Department of Journalism and Advertising
Department of Journalism and Advertising
Department of Journalism and Advertising


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of Journalism and Advertising

Department of Journalism and Advertising

The Department of Journalism and Advertising offers Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programs in Journalism. Graduates of the department work as advertising and PR managers, SMM managers, heads of advertising and PR agencies, media planners, advertising and public relations specialists at trade enterprises.


3 years 10 months (full-time)
4 years  6 months (part-time)
Language: Ukrainian

1 year 4 month
(full-time or part-time)
Language: Ukrainian

Student Activities

All-Ukrainian Student Trade Advertising Competition AdMind

Entry Period: October, yearly
Participants: high school, college and university students

AdMind is an opportunity to demonstrate your creative abilities to a professional jury, draw the attention of advertising agencies of Ukraine, and create your own portfolio as an advertiser. The competition is open to students of higher education, students of schools and colleges.

International Students Photography Awards

Entry Period: June, yearly
Participants: high school, college and university students

The purpose of the Contest is to develop the creative abilities of students (future marketers, advertisers, journalists, public relations specialists and other specialties) and encourage generation of original photo solutions for marketing and journalistic purposes.

Creative Advertising Association of Students

Works constantly
Participants: students of SUTE

Creative Advertising Association of Students is a team of leaders with burning hearts and a sparkle in their eyes, a coordinated team that overcomes all challenges on its way. Members of the association participate in the organization of various professional events, both at the University and outside.


International Scientific and Practical Conference
Journalism and Advertising: interaction vectors

International Scientific and Practical Conference
"Images of modernity in humanitarian knowledge"

The department holds two annual round tables:
‣ in June, dedicated to the national Journalists' Day
‣ in October, dedicated to the national Advertisers' Day

Research papers

остання редакція 09.07.2024