Department of Economics and Competition Policy
Department of Economics and Competition Policy
Department of Economics and Competition Policy



of Economics and Competition Policy

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor



Profile of the scientist in international bases:

Scopus Web of ScienceGoogle ScholarORCID 

RESEARCH EXPERTISE: covers problems of market research, market power, competition and competition policy.

COURSES: Microeconomics”, “Industrial Economics”, “Natural Monopolies’ Regulation”, “Analysis and Control of Concentration of Business Entities”, “Contemporary Issues of Macro- and Microeconomic Analysis”


  • Doctor of Sciences (hub.) (Economics), Institute of Economics and Forecasting of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, 2015
  • PhD in Economics, Vadym Getman Kyiv National Economic University, 2007
  • MS, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2003
  • BS, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2002


  • Professor, 2018
  • Associate Professor, 2009


  • Professor of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, since 2015
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2008 – 2015
  • Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Law, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2008 – 2011
  • Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2007-2008
  • Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2004 – 2007


  • Gratitude issued to the member of sectoral council 05 “Social and behavioral studies” of Ukraine’s national agency of higher education quality assurance 2019-2021 convocation, 2021.
  • ​Gratitude of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on significant personal contribution in pedagogical activity and training of professionals
  • Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Gratitude on science advancement, 2018
  • Poltava State Agrarian Academy Gratitude on high professionalism of young scientists’ training, 2018
  • Two-time awardee of Parliament Prize for young scientists, 2016, 2017
  • Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Award on high professionalism and scientific success, 2016
  • Two-time awardee of Government Prize for young scientists, 2005-2006, 2012-2014
  • Desnianska regional City Council Award on reforming of higher education, 2009




  • Worksop Training on development of inclusive, digital educational сontentunder AFID “Academic Freedom and Inclusion through Digitalization” a capacity building project under Erasmus 2027, Madrid, University of Alcala, 2023
  • Course «Enhancing higher education» AFID Erasmus project “Providing academic freedom and inclusion through digitalization”, 2023.
  • Workshop on institutionalization of inclusive digital education under AFID “Academic Freedom and Inclusion through Digitalization” a capacity building project under Erasmus 2027, Lisbon, Instituto Superior, Tecnico – Universidade de Lisboa, 2023.
  • Participation in the work of the round table on the topic: "Fighting corruption, integration of European experience into Ukrainian practice" within the framework of the Jean Monnet Erasmus+ EU Anticor project, SUTE, 2023.
  • Training Google Digital Tools for Education, Academy of Digital Development LLC, Intermediate level certificate #GDTfE-03-С-00188, 2022
  • Training Google Digital Tools for Education, Academy of Digital Development LLC, Basic level certificate #GDTfE-03-Б-01184, 2022
  • Educational and methodological seminar "Quality management of SUTE educational programs", SUTE 2022
  • Training "Interbranch aspect of accreditation: international experience", National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education together with the British Agency QAA, 2022.
  • Specialized educational course “Competition Law, Economics and Policy”, Antimonopoly committee of Ukraine, USAID/FTC Competitive markets program, EU Twinnning project, 2021.
  • Specialized educational course “Competition Policy Enforcement. World best practices”, Antimonopoly committee of Ukraine, USAID/FTC Competitive markets program, EU Twinnning project, 2021.
  • Pilot accreditation of educational doctoral Studies at Otgontedger University in the framework of the joint European project funded by Erasmus+ program “Promoting internationalization of research through establishment of cycle 3 quality assurance system, C3QA, 2019.
  • Specialized educational course “Competition Law, Economics, and Policy”, Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, USAID/FTC “Competitive markets” program and EU Twinning project, 2021 
  • Specialized educational course “Competition Policy Enforcement. World Best Practices”, Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, USAID/FTC “Competitive markets” program and EU Twinning project, 2021
  • Training for members of industry expert councils of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education, National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education, 2019.
  • Online training "Expert on accreditation of educational programs", National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education, 2019.
  • Educational and methodological seminars within the International Information Weeks of the EU Erasmus+ program in Ukraine, Erasmus+ office in Ukraine 2017, 2018, 2019.
  • Training for training experts in quality assurance of higher education, Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2019.
  • Training seminar on the development of tools for internal and external quality assurance, University of Lyon 3 named after Jean Moulin (France), 2018
  • Internship program "Strengthening the institutional capacity and independence of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine", World Trade Center Institute, World Learning, USAID (USA), 2018.
  • Training seminar on the development of regulatory support for external quality assurance of third-level higher education programs, University of Alcala (Spain), 2017.
  • Training on internal and external quality assessment, French Higher Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, 2017.


  • National coordination of Erasmus+ Project Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda (C3QA), 2016-2019
  • Member of National peer review team of young experts in sphere of Economics, Demography and Social Welfare under the authority of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2016-2019
  • Member of Specialized Academic Council in Economic Theory and History of Economic Thoughts, 2016-2019.
  • Vice-head of the Expert Board in Social and Behavioural at National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (Ukraine),
  • Member of Editorial Board of “Scientia Fructuosa" (former - Herald of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics) ISSN: 1727-9313 (Print), 2616-5856 (Online), since 2019
  • Member of Editorial Board of “Economic Bulletin of Dnipro University of Technology, since 2019
  • ISO auditor, since 2009
  • Reviewer of scientific journal “Ecoforum” (Romania) ISSN: 2344-2174, 2013-2019
  • Host reviewer of Springer’s scientific journal “Review of Industrial Organization” ISSN: 0889-938X (Print) 1573-7160 (Online), 2019
  • Expert examination of the Draft Law of Ukraine “On State Aid to Business Entities”, 2013
  • Expert examination of the Draft National Program of Competition Development for 2014-2024, 2013
  • MBA course “Doing business in Ukraine” for students of ESCP Europe Business School, 2008-2010

HOBBY: travel, games of skill, contemporary art.

остання редакція 12.02.2024