Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics
Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics
Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics

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of Higher and Applied Mathematics

"The role of mathematics is to find invisible order in the chaos that surrounds us"

Norbert Wiener

Mathematical disciplines play a vital role in the educational process at the State University of Trade and Economics by setting a broad background in the various fields of human activities: engineering, natural sciences, computer and information technologies, economics, management, business, etc. This statement is true in the light of expanding role of mathematics in learning the laws of various phenomena of nature and society. The usage of mathematical approaches in the educational process gives the possibility to expand and enhance research in the natural fields, humanities, and social sciences. It also helps to develop the student's mathematical culture level, for instance, their intelligence, the formation of a scientific outlook in them, understanding of the essence of the practical orientation of mathematical disciplines, and mastering methods of mathematical modeling. On the other hand, the level of mathematical training should provide students the possibility to create and involve new technologies in the future.

The application of mathematics in economic research allows you to explain the past, see the future and evaluate the consequences of your actions. The mathematical education is vital for IT specialists since the basis of programming is not only the knowledge of a certain programming language but also the ability to build a mathematical model, knowledge of effective algorithms, and the process of creating algorithms for solving a given task.2 – Professors.

The department's academic staff use extensively the latest effective methods and techniques of interactive learning, and computer technologies, apply progressive systems of assessment and control of students' knowledge, counseling, and guidance of students' independent work. The level of scientific and pedagogical skills of lecturers is constantly increasing.

The department is focused on the formation of professional competencies in future specialists, the ability to build up and effectively use their professional potential, build their future and achieve the best results in their profession, and become leaders in organizations. That is why the department's staff regularly holds student mathematical Olympiads and scientific conferences.

The Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics was created during the foundation of the university as one of the subdivisions of the Kyiv Trade and Economic Institute in 1966.

Since 2002, the department was headed by Volodymyr Denysenko, a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, a graduate of Kyiv National University named after T.G. Shevchenko, and since 2016 the department has been headed by a Doctor of Physical and mathematical sciences, Professor Olena Shchetinina.

Currently, there are 10 lecturers in the department: 1 doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, 1 doctor of biological sciences, and 8 candidates of physical and mathematical sciences. 7 lecturers have academic titles.

The staff of the Department of Higher and applied mathematics directs efforts to improve the process of educating the respective mathematic course. In order to train highly qualified specialists, traditionally conduct lectures and practical sessions with students of all faculties of the university from the following courses:

Financial mathematics. Presentation of the discipline.

Higher and applied mathematics. Presentation of the discipline.

Economic and mathematical modeling. Presentation of the discipline.

Linear algebra and analytic geometry. Presentation of the discipline (FIT).

Vector and tensor analysis. Presentation of the discipline (FIT).

Differential equations. Presentation of the discipline (FIT).

Mathematical logic for 126. Presentation of the discipline (FIT).

Mathematical logic for 122. Presentation of the discipline (FIT).

остання редакція 30.05.2023