Department of Management
Department of Management
Department of Management


Nelya Mykytenko

of Management


PhD in Economics, 
Associate Professor of the Department of Management
Director of the Bachelor’s degree programme​ "Trade Management"

e-mail: n.mykytenko@knute.edu.ua

AUTHOR IDENTIFIERS:  Scopus enlightened  ORCID enlightened Google Академіяenlightened  ResearchGateenlightened Academia.uaenlightened
RESEARCH EXPERTISE:  category management at trade enterprises, operational management in non-production activities, organization theory
COURSES: Category Management”, “Operations Management”, “Theory of Organization”
  • PhD in Economics, 08.06.02 "Entrepreneurship, management and marketing", Thesis Title: "Improving Operations Management at Retail Enterprises", 2002
  • Management in the non-production sphere (EL "Specialist"), Kyiv State University of Trade and Economics, 1998.
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Management, 2007
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Management, State University of Trade and Economics, since 2022
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, since 2005
  • Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2003-2005
  • Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Management, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2000-2003
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: /file/MzExMg==/a2d2b1118b93e90520d758c2b42fc8c0.pdf
  • Certificate of diligent work, exemplary professionalism, and noteworthy achievements in the fields of science and education, in celebration of the Educator's Day at Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2021.
  • Gratitude of Kyiv National Trade Economics University for active participation in scientific, public and educational work and on the occasion of the Faculty Day of Economics and Management and Psychology, 2017
  • Diploma for the high level in managing student's scientific work and in the preparation of the student Ilyina A. – prize-winner of the 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian contest of student's scientific works on the specialty "Management", 2016
  • Gratitude for significant contribution to the training of specialists, development and implementation of innovative forms and methods of education in the educational process and on the occasion of the Day of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Psychology, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2016.
  • Diploma for the Master's Thesis of student Yuvchenko P., who won 2nd place in the All-Ukrainian competition of diploma works in the direction "Management", 2008
  • Certificate of Honour of  Kyiv National  University Trade and Economics development and introduction of innovative forms into the educational process teaching methods and on the occasion of the Faculty Day of Economics and Management and Law, 2007
  • Certificate of Honour for significant contribution to educational work with students and on the occasion of the Day of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Law, Desnyanska District State Administration in Kyiv, 2010.
  • Diploma of the winner of the 1st All-Ukrainian Competition of Situational Exercises, Consortium for Improving Business Education in Ukraine, Innovation and Development Center, 1999
  • Internship at EPICENTER K LLC, 2024
  • Internship at Auchan Ukraine Hypermarket LLC, 2018
  • Participation in the training methodological seminar "Compliance academic integrity scientist", Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2018
  • Participation in the training methodological seminar " Self-management", Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2017
  • Distance learning under the program "Management of personnel and wages", European School of Correspondence Education, 2014-2015.
  • Scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 2009-2011
  • Higher School of Pedagogical Excellence "Methodology of Teaching in Higher School" of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2003
  • Course of lectures and trainings "Quality Management System according to DSTU ISO 9001-2001" of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2009
  • Specialist of the Scientific-methodical commission on management of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2003-2010
  • Postgraduate study of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics,1998-2001
HOBBY: cooking, reading, singing, flowers, gardening

остання редакція 10.09.2024