Student Round Table «Anti-Corruption in Ensuring Post-War Recovery and Development of Ukraine»
General Information
On May 14, 2024, at the initiative of the Department of Financial Analysis and Audit of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting and the Department of Legal Business Security of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, an interdisciplinary student round table «Anti-corruption in ensuring the post-war recovery and development of Ukraine» was held for discussion theoretical and practical aspects of anti-corruption measure with interested parties and students.
The head of the Department of Financial Analysis and Audit Professor Karina Nazarova, the head of the Department of Legal Support of Business Security Ruslan Melnychenko and Nataliya Parfenyuk - certified auditor-practitioner, president of the Public Organization for Auditors, Accountants and Teachers of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, member of the APU board, manager and partner addressed the participants with a welcome speech LLC «TEO-AUDIT», master's degree in psychology.
The event was attended by students of higher education majoring in «Accounting and Taxation» and «Law», teachers of the Department of Financial Analysis and Audit, and the Department of Legal Support of Business Security, as well as students of higher education of I. I. Mechnikov Odesa National University, King Danylo University, separate structural unit «Kyiv Trade and Economic College of the State University of Trade and Economics».
The main topics for discussion were:
- Anti-corruption audit.
- Financial control as a means of combating corruption.
- Digitization of business processes in the economic security system of the economic entity.
- Independent audit in the conditions of globalization.
- Corruption challenges in the conditions of martial law.
- Legal regulation of anti-corruption.
- Anti-corruption policy of business entities.
The active participation of education seekers in the scientific event, the discussion and discussion by the participants of the round table and the invited employers and stakeholders once again emphasized the importance of legal and audit regulation of issues related to the detection and fight against corruption and its consequences in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
MINIAILO, Ph.D. economy of Sciences, Associate
Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Analysis and
SHVEDOVA, Ph.D. law of Sciences, Associate
Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Business