fields. SC03. The ability to apply modern methodologies, methods and tools of empirical and theoretical research in the field of political science, modern digital technologies, databases and other electronic resources, specialized software in scientific and educational activities. SC04. The ability to carry out scientific and pedagogical activities in higher education. SC05. The ability to identify, pose and solve problems of a research nature in the field of political sciences, to evaluate and ensure the quality of the performed research. SC06. The ability to initiate and implement innovative complex projects in the field of political science and related interdisciplinary projects, leadership during their implementation. SC07. The ability to analyze and evaluate the current state, trends in the development of political science. SC08. The ability to make proposals for financing scientific research and registration of intellectual property rights. SC09. The ability to reveal the essence of political science knowledge and apply this knowledge in professional and social activities. |
7 - Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) |
8 - Resource Support for Programme Implementation |
Staffing support |
The implementation of the educational and scientific programme is provided by lecturers who have the scientific degrees “Candidate of Science”, “Doctor of Science”. Well-known scientists and leading practitioners are involved in conducting scientific seminars and open lectures. |
Material and technical support |
Postgraduate students are fully provided with material resources for study and research. At their service:
Informational support, teaching and learning materials |
The information, educational and methodological support of the educational programme for training specialists in the subject area 052 "Political Science" meets the licensing requirements, has relevant content, is based on modern information and communication technologies:
9 - Academic Mobility |
National credit mobility |
According to the agreements on cooperation between SUTE and institutions of higher education of Ukraine, scientific institutions. |
International credit mobility |
Within the scope of cooperation agreements between SUTE and institutions of higher education in France, Great Britain, Poland, Germany, within the framework of which partner exchange and training of postgraduate students is carried out. Studies in the KA1 direction with obtaining credits at the universities of member countries of the Erasmus+ Programme. |
Training of foreign applicants for higher education |
Foreign students of higher education are guaranteed all rights and freedoms, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine and the University Charter. |
List of Educational and Scientific Programme (ESP)
Course code |
Components of the educational programme (academic disciplines, course projects (works), practical training, qualification examination, graduation thesis) |
Amount of credits |
Final control form |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Compulsory Components (CCs) |
CC 1 |
Foreign language for academic purposes |
3 |
Exam |
CC 2 |
Philosophical worldview of the XXI century |
3 |
Exam |
CC 3 |
Scientific text |
3 |
Exam |
CC 4 |
Methodology of scientific research |
3 |
Exam |
CC 5 |
Pedagogy of higher education |
3 |
Credit |
CC 6 |
Information technologies in scientific research |
3 |
Credit |
CC 7 |
Intellectual property in scientific and research sphere |
3 |
Credit |
CC 8 |
Political institutions and processes |
3 |
Exam |
CC 9 |
Scientific seminars (Methodology of political research) |
3 |
Credit |
CC 10 |
Scientific seminars (Social practice of political cognition) |
3 |
Credit |
CC 11 |
Scientific seminar on the thesis topic |
3 |
Credit |
CC 12 |
Scientific and pedagogical training |
3 |
Credit |
Total amount of compulsory components: |
36 |
Optional Components (OCs) |
OC 13-16 |
Public speaking |
4 OC 3 credits each |
Credit |
Commercialization of intellectual property |
Mathematical modeling in scientific research |
Credit |
Statistical methods of analysis and forecasting |
International statistics |
Credit |
Humanitarian policy of the state |
Diplomatic relations of Ukraine |
Scientific seminars (National interests in world geopolitics and geoeconomics) |
Credit |
Scientific seminars (Diplomatic, business protocol and etiquette) |
Another optional educational component in agreement with the academic supervisor |
Total amount of optional components: |
12 |
Total scope of the educational component of the educational and scientific programme |
48 ECTS credits |
Thesis delivery (scientific component) |
156 |
Presentation of the Thesis research results and Attestation |
36 |
Total scope of the educational and scientific programme |
240 |