All-Ukrainian Student Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Financial and Credit Systems:Pproblems of Theory and Practice"
General Information
On October 22, 2024, the Department of Banking organized and held the All-Ukrainian student scientific and practical internet conference "Financial and credit systems: problems of theory and practice" online. The event was attended by 71 students of economic specialties of the State University of Trade and Economics and its structural subdivisions, Kyiv National University of Economics named after V. Hetman, State University "Zhytomyr Polytechnic" and Odesa National University of Economics. The conference was solemnly opened by Tetyana KANYEVA, Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, and Nataliya SHULHA, Head of the Department of Banking.
The thematic panels of the conference covered such areas as the integration of the financial and credit system of Ukraine into the global financial space; monetary and financial policy of the country; financial stability and ways to strengthen it; financial aspects of business development in the conditions of martial law and the post-war revival of the economy of Ukraine.
Of particular interest were the reports related to the monetary policy of the central bank, the management of the country's debt, digital currency, ensuring financial stability, artificial intelligence in the financial sphere, green banking, onboarding in the banking business, financial aspects of business development under martial law, and directions for economic recovery in the post-war period.
Based on the results of the conference, speakers will receive certificates of participation.
We sincerely thank all participants for the opportunity to participate in an interesting and meaningful scientific event!
The author of the publication is
Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor of the Department of