of Digital Economy and System Analysis
Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor,
Head of the Digital Economy and System Analysis
Guarantor of the educational master's
degree program
Technologies and Business Intelligence (Data
e-mail: a.roskladka@knute.edu.ua
Web of
Google Scholar
Data Science, Data Mining, business analytics, statistical analysis, forecasting methods, mathematical and computer modelling of processes
and systems
- "Data Analysis Technologies"
- "Business Intelligence
- "Big Data
Analytics" (ukrainian/english)
- "Systems of Business Analytics in
International Business"
- "Sectoral Business Intelligence
- "Data Analysis Technologies in
- Professor of the Digital Economy and System Analysis
Department, 2020
- Professor of the Economic Cybernetics Department, 2015
- Associate Professor of the Mathematical Modelling and Social
Informatics Department, 2005
- Doctor of Sciences (hub.) in Economics,
Specialty «Economics and management of enterprises (by types of
economic activity)», dissertation topic: «Monitoring, diagnostics
and control of processes of activity of a higher educational
establishment», 2013
- PhD in Physics and Mathematics, 2000
Specialty 01.05.01 «Theoretical fundamentals of computer science
and cybernetics», dissertation topic: «Parametric problems and
stability in simulation by Euclidean combinatorial optimization
- Specialist degree in Business Economics, Poltava University of
Economics and Trade, 2011
- Specialist degree in Mathematics and Physics, qualification of
teacher of Mathematics and Physics, Volodymyr Korolenko Poltava
State Pedagogical Institute, 1994
Head of the Department of Digital Economy and Systems
Analysis of State University of Trade and Economics, since 2015
Professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and
Information Systems of Kyiv National University of Trade and
Economics, 2014-2015
Professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics of the Ukoop
Union HEI "Poltava University of Economics and Trade",
Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical
Modelling and Social Informatics the Ukoop Union HEI
"Poltava University of Economics and Trade", 2004-2013
Associate Professor (2002-2004) of the Department of Applied
Mathematics, Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling in Yurii
Kondratiuk Poltava National Technical University, 2002-2004
Senior Lecturer (2001-2002), Assistant (1994-2001) of the
Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and
Mathematical Modelling in Yurii Kondratiuk Poltava National
Technical University, 1994-2002
- Roskladka A. System Analysis of the Internal
and External Migration Processes in Ukraine/
A. Roskladka, N. Roskladka, O. Romanyuk, T.
Troianovska-Korobeinikova, L. Savytska // Babichev, S., Lytvynenko,
V. (eds) Lecture Notes in Data Engineering, Computational
Intelligence, and Decision Making. ISDMCI 2022. Lecture Notes on
Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 149. pp
302–319. Springer, Cham, 2023.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-16203-9_18287 (Scopus).
- Roskladka A. Cluster Analysis of Ukrainian Regions Regarding
the Level of Investment Attractiveness in Tourism/ G. Kharlamova,
A. Roskladka, N. Roskladka, A. Stavytskyy, Y. Zabaldina //
ICTERI 2021 Workshops. ICTERI 2021. Communications in Computer and
Information Science, vol 1635. Springer, Cham, 2022. P. 147-168.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-14841-5_10 (Scopus).
- Roskladka A. Computer support system for choosing the optimal
managing strategy by the mutual investment procedure in smart city
/ A. Roskladka, V. Lakhno, V. Malyukov, S. Rzaieva, V. Gamaliy, V.
Kraskevich, O. Kasatkina// Advances in Intelligent Systems and
Computing -Volume 1194, Springer, Cham, 2021, p. 278-287.
- Roskladka A. The data association algorithm for the formation
of optional IT-courses list system / A. Roskladka, N. Roskladka, G.
Kharlamova, A. Stavytskyy // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020,
#2732, p. 515-531(Scopus).
- Roskladka A. The data science tools for research of emigration
processes in Ukraine / A. Roskladka, N. Roskladka, G. Kharlamova,
A. Karpuk, A. Stavytskyy // Problems and Perspectives in Management
- Volume 18, issue #1, 2020, p. 70-81.
- Roskladka A. Cloud based architecture of the core banking
system / A. Roskladka, N. Roskladka, G. Kharlamova, R. Baglai //
CEUR Workshop Proceedings. – Volume 2393, 2019. – P. 316-331.
- Roskladka A. Data analysis and forecasting of tourism
development in Ukraine / A.Roskladka, N. Roskladka, O.
Dluhopolskyi, G. Kharlamova, M. Kiziloglu // Innovative Marketing.
- Volume 14, 2018, issue #4, pp. 19-33.
- Roskladka A. Formation of nominal values of the process
indicators under fuzzy- stochastic uncertainty // Actual problems
of economics (Актуальні проблеми економіки), 2015. – № 8 (170). –
P. 461-466.
- Roskladka A.A. Combinatorial optimization under uncertainty /
A.A. Roskladka, O.A. Yemets // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. –
2008. – № 5. – P. 35–44.
- Roskladka A.A. Algorithmic solution of two parametric
optimization problems on a set of complete combinations / A.A.
Roskladka, O.A. Yemets // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. – 1999.
– № 6. – P. 1–6.
- Roskladka A.A. On estimates of minima of criterion functions in
optimization on combinations / A.A. Roskladka, O.A. Yemets //
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. – 1999. – Vol. 51. – No 8. – P.
- Roskladka A. The peculiarities of crystal formation during
freezing of broccoli / A. Roskladka, S. Belinska, S. Levitska, N.
Kamienieva, O. Kitayev // Food Science and Technology, Volume 12,
Issue 3/2018. – р.21-27.
Other publications in journals included in international
scientometric databases (since 2019)
- Roskladka A. (2021) Oblikovi aspekty funktsionalnosti
kontrolinhu: osoblyvosti sfery torhivli [Accounting aspects of
controlling functionality: peculiarities of the trade sphere] //
Efektyvna ekonomika. – Efficient economy. Vol. 4 [in
Ukrainian]. – Access mode: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=8797
- Mazaraki A., Roskladka A. & Ivanova O. (2021) China's
digital policy: system analysis and implementation prospects for
Ukraine // Visnyk KNTEU. – Herald of KNUTE. – Vol. 3 – P.
4-17. [in English]. – Access mode: http://visnik.knute.edu.ua/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2780&catid=295&lang=uk
- Roskladka A. & Baiev R. (2021) Digitalization of data
analysis tools as the key for success in the online trading markets
// Access to science, business, innovation in the digital
economy. - Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2021. - P. 222-233 [in
- Roskladka, A., Rzayeva, S., Rzayev, D., Kraskevych,
V. & Gamalii, V. (2020) Osoblyvosti rozrobky informatsiynoi systemy
Automatic sales funnel [The features of development of the
Information system Automatic sales funnel]. Tekhnichni nauky
ta tekhnologii – Technical Sciences and Technologies. – Vol. 2
(20), pp. 186-196 {in Ukrainian].
- Roskladka, A., Rzayeva, S., Rzayev, D., Kraskevych,
V. & Gamalii, V. (2020) Avtomatyzovana systema marshrutyzatsii
lohistychnykh potokiv torhovelnoho pidpryiemstva [Automated system
of routing of logistic flows of a trading enterprise].
Kiberbezpeka: osvita, nauka, tekhnika – Cybersecurity: education,
science, technology. – Vol. 3 (7), pp. 72-84 [in Ukrainian].
- Roskladka, A., Ivanova, O. & Kulazhenko, V. (2019).
Data Scientist: a glance into the future. Foreign trade: economics,
finance, law. Vol. 3 (104), pp. 109-120 [in English].
- Roskladka, A., Roskladka, N. & Dzyhman, O. (2019).
Klasternyj analiz kliients'koi bazy danykh pidpryiemstv sfery
posluh [Cluster analysis of the client database of service
companies]. Tsentral'noukrains'kyj naukovyj visnyk. Ekonomichni
nauky – Central Ukrainian Scientific Bulletin. Economic
Sciences. Vol. 2 (35), pp. 151-159 [in Ukrainian].
- Roskladka, A., Roskladka, N. & Poplavskyi, O. (2019).
Kompiuterne modeliuvannia protsesu tsinoutvorennia u tsukrovomu
vyrobnytstvi [Computer modeling of the pricing process in sugar
production]. Agrosvit – Agro-world, Vol. 16, pp. 8–17 [in
- Roskladka, A., Roskladka, N. & Pushkar'ova, A.
(2019). Systema monitorynhu kliuchovykh pokaznykiv efektyvnosti
diial'nosti pidpryiemstva [Monitoring system of key performance
indicators of the enterprise]. Efektyvna ekonomika – Efficient
economy. Vol. 12. Retrieved from
http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/pdf/12_2019/8.pdf [in
- Roskladka, A., Baglai, R., Lazorenko, V. &
Zaichenko, M. (2019). Practical implementation of the methodology
of forming a system for monitoring the process of information
support. Big Data processing: methods, models and information
technologies : monograph. Shioda GmbH, Steyer, Austria, pp. 161-188
[in English].
- Roskladka, A., Roskladka, N., Hamalii, V. &
Geseleva, N. (2019). Formation of the monitoring system for
non-production enterprises. Big Data processing: methods, models
and information technologies : monograph. Shioda GmbH, Steyer,
Austria, pp. 188-215 [in English].
- Roskladka, A. & Roskladka, N. (2019). Computer modeling of
tourism flows in Ukraine. Ukraine and the World: the tourism system
: monograph. Prague : Eatern European Center of the Fundamental
Researchers (EECFR), pp. 41-55.
Honour certificate for scientific achievements, Kyiv National
University of Trade and Economics, 2015
Honour certificate from Poltava Regional Council, 2013
- Google Digital Tools for Education Course Certificate (Basic,
Intermediate and Advanced), 2022
- Certificate on Training Courses on Quality Assurance in Higher
Education in Agreement with ESG Policies, organized within the
project Implementation of Education Quality Assurance System via
Cooperation of University- Business-Government in HEIs (EDUQAS),
- Сertificate of Internship «Data Analysis” in High
School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in
Bratislava, Slovakia, 2021.
- Certificate of a member of the Sectoral Expert Council in the
Branch of knowledge 12 "Information Technologies", 2021.
- Certificate of training for members of Sectoral Expert Councils
of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance,
- Certificate of training "Expert on accreditation of educational
programs", National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance,
- Certificate Grade B in English, British Council Ukraine ECI,
- Certificate Grade B in English Council of Europe Level B2, Kyiv
National University of Trade and Economics, 2019
- Online training ‘Expert on Accreditation of Educational
Programmes’, National Agency for Higher Education Quality
Assurance, 2019.
- International level certificate «Data Science Instructor
Bootcamp», IBM & Intela, 2018. Certificate ID:
- Certificate of the internship «Functioning of the
scientific and educational processes at the university”
in European University of Informatics and Economics in Warsaw,
Poland, 2017.
Experience in implementing
research projects:
- Development of Data Science tools (2022-2024). State
registration number is 0122U001548.
- Modeling of collection, analysis and processing of text data
(2020-2021). State registration number is 0120U100401.
- Forecasting in tourism by means of mathematical and computer
modeling (2017-2020). The state registration number is
- Information technologies in the modeling of business
structures» (2017-2020) State registration number is
- Simulation of the mechanisms of the functioning of
international e-commerce (2018-2019). The state registration number
is 0117U000507.
- Modeling the processes of managing transformation projects of a
financial institution (2018-2019). The state registration number is
- Processes and their models in the management of a higher
educational establishment (2010-2012). The state registration
number is 0110U002213.
- Statistical analysis and information provision of monitoring
systems for social and economic processes (2010-2012). The state
registration number is 0112U001076.
Experience of international
cooperation organization:
- High School of Economics and Management of Public
Administration in Bratislava – Agreement about the joint
master's program «International Business Analytics» (since
- China Talent and Technology Center (CTTC) – Memorandum on
cooperation in the field of Data Science, Data Mining, Big Data,
Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Business Analysis (2018).
- European University of Informatics and Economics in Warsaw –
Cooperation Agreement and Scientific Exchange (since 2016),
co-organizer of the International Scientific Conference «Dylematy»
- Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics – Organizer of
the International Scientific Symposium «Big Data Analytics:
Modeling and Information Technologies» (2019).
Experience of organizational
- Co-author of the National Strategy for the Development of
Artificial Intelligence in Ukraine (2021-2030), 2021.
- Developer of the analytical system of dashboards "Tourist
Statistics of Ukraine 2009-2019" commissioned by the National
Tourism Organization of Ukraine with the support of the USAID
program "Competitive Economy of Ukraine", 2020.
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education
and Science of Ukraine (Informatics and Cybernetics section), since
- Member of Sectoral Expert Council in the Branch of knowledge
«Information Technologies» (Specialty «System Analysis») of the
National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance, since
- Expert on accreditation of educational programs of the National
Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (Specialties «Applied
Mathematics», and «Economics»), since 2019.
- Member of the Scientific and Methodological Commission of the
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Economics),
- Head of the Specialized Academic Council DF 26.055.07 with the
awarding of a PhD scientific degree on specialty «Computer
Science», 2021.
- Head of the Specialized Academic Council DF 26.055.1 with the
awarding of a PhD scientific degree on specialty «Accounting and
taxation», 2021.
- Member of the Specialized Academic Council D 44.877.01 with the
awarding of a scientific degree of a doctor and a candidate of
economic sciences, since 2014.
- The guarantor of the educational program «Information
Technologies and Business Intelligence (Data Science)», since
- Official opponent of the dissertation for the degree of
Candidate of Economic Sciences, 2017
- Member of the editorial board of the journal «Information
Technologies and Computer Modelling», since 2021.
- Member of the editorial board of the journal «Scientific herald
of the Poltava University of Trade and Economics», since 2014.
- Scientific supervisor of Candidate of Science in economics
(specialty «Mathematical methods, models and information
technologies in economics»), 2019 and Candidate of Science in
technical sciences (specialty «Information technologies»),
- Scientific supervisor of PhD students (specialty «Computer
Science»), since 2020.
Travel, yoga, English
learning |
остання редакція 01.10.2024