Department Psychology
Department Psychology
Department Psychology

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Картинки по запросу фото з психологіїThe mission of the Department is to train and form

a professionally competent specialist in Psychology as a highly educated,

nationally conscious, honest, caring, creative person

who can think independently and act responsibly

in accordance with the principles of good and justice

for the development of an open and democratic society  

The educational process is provided by the Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of the Department: 19 people, including 4 Doctors of Sciences in Psychology, 13 PhDs in Psychology, 2 Doctors of Sciences in Philosophy in the Subject Area 053 "Psychology".

 Head of the Department Doctor of Sciences in Psychology Serhii Myronets. 

The scientific activity of the Department is concentrated around the problems of interrelation and mutual influence of the individual and society: Research and Academic Staff study issues related to organizational and economic psychology, communication psychology, mass psychology, leadership psychology, methods of socio-psychological influence on activities in special conditions and overcoming life crises, etc.                                     .                                                                      



trains specialists of educational degrees:

"Bachelor" in the Subject Area 053 "Psychology"

ECTS information package (Bachelor's degree)

"Master's degree" in the Subject Area 053 "Psychology"

ECTS information package (Master's degree)





Full-time Study

Practical psychologist in educational and scientific institutions, recruitment institutions, psychological advisory services, enterprises, public authorities and management, etc.

A practical psychologist can perform the following types of activities:

  • diagnostic and corrective;
  • expert and advisory;
  • educationally-upbringing;
  • scientific-research;
  • culturally-educational.

There is a conventional division of psychologists by field of activity into three types.

Psychologist-theoretician/researcher is engaged in creative analysis of existing psychological theories and practices; also develops and organizes scientific researches, etc.

Practicing psychologist applies professional knowledge, skills and abilities in practice. Practicing psychologists usually have specialization according to the field of activity in which they practise (practicing child psychologist, family psychologist-consultant, crisis psychologist-consultant, business coach, sports psychologist, etc.).

Psychology teachers are usually classified as theorists, although it makes sense to single out this area of psychological activity separately. In addition to teaching activities, the teacher has opportunities for scientific research and practical work (psychological counseling, trainings and practical seminars), as well as for solving tasks of an applied nature (development and/or implementation of psychological products to order in university or outside it).

Graduates of the Department of Psychology are also engaged in implementation of innovative (psychological) technologies in the trade sphere; professional diagnosis and correction of crisis phenomena in the organization's activities; scientific research work of a psychological and social profile. They work in the marketing and human resources departments of companies, as well as organize global psychological research in cooperation with foreign scientists.

Graduates with Master's degree in "Psychology" can continue studying at the university at third level of higher education (PhD in the specialty 19.00.10 - Organizational Psychology, Economic Psychology).


Full-time and

Part-time Study

Specialist in personnel issues; specialist in the field of social and pedagogical sphere; psychologist (manager) for personnel; psychologist (manager) for social and corporate responsibility; head of personnel department; head of advanced training courses; specialist in personnel work; psychologist in administrative activities; psychologist in organization of consulting services; head of the psychological unit; head of the psychological department, etc.

The Department of Psychology has a POST-GRADUATE COURSE

Educational degree – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Specialty 053 "Psychology"

Study period: 4 years

Subject Area/Educational Programme


Educational degree

Doctor of Philosophy

Subject Area Description

A postgraduate student acquires in-depth knowledge, abilities, skills, professional and general competences, which are sufficient for the production of new ideas, solving complex problems in the field of psychological support of professional activity in normal and crisis conditions taking into account universal human values ​​and norms of professional ethics of a psychologist. Future PhDs master research and innovation, methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity, as well as conduct own scientific research, the results of which have scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance.

Curriculum disciplines

  • Foreign Language for Specific Purposes
  • Foreign Language of Academic Communication
  • Philosophical Outlook of the 21st Century
  • Scientific Text
  • Methodology of Scientific Research
  • Pedagogy of Higher Education
  • Intellectual Property in the Scientific and Research Sphere
  • Scientific Seminar "Experimental Psychology"
  • Scientific Seminar "Psychological Help and Counseling"
  • Social Psychology with Ethnopsychology Course
  • Scientific Seminar on the Topic of Dissertation Research

Teaching and learning

Problem-oriented learning using distance and interactive learning technologies: thematic lectures; problem-based lectures; review lectures; binary lectures; dual lectures; lectures-conferences (including with the participation of well-known specialists in the field of science and practice); lectures-consultations with presentations, discussions, trainings, moderations, modeling situations, using the case study method to solve real problems, working in small groups, etc.


The ability to solve complex tasks and problems in the process of psychological support of the professional activity of specialists in trade, economics and other spheres of life, which involves conducting scientific research and presenting their results, implementing innovations into practical activity or educational process.

Structure and organization of the educational program

Additional Information on the Organization of Educational Process According to the Educational and Scientific Programme

Educational degree

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

остання редакція 02.12.2024