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of Legal Support of Business Security
The official name of the educational program «LEGAL SUPPORT FOR
ENTREPRENEURSHIP SECURITY» Educational degree Bachelor (duration – 3 years 10 months) Features of the educational
program It is focused on the comprehensive professional training of
specialists in the field of legal assistance of doing business and
protecting the rights of business entities, consumers, who are
proactive and capable of quickly adapting to the modern business
environment. Existence of a wide variable component of
professionally-oriented disciplines for work in the field of
providing legal services to business entities. A professionally oriented practical component (practical
training, workshops, legal clinical education), which provides
applicants with practical experience in providing legal assistance,
drafting legal documents, participating in court hearings. Two-week practical training during the third year of study and
four-week practical training during the last year of study at
enterprises, institutions, organizations, jurisdictional state
bodies and local governments, subjects of notarial activity and
advocacy. The study of foreign language for professional use with a
minimum volume of 24 ECTS credits CONTENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL
PROGRAM MANDATORY DISCIPLINES Quantity of credits Foreign Language for Professional Use 24 History of State and Law 6 Information Technologies in Legal Practice 6 Critical Thinking 6 Theory of State and Law 12 Constitutional Law 6 Administrative Law and Procedure 12 Labour Law 6 Criminal Law 6 Civil Law 12 Public International Law 6 EU Law 6 Criminal Procedural Law 5 Test Work on Criminal Procedural Law 1 International Private Law 6 Civil Procedural Law 12 International Human Rights Protection 6 Economic Law 6 Legal Regulation of Entrepreneurship Security 11 Test Work on Legal Regulation of
Entrepreneurship Security 1 Finance Law 6 Economic Procedural Law 6 Optional disciplines
Legal Workshops Workshops on Criminal Law of Ukraine 6 Workshops on Family Law 6 Workshops on Labor Law 6 Workshops on Financial Law 6 Workshops on How to Apply to the European Court of Human
Rights 6 Workshops on Intellectual Property Rights 6 Practical Course оn Criminal Procedural Law of Ukraine 6 Legal Drafting of Documents in Administrative Procedural Law and
Moot Court 6 Drafting of Economic and Legal Documents 6 Legal Drafting of Documents in Procedural Law and Moot Court 6 Legal Drafting of Documents in Civil Law and Moot Court 6 Civil Contracts (practical course) 6 Legal disciplines Agrarian Law 6 Advocacy 6 Administrative Services and Contracts 6 Proof in Civil Proceedings 6 State Law of Foreign Countries 6 Environmental Law 6 Ethical Requirements of the Legal Profession 6 Housing Law 6 Land Law 6 Intellectual Property 6 Information Law 6 History of Advocacy 6 History of State and Law Doctrines 6 Consumer Law 6 Criminalistics 6 International Criminal Law 6 Notary 6 Organization and Conduct of Legal Business 6 Legal Assistance in Civil Proceedings 6 Legal Regulation of Вankruptcy 6 Family Law 6 Insurance Law 6 Judicial and Law Enforcement Authorities of Ukraine 6 Juridical Deontology 6 Legal Mechanisms for Human Rights Protection 6 Legal Clinics Legal Clinic on Mediation 6 Legal Clinic "Legal Protection of Financial Service
Costumers" 6 Legal Clinic " Costumer Rights Protection" 6 Legal Clinic "Protection of Socio-Economic Rights" 6 Legal Clinic on the basis of Free Legal Aid Center 6 Disciplines of economic
orientation Audit 6 Accounting 6 Economy of an Enterprise 6 Economic Theory 6 Foreign Economic Activity of the Enterprise 6 Finance, Money and Credit 6 Disciplines of social and humanitarian
orientation Logic 6 Oratory 6 Translation of Legal Texts 6 Psychology of Business Communication 6 Management Psychology 6 Philosophy 6 Legal Linguistics 6 Discipline of free choice of the
applicant In order to ensure the formation of an individual educational
trajectory, taking into account the provisions of Art. 62 of the
Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" applicants can choose the
components of the educational program from other educational
programs, both similar and other levels of higher education, in
agreement with the dean of the faculty
[1] 6 The total amount of sample
components: 60 Academic training Academic training 1 6 Academic training 2 6 In total 12 Certification Preparation for the attestation exam and attestation 6 In total 6 TOTAL VOLUME OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 240 The official name of the educational program «LEGAL SUPPORT FOR
ENTREPRENEURSHIP SECURITY» Educational degree MAGISTER (duration – 1 year 4 months) Features of the educational
program Existence of a variable component of professionally-oriented
disciplines for acquiring practical skills of legal security of
business activity, performance of procedural actions, drawing up of
legal documents of increased complexity, identification and legal
elimination of risks of corporate security of business
entities. The educational component "School of Applied Jurisprudence"
ensures the achievement of integrated learning outcomes for
professional activities by mastering modern techniques and methods,
skills of independent work, rapid response to changes in current
legislation, educating the need for systematic updating of
knowledge and creative application. Seven-week practical training at enterprises, institutions,
organizations, jurisdictional state bodies, subjects of notarial
activity and advocacy, courts, arbitration courts and
PROGRAM Mandatory disciplines Quantity of credits Legal Support for Corporate Security 12 Interpretation of Legal Acts 6 Competition Law 6 Legal Liability in the Sphere of Entrepreneurial Activity 6 School of Applied Law (Academic Training) 18 Academic Training 12 Preparation and Defense of the Master’s Thesis 3 Preparation for the Complex Qualifying Examination 3 Optional disciplines
Advocate Practice 6 Business Security 6 Enforcement Proceedings 6 Electronic Justice 6 Means of Securing Obligations in Notarial Procedure 6 Protection of Rights in the European Court of Human
Rights 6 Investment Law 6 Commercial Law 6 Corporate Law 6 International Commercial Arbitration 6 International Law of Intellectual Property 6 Normative Activity 6 Organization of Foreign Trade Operations 6 Translation of Legal Texts 6 Tax Law 6 Law of International Treaties Law on Ecological Security 6 Legal Principles of Social Insurance 6 Interpretation of Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Taxation 6 Philosophy of Law 6 Legal Psychology 6 IT Law 6 Discipline of free choice of the
applicant In order to ensure the formation of an individual educational
trajectory, taking into account the provisions of Art. 62 of the
Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" applicants can choose the
components of the educational program from other educational
programs, both similar and other levels of higher education, in
agreement with the dean of the faculty. 6
Our graduates receive advanced practical legal training due to the unique system of the educational process, which involves the latest technologies and innovative teaching methods allowing them to be highly competitive in the market for legal services.
Moreover, SUTE’s students acquire an in-depth understanding of the nature of the State and Law, academic research skills, critical thinking skills, time management skills, and deep professional expertise in legal issues. A wide range of optional legal and non-legal disciplines allows them to choose an individual educational trajectory, use the potential of related fields of knowledge, and understand essential areas of legal regulation of business activity.
The mandatory and optional parts of the educational program «LEGAL SUPPORT FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP SECURITY» have a multivariate nature and business orientation. It benefits in introducing a model of education that is as close as possible to domestic legal practice and adapted to international educational standards.
Legal security for business involves legal mechanisms to counteract unforeseen threats resulting from the criminalization of business, theft, fraud, corruption, and falsification. Therefore, stable functioning and development of the entrepreneurial activity cause an urgent need for the new formation of public-private law specialists to protect the interests of the state, legal entities, and individuals. Their actions are aimed not only at ensuring the safety of business entities but also the legal protection of their interests in relations with public authorities, local governments, law enforcement agencies, courts of various forms of jurisdiction and instances, and international judicial bodies and institutions.
OUR GRADUATES ARE ALREADY WORKING: as heads of anti-corruption departments and divisions of ministries and other public authorities; judges, investigators, lawyers, notaries; heads of legal services, divisions of legal protection and financial and economic security, legal advisers of enterprises, banks, insurance companies; hold the positions of managing (senior) partners of law firms; carry out scientific and scientific-pedagogical activities in leading institutions of higher education.
Highly qualified teaching staff: outstanding scholars and practicing lawyers with Ph.D., lawmakers, working lawyers, notaries, and judges of the Supreme Court. The teaching staff is authors of textbooks, monographs, scientific articles, and developers of innovative research programs; therefore, their experience, knowledge, and individual approach to a student will not leave students indifferent to jurisprudence.
Practical training during the whole period of study: working in the Legal Clinic, Law Club, internship at the School of Applied Law, an internship in leading law firms, courts, government agencies, and legal departments of business participants.
Opportunities for continuous improvement:
Regular master classes and open lectures by professional representatives of domestic and foreign jurisprudence (lawyers, notaries, judges, heads of legal departments, and divisions in public authorities); constant improvement of knowledge of a foreign language (Legal English); student scientific conferences; “Polemic Union” Debate Club; development of start-ups and business plans together with the SUTE Business Incubator.
Access to advanced literature: SMART-library (multimedia library, access to electronic full-text document databases).
Innovative areas to improve the efficiency of educational prosses: VR studio with virtual reality glasses; cybersport zone; coworking spaces, "SUTE HUB" and "PHYGITAL HUB".
Modern material and technical base: 51 computer rooms; audiences are equipped with LED screens.
In addition, SUTE campus is famous for its comfortable dormitories, and cosy dining rooms where delicious food is served. The university has modern sports facilities such as a football stadium, sports open-air areas, tennis courts, two contemporary game rooms, a gym, boxing and wrestling rings, and fitness rooms. Students are welcome to choose appealing sports activities from 17 different sports sections.
Students could satisfy their desire to develop as an artist in the cultural center (folk student chamber academic choir, modern dance studio "Light", vocal studio, and contemporary music studio, folk instrumental ensemble "At libitum").