Postdoctoral studies
Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
Doctoral studies department at Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics has been functitioning since 1994. Today the doctoral studies training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff is carried out in the following scientific fields:
- 051 Economics
- 071 Accounting and taxation
- 072 Finance, banking and insurance
- 073 Management
- 075 Marketing
- 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities
- 181 Food technologies
- 292 International Economic Relations
The training is based on the state order and at the expense of legal entities and individuals on the terms of the contract.
The doctoral study training does not exceed two years.
People who have a Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences, scientific achievements and published works in a chosen specialty and those who are able to carry out fundamental and applied scientific research are admitted to the doctoral studies.
A scientific consultant, the doctor of sciences, who is personally responsible for the quality and timely completion of the doctoral theses, may be appointed to assist the doctoral student in writing the theses at the place of its preparation.
Every year after consideration by the department and faculty doctoral students submit the report on the implementation of the individual work plan to the University Academic Council, according to its results their certification is held and the decision about their future doctoral studies is made. The results of the certification are approved by the Rector.
Doctoral students have the right to:
1) receiving state grants in case of enrollment under the state order in accordance with the applicable legislation;
2) accommodation for the single;
3) employment in accordance with the agreement in case of enrollment under the state order.
4) annual vacation for up to two calendar months, which are included in the total training period in case of the off-job training.
Mutual responsibility of the doctoral student and the University are defined in the agreement, which is signed within 10 days after admission to the doctoral studies.
A doctoral student may be expelled from the doctoral studies for gross violation of the internal regulations of the University, for unlawful acts, as well as for failure to comply with an individual work plan without any good reason.