PhD students
Commodity Science and Customs Affairs
VOVK YULIA RUSLANIVNA TOPIC OF THE DISSERTATION: Commodity examination of antique cold weapons. SCIENTIFIC SUPERVISOR: Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor Indutny V.V. EDUCATION AND PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE: in 2018, she graduated from the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, majoring in "Commodity Studies and Organization of Foreign Trade", received a master's degree. Since 2019 - candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the post-graduate school of DTEU, specialty 076 - entrepreneurship, trade and stock market activity LIST OF MAIN SCIENTIFIC WORKS: Participates in scientific conferences, symposia and seminars. The results of dissertation research were discussed at 2 scientific conferences. CIRCLE OF SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS: examination and attribution of cold weapons. Indexes of bibliographic references in Google Academy, ORCID identifier, ResearchID identifier
Doctor of Philosophy degree holder TOPIC OF THE DISSERTATION: Merchandising evaluation of alkyd water-dispersion paints. SCIENTIFIC SUPERVISOR: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor T.A. Karavaev. EDUCATION AND PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE: in 2021, he graduated from Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics under the educational program "Customs Affairs" in English. Received a master's degree. From 2022 - candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the post-graduate program of DTEU, specialty 076 - entrepreneurship, trade and stock market activity LIST OF MAIN SCIENTIFIC WORKS: participates in the implementation of the scientific research topic of the department, scientific conferences, seminars. CIRCLE OF SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS: formation of the quality of water-dispersion paints with alkyd film formers, product evaluation of operational properties of coatings. |