Open lecture "On the way to social/ethical banking: the origin and evolution of the social banking movement in the 19-20 centuries"
General Information
With the support of the Department of Banking, as part of the events to celebrate the Day of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting on April 26, 2024, an open lecture by the famous French philosopher of ethical money, co-founder and vice-president of the Supervisory Board of the first ethical bank in France La NEF, Jean-Pierre Caron, was held at the topic of formation and development of ethical banking.
During the lecture, the ways of the historical formation of social banking in Europe were revealed, and the hypothesis was formed that the countries that developed a system of financial support for the general population and small businesses (Austria, Germany, France, and others) passed significant historical periods without significant social upheavals .
Students and teachers of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting are sincerely grateful to Mr. Jean-Pierre for the interesting open lecture and look forward to the next meetings!
The author of the publication is
Nataliia SHULGA,
doctor of economic sciences, professor of the Department of