Department of Statistics and Econometrics
Department of Statistics and Econometrics
Department of Statistics and Econometrics

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of Statistics and Econometrics

"He who owns information owns the world"


The Department of Statistics and Econometrics was created in 1969 under the name "Department of National Economy and Statistics", and in 1993 it received its current name.

Since the mid-1990s, the teachers of the department have been actively developing areas of science and disciplines that are new to the country - econometrics, quality statistics, banking, financial and international statistics, according to which educational and methodological developments are published.

During 1998-2002, the department took an active part in the project of international cooperation of KNTEU with the University of Miami (Ohio, USA) "Qualitative methods of business improvement", which made it possible to significantly improve the quality of educational and methodological materials.

Since 2010, the department has had its own computer class, which allows the use of modern equipment and software in the educational process and research activities.

The purpose of the Department of Statistics and Econometrics is to train specialists who are able to effectively use the methods of collecting, processing and analyzing statistical information, to carry out econometric modeling and forecasting of phenomena and processes in all spheres of activity, the level of professional training of which meets world standards.

The main tasks of the department are the organization and implementation of educational and methodical work to ensure the educational process according to the established disciplines of the department, conducting scientific research on modern topics of applied statistical and econometric research.

Teaching is carried out for full-time and part-time students, postgraduate students, 12 disciplines are assigned to the department.

Students of all courses and faculties, where teachers of the department work, participate in the preparation and holding of student scientific conferences of KNTEU (for example, on November 17, 2021, 10 students gave reports at the conference of KNTEU, see details in the Information section).

The departments of the department are professionally oriented, from all of them complexes of educational and methodological support have been created, which are the result of many years of experience in improving the teaching methodology of the relevant discipline by the teachers of the department. In recent years, specialists of the department have published and prepared for publication the following textbooks and training aids:

1. Statistics: textbook/ S.I. Pirozhkov, V.V. Ryazantseva, R.M. Motorin and others. Kyiv: Kyiv. national trade and economy University, 2020 - 328 p.

2. International statistics. Organization and methodology: textbook/ R.M. Motoryn - Kyiv: Kyiv. national trade and economy University, 2019–456 p.

3. Econometrics. Modeling of macroeconomic processes: Nov. manual / V.V. Ryazantseva - Kyiv: Kyiv. national trade and economy University, 2018 - 387 p.

4. Quality statistics. Practicum: teaching manual / A. Yu. Chornyi. - K.: Kyiv. national trade and economy University, - 2011.

For many years, in the periods 1973-1978, 1985-2003 and 2007-2015 the department was headed by Popov Ivan Ivanovych, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, author of numerous scientific and methodical works on the theory of statistics, who was awarded the Petr Mohyla badge, the "Outstanding Education of Ukraine" and "Veteran of Labor" awards.

Since February 2015, the department has been headed by Serhii Ivanovich Pirozhkov, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.

For his many years of work, he was awarded the Order of Merit III degree (1998), II degree (2008) and I degree (2018); Laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology (2002); Honored Scientist and techniques of Ukraine (2003).

Today, the scientific and teaching staff of the department consists of 8 core specialists, 75% of whom have scientific degrees and scientific titles. They carry out educational, scientific-research, teaching-methodical and educational work.

The department employs 2 professors, 4 candidates of sciences, 3 of them have the academic title of associate professor, and a senior teacher.

2 – Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professors;

4 – Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professors;

1 – Senior Lecturer.


  • Statistical Survey Methodology;
  • Theoretical and Methodological Background of Management Statistical Assurance;
  • Informational and Analytical Assurance of Economic Processes;
  • Statistical Prediction Methodology;
  • Integrated Qualimetric Assessment.

остання редакція 04.04.2024