Department of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity
Department of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity
Department of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity


About the Department

of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity

The Departmnet of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity

Write programs primarily for people, and only then for machines

Steve McConnel



The Department of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity was created in 2015 (order dated 06.03.2015) as a result of the development of the University in the segment of training IT specialists.

One of the first licensed specialties was "Program Engineering" (2014), which was transformed into "Software Engineering" (2015). Accepting the challenges of society, the university opened the specialty "Cybersecurity" (2018).

The basic principles of the department's work are the principle of compliance of the content of the disciplines with the latest achievements of the IT industry.

The mission of the department is the development of information science about modern programming languages and programming technologies, information processes in the economy and their effective management in the conditions of the information society, as well as the formation of students' relevant competencies in algorithmization, programming and protection of information systems and networks.

The staff of the department constantly improves its scientific and professional level.

The department has an appropriate material and technical base - computers of the new generation, equipment for visual accompaniment of lectures and practical classes, which ensures a modern level of the educational process and the organization of scientific research work of students. The department has five computer classes. More than 100 modern computers are connected to a local computer network with access to the INTERNET. All laboratory work is provided with electronic methodical manuals, which are published in the cloud.

The department trains specialists under the educational and professional program "Software Engineering" from the specialty 121 "Software Engineering" of the "Bachelor" and "Master" educational degrees, according to the educational and professional program "Security of Information and Communication Systems in the Economy" from the specialty 125 " Cybersecurity" of the educational degree "Bachelor" and under the educational and scientific program "Computer Science" from specialty 122 "Computer Science" of the educational degree "Doctor of Philosophy".

Презентація лабораторії кібербезпеки Б-514

Контактна інформація кафедри інженерії програмного забезпечення та кібербезпеки

Електронна пошта:  progen@ukr.net

Бебешко Богдан Тарасович
остання редакція 10.09.2024
Владислав Котов