PhD in Technical
Associate Professor of the
Department of Digital Analysis and System Analysis
e-mail: v.zozula@knute.edu.ua
Google Scholar,
Data Science, Data engineering,
computer modeling of processes and systems, designing control
systems of multidimensional moving objects, mechatronic and
cyber-physical systems. |
- «Digital Systems and Technologies»
- «Information Technologies in Professional
Associate Professor of the Department of Automation of
Production Processes, 2003.
PhD in Technical Sciences by specialty 05.13.07, «Automation of
technological processes».
Dissertation topic “Automation of the process of restoration of
the cylinder sleeves of agricultural machinery”, 1999.
The specialty 2101 «Automation and control in technical
systems», the qualification – engineer - system technician, the
Kirovograd Institute of Agricultural Machine Building, 1994.
Associate Professor of the Department of Digital
Economy and System Analysis, State University of Trade and
Economics, since 2022.
Associate Professor of the Department of Automation of
Production Processes, Central Ukrainian National Technical
University, 2001 -2022.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Automation of
Production Processes, the Kirovograd Institute of Agricultural
Machine Building, 2000-2001.
Assistant of the Department of Automation of
Production Processes, the Kirovograd Institute of Agricultural
Machine Building, 1997-2000.
Postgraduate student of the Kirovograd Institute of Agricultural
Machine Building by specialty «Automation of technological
processes and production», 1995-1997.
1. The dynamic
characteristics of the mechanism with parallel kinematic structure
based on experimental data / S. I. Osadchy, V. A. Zozulya, A. S.
Timoshenko // Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference
on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems
(IDAACS’2013), Berlin, Germany, 2013, vol. 2, pp. 905-911.
2. Optimal Filtering of Hexapod Acceleration Data Obtained Under
Action of Electromagnetic Interference / Osadchy S. I., Zozulya V.
A. // Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference “Methods
and Systems of Navigation and Motion Control” (MSNMC). Kyiv: КНАУ.
– 2014. – С. 21-23.
3. The Dynamic Characteristics of the Manipulator With Parallel
Kinematic Structure Based on Experimental Data. / Sergei Osadchy,
Valerii Zozulya, Anna Timoshenko // Advances in Intelligent
Robotics and Collaborative Automation — Robots. River Publishers.-
2015 - Chapter 2. - рр.27–48.
4. The Dynamics of 3-dimentional micro-mechanic sensor of angle
motions of a robot-hexapod // Osadchy S.I., Zozulya V.A., Rudiuk G.
I. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on.
Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems:
Technology and Applications (IDAACS’2015). Warsaw, Poland 2015,
vol. 2, pp. 908-912.
5. Identification of the signals in position control circuits of a
hexapod platform / Melnichenko, M.M.,Osadchy, S.I.,Zozulya, V.A. //
Proceedings of the IEEE 4rd International Conference “Methods and
Systems of Navigation and Motion Control” (MSNMC). Kyiv: КНАУ. –
2016. – С. 51-57.
6. Optimal Control of Leader-Following Robots under Random Effects
// Sergei I. Osadchy, Anatoliy P. Ladanyuk, Valeriy A. Zozulya,
Larisa G. Vikhrova, Viktor M. Kalich. Proceedings of the 9th IEEE
International Conference on. Intelligent Data Acquisition and
Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications
(IDAACS’2017). Bucharest, Romania 2017, vol. 2, pp. 923-928.
7. Optimal Robust Control of a Robots Group / S.I. Osadchy, V.A.
Zozulya, A.P. Ladanyuk, L.G. Vikhrova, V.M. Kalich /
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. – 2019. - Vol. 53, No. 4.
- pp. 298–309
8.Synthesis of Optimal Multivariable Robust Systems of Stochastic
Stabilization of Moving / Sergei Osadchyi, Valerii Zozulia //
Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference Actual
Problems of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Developments (APUAVD 2019), 22
– 24 October 2019. Kyiv: КНАУ. – 2019. – С. 106-112.
9. S.I. Osadchy, V.A. Zozulya, I.A. Bereziuk, M.M.
Melnichenko.Stabilization of the Angular Position of Hexapod
Platform on Board of a Ship in the Conditions of Motions //
Automatic Control and Computer sciences, 2022, Vol.56, №3, pp.
1. Platform motion control system with parallel
structure mechanism. Patent of Ukraine № UA 146998 МПК G05D 3/12 /
Zozulia Valerii, Osadchy Sergei. Decl. 07.12.2020. - № u202007775.
Publish. 31.03.2021, № 13.
2. The method of automatic control of a
multidimensional dynamic object. Patent of Ukraine № UA 149398 МПК
(2021.01) G05B 15/00 / Osadchy Sergei, Zozulia Valerii. Decl.
07.12.2020. - № u202007776. Publish. 17.11.2021, № 46.
3. The combined system of controlling the movement
of the working surface of the mechanism of the parallel structure.
Patent of Ukraine № UA 149671 МПК (2021.01) G05D 3/00 / Zozulia
Valerii, Osadchy Sergei. Decl. 26.07.2021. - № u202104336. Publish.
24.11.2021, № 47.
4. The two-loop system for controlling the movement
of the working surface of the parallel structure mechanism. Patent
of Ukraine № UA 150378 МПК G05D 1/08 (2006.01) / Zozulia Valerii,
Osadchy Sergei. Decl. 26.07.2021. - № u202104340. Publish.
09.02.2022, № 6.
5. The link of linear movements for a mechanism of
a parallel structure. Patent of Ukraine № UA № 151029 МПК
(2022.01), B23Q 5/08 (2006.01), B23Q 15/24 (2006.01), G05D 3/00 /
Zozulia Valerii. Decl. 22.12.2021. - № u202107507. Publish.
26.05.2022, № 21.
Other publications in journals
included in international scientometrics bases (from
1. Zozulia Valerii, Osadchy Sergei, & Belyaev Yuri
(2018). Classification of tasks and principles of control of the
mechanism of the parallel kinematic structure for solving various
tasks. Automation of Technological and Business Processes, 10(2),
2. Osadchy Sergei, Zozulia Valerii. ( 2020).
Passive identification of multivariable stabilization system
elements’ dynamics. Automation of Technological and Business
Processes. 12(1), 32 – 40
3. Zozulia Valerii, Osadchy Sergei, & Kalich
Victor. (2022). Information technology for the identification of
the Stewart platform boom dynamics model. Automation of
Technological and Business Processes, 13(4), 27-34.
4. Osadchy Sergei I., Zozulia Valerii A., Soroka
Nikolai Soroka, Bereziuk Irina. Information technologies in the
professional training of specialists in the development of a system
of stabilization of the angular position of the take-off and
landing platform on board the ship // Theoretical and methodical
foundations of professional training and activities of aviation
specialists (The collective monograph). Chapter 1.5. Poland. 2022.
pp. 88- 125
All-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical
professional development «STEM education: scientific and practical
aspects and perspectives of the development of the modern education
system», 18.10.21- 26.11.2021; № ADV-181037-PSI from 26.11.2021,
the study load is 180 academic hours – 6 ECTS credits
All-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical professional
Basic level №GDTfE-03-Б-06672 from 16.10.22, the study load is 30
academic hours (1 ECTS credits).; №GDTfE-BПП-05584 from 17.10.22,
the study load is 2 academic hours (0,07 6 ECTS credits);
Intermediate level №GDTfE-03-C-02166 from 26.10.22, the study load
is 15 academic hours (0,5 6 ECTS credits).
Participation in state budget scientific
- “Stabilization of motion of multidimensional
unstable autonomous moving objects in stochastic conditions” ( № ДР
- “Development of a physical model of a machine tool
based on a mechanism of a parallel structure with a drive control
system for moving the working body” (№ ДР 0109U00210,
№ 0211U005056);
- “Theoretical foundations of designing
multi-coordinated machine tools and machines with mechatronic rod
structures and computer-integrated optimal robust control systems”
(№ ДР 0113U002333, № 0113U003084);
- “Methodology for designing robust-optimal
automatic control systems for complex technological objects and
complexes” (№ДР 0115U003101)
Organizational work
active recreation, sports |