Anzhelika Gerasymenko
General Information
Doctor of Sciences in Economics,
Profile of the scientist in international databases:
Web of Science
Google Scholar
In 2003 she was awarded master’s degree in Antitrust Management from Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics.
In 2007 she defended her PhD thesis, and in 2015 - doctoral thesis (DSc) in Economic theory and the history of economic doctrine.
Since 2003 she had passed through positions of assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics.
In 2008 - 2011 served as Vice-dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Law.
In 2021 – 2023 was the head of the Department of Economics and Competition Policy.
Since February 2023, she holds the office of Vice-rector for Research, Pedagogical Activities and International Relations of the SUTE.
Additional Activities:
- 2023 – 2025: National coordination of Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE Project "Providing of Academic Freedom and Inclusion through Digitalization" (AFID),
- 2022 – 2025: Performer of the Erasmus+ Jean Monet project "Advocacy of European Rules of Competition";
- 2016-2019: National coordination of Erasmus+ Project “Promotion internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 QA System in line with the European Agenda” (C3QA);
- 2019 – 2022: Vice-head of the Expert Board in Social and Behavioural Science at National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (Ukraine);
- 2019: member of the international expert group for accreditation of the Cycle 3 program "Education" at Otgontenger University (Mongolia);
- 2016 – 2021: Member of National peer review team of young experts in sphere of Economics, Demography and Social Welfare under the authority of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the examination of scientific and technical (experimental) projects of young scientists;
- 2016-2020, 2022 until now – Member of Specialized Academic Council (К 26.055.05);
- Since 2023 until now - Head of the Commission on Ethics and Academic Integrity of the SUTE,
- Since 2023 until now - Executive secretary of the journals "Scientia Fructuosa", "Commodities and Markets", "Foreign Trade: Economics, Finance, Law".
Anzhelika Gerasymenko is the author of more than 200 scientific works published both in Ukraine and abroad. She was awarded with Gratitude of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on significant personal contribution in pedagogical activity and training of professionals as well as made a significant personal contribution to the training of qualified specialists and fruitful pedagogical activity.