Department of Statistics and Econometrics
Department of Statistics and Econometrics
Department of Statistics and Econometrics


Scientific work

of Statistics and Econometrics

All employees of the department of statistics and econometrics take an active part in scientific work, constantly improve their professional level. The results of scientific research work are implemented in the educational process and are reflected in monographs, textbooks, training manuals and scientific articles. Specialists of the department give reports at international and all-Ukrainian scientific conferences and seminars.

From July 16 to 21, 2017, the 61st Congress of the International Statistical Institute (ISS) was held in Marrakech, Morocco.

The mission of the Institute of Statistics is to promote the understanding and development of statistics throughout the world. The tasks of the Institute of Statistics are to strengthen and support the international statistical community, to promote and spread scientific statistical research, to spread scientific research in the field of statistics in all forms of education.

More than 1,500 participants from 180 countries of the world came to the 61st Congress of the Institute of International Studies. One of the organizers of the Congress was the professor of the Department of Statistics and Econometrics of KNTEU Motoryn R.M., a valid member of the International Statistical Institute since 1998. He organized one of the plenary sessions of the Congress on the topic "Teaching of economic statistics: past, present future", where he delivered a report on the topic "Teaching of economic statistics in Ukraine: past and present". He also took part in the work of the ISI Session "Falsifications in socio-economic statistics and counter measure techniques", where he gave a speech on the topic "Experience identification of data falsification in the teaching of economic statistics".

In addition, Professor Motoryn R.M. took part in the satellite conference of the 61st Congress of ISI, which was held from July 11 to 15 in Rabat, Morocco, where he gave a speech "Impact of big data on the development curricula of training statisticians in Ukrainian university".

All teachers of the department combine theoretical research and practical implementation. The scientific topics of research meet the modern requirements of science and practice. The research topics of the department correspond to the profile of the university and the tasks set before it. The modern research problems of the department are as much as possible oriented to the study of commodity circulation and the study of the market of goods and services.

Today, the department is working on one budget topic: "Information and analytical provision of statistical research of the consumer goods market".

Academic supervisor: S.I. Pyrozhkov, Doctor of Sciences in Economics,  Professor.

Performers: Motoryn R.M., Doctor of Sciences in Economics,  Professor, , Ryazantseva V.V., Ph.D. in Physical and mathematical, Associate Professor, N.A. Golovach, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor; N.O. Ivanchenko, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor; Ya.O. Mishchenko, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor; Chornyi A.Yu., Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor; Antonyuk O.A., Senior Lecturer; Grikun O.P., leading specialist.

Scientific and methodical seminars are regularly held at the department.

During the last year, teachers and graduate students of the department took part in the work of 3 international and 3 all-Ukrainian conferences. The participants of the conferences were 5 teachers of the department, who made 8 scientific reports and co-reports.

Last year, the department's specialists prepared 21 scientific and scientific-methodical works with a volume of 34.2 units. printing. sheet From the total number of works: a monograph (14.8 a.a.), 4 articles of which one is in foreign publications and one in publications included in international scientometric databases, a practicum in statistics (9.4 a.a.), methodological recommendations for writing term papers (1.63 credits), 6 educational and work programs from the disciplines of the department, theses of reports at scientific conferences.

Students from various faculties are constantly involved in carrying out scientific research on the subjects of the department's problems.

Thus, students of the II-IV courses (6 students) participate in the state budget topics of the department. Students of all courses and faculties, where the teachers of the department work, took part in the preparation and holding of the conference of SNT KNTEU (15 students, of which 9 gave reports at the conference of KNTEU and 3 received awards).

The department supports the work of the student scientific society in two circles: "Statistics" and "Econometrics", which regularly listen to reports submitted to student conferences based on the results of annual scientific work. Today, the activity of the "Statistics" circle is focused on the study of theoretical and practical problems of modern business statistics, where the possibilities of researching economic phenomena and processes using modern statistical data processing packages are considered, which will contribute to the professional development of students in their future activities.

The teachers of the department are mentors in groups of the Faculty of Finance and Banking, hold meetings with students regarding their attitude to life, study at the university, discuss the results of current academic performance and sessions, and constantly promote a healthy lifestyle.

остання редакція 21.03.2023