Department Commodity Science and Customs Affairs
Department Commodity Science and Customs Affairs
Department Commodity Science and Customs Affairs


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Commodity Science and Customs Affairs


The main goal of the Department of Commodity Studies and Customs Affairs of SUTE is to train highly qualified specialists who have knowledge in the field of commodity studies, examination of goods, customs affairs, and stock exchange trading.

Educational programs

The Department of Commodity Science and Customs Affairs trains specialists at three levels of higher education in the subject area 076 "Entrepreneurship and Trade" and is a graduate department of the educational programs "Customs Affairs" and "Commodity Science and Organization of Foreign Trade".

Bachelor's program - Customs affairs

Master's program - Customs affairs (English speaking program)

Bachelor's program - Merchandising and organization of foreign trade

Master's program - Commodity science and foreign trade organization

PhD program - Entrepreneurship and trade

The department has a strong staff and research potential, which allows to carry out theoretical and applied research in the field of commodity science, expertise, customs affairs, stock exchange activity.

The high professional level of the academic staff and modern equipment and facilities of the department ensure the training of highly qualified specialists. Scientific and methodical cooperation is carried out with leading educational institutions and organizations - customers of specialists; relations with domestic and international partners, trade networks are expanding. 



The department has created modern offices and laboratories, equipped with samples of goods, devices for research. A gemological office was created for the diagnosis and examination of jewelry, precious stones, precious metals and alloys. The "Customs Affairs" study room of the department is equipped with modern computers, has licensed software tools "MD Office", "QD Pro", as well as a number of author's software packages that contribute to the acquisition of practical skills and abilities during the study of various disciplines.

Considerable attention is paid to the organization of students’ research work. During all years of study, students work on a chosen scientific topic under the supervision of professors and associate professors. The result of research work is publications in collections of research papers, speeches at scientific conferences, which directs the student to study at the second (Master's) and third (PhD) cycles.

остання редакція 09.07.2024