

GRIGORE BELOSTECINIC, Honorary Doctor of KNUTE (2014)

General Information


Honorary Doctor of KNUTE (2014)

Rector of Academy of Economic Studies of Moldava (Chisinau, Moldova)

Grigore Belostecinic was born in January 7, 1960 in the village of Voinova in Strashenskyi area. After graduating from junior high school in his native village (1975) he graduated from the Industrial and Economic College of Moldova (1978), then in 1983 from Faculty of Trade Economics of Kishinev State University. In 1986-1989 he was a postgraduate student of the Plekhanov Institute of National Economy in Moscow. In 1989 he defended his thesis in economics, in 1999 he habilitated his Doctors Degree in economics, in 2000 he received the title of professor.

G. Belostecinic began his teaching activities as an assistant at the Commo­dity Science Department of State University of Moldova (1983–1986), in 1990–1991 he worked as a lecturer at the Economy Department and Commodity Science Department in the same university. Since its establishment in 1991 and currently he works in the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (AESM). Over the years he passed all stages of professional growth from senior lecturer, associate professor, head of the department, dean to rector. Faculty and the Department of Marketing were created as part of the AESM on his initiative. In 1991–1998 G. Belostecinic served as Dean of the Faculty of Marketing, and from 1994 to 2004 was Head of the Faculty of Marketing.

Since 1993, Academician G. Belostecinic had a number of academic trainings abroad: Germany – restructuring of enterprises; United States – management and marketing of small and medium-sized enterprises, administration of higher education; Poland – business incu­bators (organisation and management of business incubators); Great Britain, Sweden, France, China, Norway, Denmark – management and deve­lopment of educational technologies in higher economic edu­cation; US Germany, Netherlands – promotion of entrepreneurship and imple­mentation of educational technologies in universities; Ireland and Lithuania – regional economic development; Switzerland – logistics.

From 2011 as Rector of Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova G. Belostecinic became a worthy successor of ideas of Higher School of Economics of the European type, created in 1991 by Professor Paulo Bran – founder and first rector of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, and later rector of Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.

The project AESM creation was developed and partially imple­mented by its founders and was successfully continued and expanded by Rector G. Belostecinic. The strategic goal of AESM is preparation of specialists of high qualification and different specialization in economic transition, reforms and adoption of market economy.

Under the leadership of Rector G. Belostecinic, since 2001, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova became an advanced insti­tution, which uses modern methods of teaching science and culture, emphasis on the training of young professionals in the field of eco­nomics by western European standards. Graduates of the Academy are highly qualified specialists requested by the Republic of Moldova as well as in many countries of Europe and America.

Thanks to the efforts of Academician G. Belostecinic, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova continues to thrive: economic specialties are diversified in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process; faculty is represented by young qualified professionals; construction of a modern educational building has been completed; Scientific Library of the university has moved to a new, specially equipped building, Multimedia Center has been opened, the only one in terms of equipment in the Republic of Moldova.

Academician G. Belostecinic as director or coordinator of scientific research of national programs with huge importance for the economic and scientific activities of the Republic of Moldova is working with various organizations and specialized institutions. So, he is coordinator of the State Scientific Program of Competitiveness development and improvement of economic sustainability in the context of an economy based on knowledge, globalization, regional and European integration (2010–2014); he is a head of scientific and research project Trends and opportunities to ensure the competitiveness development in the Republic of Moldova (2007–2010); scientific leader and participant in the research project Elaboration of models of regional development through the formation of clusters (2008–2010).

Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova in collaboration with Kiev National University of Trade and Economics under the super­vision of Academician A. Mazaraki and G. Belostecinic has developed an international research project Priorities of the Ukrainian Moldovan trade and economic relations in the context of cross-border strategies of cooperation and European integration.

Academician G. Belostecinic performs a lot of duties as a member of the Executive Bureau of European Council to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, member of the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova, member of the Board of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova, member of the Plenary Council for Science and Technology development of the Academy of Sciences, member of the plenary sessions and member of the Certification Commission of the National Council for Accreditation and Attestation of the Republic of Moldova, member of the editorial board of the Encyclopedia of Moldova.

Rector G. Belostecinic is President of the Association of Eco­nomists of Moldova, Chairman of the Moldovan Italian Logistics Association, Chairman of the Specialized Scientific Council of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova of Doctoral Theses, scientific consultant of doctoral students and scientific director of graduate students in writing doctoral and Ph.D. theses on the Economy, in Marketing and Logistics (since 1997). Under the leadership of G. Belostecinic National school of marketing and logistics was formed, where 15 theses for the degree of habilitated doctor and Ph.D. in economics were upheld.

The results of scientific research of Academician G. Belostecinic are reflected in 140 scientific publications, including 7 monographs (some in collaboration), numerous articles and studies published both in Romanian and other European languages in specialized scientific journals and composite books published in Republic of Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, Belarus, Egypt and others.

Fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity of Rector G. Belo­stecinic is appreciated both by public, scientific and economic circles in the Republic of Moldova and far beyond its borders. For pro­fessional and scientific achievements Rector G. Belostecinic was awarded with high state award of the Republic of Moldova: the Order "Honor" (2010).

Academician G. Belostecinic successfully combines professional and social activity, he was a member of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova of the XIX convocation in 2010–2011.

For high scientific achievements G. Belostecinic was elected Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (2012), corres­ponding member of the prestigious professional forums and institutions, the International Academy of Management (2006), The American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (2005), an honorary member of the National Institute of Economic Research of the Academy of Romania (2004), Italian Logistics Association (2005).

Rector G. Belostecinic is Dr. "Honoris Causa" at some foreign universities: Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Romania), Ovidius University of Constanta (Romania), D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics (Bulgaria).

остання редакція 02.06.2020