What they
study |
positions |
Purpose of the Educational
Program |
advantages |
Catalog of educational disciplines |
Educational program "Trade
(full-time education, Ukrainian,
English - on the master's system) |

- Head of a small trading company
- Assistant of a head of trading enterprise
- Category Manager
- Specialist-analyst in Commodity Market Research
- Head of the Trade Section
- Merchandiser
- Product Manager
- Leading positions in international and national companies with
high level of renumeration

Training of modern managers for
trade business, who understands the conceptual foundations of trade
enterprises system management, is capable of making and
implementing justified management decisions in the conditions of a
dynamic external environment of their functioning.

- A unique combination of professional knowledge and skills in
management, marketing, logistics, commodity science, category
management, merchandising, trade psychology.
- Participation in the educational process representatives of the
top management of trade enterprises.
- Constant updating of the content of education with an
orientation to global trade standards, including electronic, and
the best international educational programs.
- State-of-the-art educational material base of European level
(specialized laboratories, computer classes, SMART-library,
numerous coworking spaces and modern recreation areas).
- Innovative technical capabilities of the university and digital
technologies of interactive training in trade management.
- Studying a foreign language of a professional direction in the
amount of 24 credits up to the B2+ level, which forms the prospects
of receiving a parallel education abroad.
- Possibility of preparing for the final attestation, which is
predicted by the curriculum of the educational program: credits for
special focused preparation for admission to the master's level
have been laid for all educational programs.
- Participation in scientific events at the university,
all-Ukrainian and international levels.
- Possibility of parallel studying in other educational programs,
which forms the complexity of professional skills.
Catalog of educational
disciplines |

Director of the trade enterprise, Commercial Director, Regional
Director, Head of Retail Company, Trade Manager (Retail
and Wholesale trade managers), Head of Sales (Marketing)
Department, Head of Commercial Department, Head of the marketing
department, Managers of middle and upper-level management in
international and national companies with a high level of

Training of managerial staff for trade enterprises, who are able
to ensure the adoption of effective management decisions in
accordance with modern trends in the development of trade business
and the new culture of consumer behaviour

- Participation in the creation of
a new trade management philosophy at the enterprise thanks to the
implementation of unique professional competencies
- Generating the achievements of
modern digital technologies in conditions of high risks caused by
war and the Covid-crisis, taking into account new requirements for
personnel in the field of trade
- Acquisition of competences
for solving strategic tasks of trade enterprises in connection with
the spread of CSR practices and ESG concept
- Participation in the educational
process of leading practitioners - managers of domestic and
international business, strategic partners of the university (open
lectures, master classes, trainings, etc.)
- Opportunity to study in an
English-language educational program with the prospects of
obtaining the C+ level
- Constant updating and improvement
of the education content with orientation to the world standards of
trade business, best international educational programs
- State-of-the-art educational
material base of European level (specialized laboratories, computer
classes, SMART-library, numerous coworking spaces and modern
recreation areas)
- An extensive system of
connections with business partners/stakeholders, which allows to
choose a promising organization for successful employment
- Academic mobility program that
allows to get an education abroad
- Possibility of realizing creative and scientific potential,
involvement in sports, cultural and business events, participation
in conferences, webinars, round tables with representatives of
business and government structures
Catalog of educational disciplines |
Educational program "Business
(full-time and part-time forms of
education, Ukrainian, English - on the OS
"master |

Director (Manager) of a small enterprise; Administrative
Activities Manager; Manager of the Consulting Services
Organization; Social and Corporate Responsibility Manager;
Communication Technologies Manager / Specialist; Head of the main
divisions of the enterprise; Business Analyst; Market Research
Specialist; Leading positions in international and national
companies with high level of renumeration
Training of competent specialists in the field of management,
who are able to organize an effective competitive business and
achieve set goals and effective activities, using internal
development reserves.

Formation of an individual
educational trajectory and the acquisition of unique professional
competencies in business management, which is facilitated by a wide
pool of educational disciplines chosen by the student.
Innovative technical capabilities
of the university and digital technologies of interactive training
in business management, which involves the continuous development
of general and professional competencies.
Participation in the educational
process business representatives and strategic partners of the
university (open lectures, master classes, webinars, etc.).
Constant updating and improvement
of the content of education with an orientation to global standards
and the best international educational programs.
State-of-the-art educational
material base of European level (specialized laboratories, computer
classes, SMART-library, numerous coworking spaces and modern
recreation areas).
Studying a foreign language of a
professional direction in the amount of 24 credits up to the B2+
level, which forms the prospects of receiving a parallel education
Possibility of preparing for the
final attestation, which is predicted by the curriculum of the
educational program: credits for special focused preparation for
admission to the master's level have been laid for all educational
Perspectives of dual education,
which will contribute to the acquisition of soft/hard skills and
the opportunity to study business management in depth.
Rich sports, social and cultural life.
Catalog of educational disciplines |

General Director (General Manager)
Organizational Director / Strategic Development Director
Operational Director (Manager)
Administrative Manager
Regional Development Manager
Corporate Management Professional / Specialist
Professional in Innovations
Managers of middle and upper-level management in international
and national companies with a high level of remuneration
Training of leaders who are able to effectively manage all
business processes of the enterprise and quickly respond to any
changes and challenges of the external environment, develop and
implement innovative business ideas, create favourable working
conditions and achieve set goals to ensure effective business

Acquiring competencies in the implementation of strategic and
innovative business development tasks
Ability to create competitive business organizations thanks to
the implementation of unique professional competencies
An extensive system of connections with business
partners/stakeholders, which allows to choose a promising
organization for successful employment
Participation in the educational process of leading
practitioners - managers of domestic and international business,
strategic partners of the university (open lectures, master
classes, trainings, etc.)
Opportunity to study in an English-language educational program
with the prospects of obtaining the C+ level
Constant updating and improvement of the education content with
orientation to the world standards and best international business
State-of-the-art educational material base of European level
(specialized laboratories, computer classes, SMART-library,
numerous coworking spaces and modern recreation areas)
Opportunity to work with experienced mentors/practitioners of
international companies and study advanced courses in business
Academic mobility program that allows to get an education
Possibility of realizing creative and scientific potential,
involvement in sports, cultural and business events, participation
in conferences, webinars, round tables with representatives of
business and government structures
Catalog of educational disciplines |
Educational program
"HR Management"
(full-time and part-time
forms of education - on the Master's OS) |
bachelor |
- Human Resources Manager / HR Manager / Personnel Manager
- Head of Personnel / HR / Training Department / Social
Development Department
- Leading positions in international and national companies with
high level of remuneration
- Analyst in the field of professional employment
- Employer Brand Development Specialist
- Recruiter
- Personnel Incentive Programs Specialist
- Labour Market Analyst
- Specialist in Career Guidance and Workforce Recruitment
- HR Records Inspector
- HR Training Specialist
Training of competent HR management specialists capable of
forming an effective HR management system and professional
management teams, solving human resource management problems in
modern business organizations, ensuring effective HR decisions.
Participation in the
educational process HR Managers, managers of domestic and
international business, strategic partners of the university (open
lectures, master classes, trainings, etc.).
Constant updating and improvement
of the educational content with orientation to the world standards,
best international HR practices.
State-of-the-art educational
material base of European level (specialized laboratories, computer
classes, SMART-library, numerous coworking spaces and modern
recreation areas).
Innovative technical capabilities
of the university and digital technologies of interactive training
in HR management.
Studying a foreign language of a
professional direction in the amount of 24 credits up to the B2+
level, which forms the prospects of receiving a parallel education
Perspectives of dual education,
which will contribute to the acquisition of soft/hard skills when
interacting with the employer's brand, the opportunity to study
in-depth courses in HR management.
Possibility of preparing for the
final attestation, which is predicted by the curriculum of the
educational program: credits for special focused preparation for
admission to the master's level have been laid for all educational
Participation in scientific events
at the university, all-Ukrainian and international levels.
Uniqueness of training and
employment combination.
Catalog of educational disciplines |
master |
HR Director, Employer Brand Development Director,
Personnel Manager (HR Manager), Recruitment manager, Administrative
Manager, Recruiting Services Sales Manager, Corporate Social
Responsibility Manager, Leading positions in international and
national companies with high level of wages, Personnel Development

Training of competent specialists in the field of HR management,
who possess leadership potential and a set of necessary skills for
the development of effective HR strategies and their implementation
in organizations of various fields of activity in a global

Universal content of the
educational program allows to plan a flexible professional career,
thanks to the combination of interdisciplinary competences with
business goals.
An extensive system of connections
with business partners/stakeholders, recruiting and consulting
companies, which allows to choose a promising organization for
successful employment.
Possibility of realizing creative
and scientific potential, involvement in HR-communities.
Academic mobility program that
allows to get an education abroad with the prospects of obtaining
the C+ level in foreign language.
Participation in the creation of a
new HR management philosophy at the enterprise thanks to developed
soft/hard skills.
Participation in the educational
process HR Managers, managers of domestic and international
business, strategic partners of the university (open lectures,
master classes, trainings, etc.)
Constant updating and improvement
of the educational content with orientation to the world standards,
best international HR practices with considering changes in the
labour market.
State-of-the-art educational
material base of European level (specialized laboratories, computer
classes, SMART-library, numerous coworking spaces and modern
recreation areas)
Participation in sports, cultural and business events at DTEU,
including interacting with the employer's brand, the opportunity to
join projects together with the practices of international
Catalog of educational disciplines |
Educational program "Industrial
(full-time education,
Ukrainian) |
bachelor |
Director of a Small Industrial
Deputy Director of the Production
Head of the Production Unit
Head of Projects and Programs in
the Field of Material Production
Leading positions in international
and national companies with high level of remuneration
Production Rationalization
Specialist in Business
Production Rationalization
Product Quality Control Inspector
Training of managers for industrial enterprises capable of
ensuring the achievement of high indicators of socio-economic
growth of industry and economic stability of the country

The program for training competent
professional managers with high leadership potential who are able
to create new conditions and value guidelines for the effective
functioning and development of industrial enterprises.
End-to-end development of
professional competences with a focus on food and light
Participation in the educational
process heads of industrial enterprises, national and world
Perspectives of dual education,
which will contribute to the acquisition of soft/hard skills and
the opportunity to study industrial management in depth.
State -of-the-art educational
material base of European level (specialized laboratories, computer
classes, SMART-library, numerous coworking spaces and modern
recreation areas).
Innovative technical capabilities
of the university and digital technologies of interactive training
in industrial management.
Studying a foreign language of a
professional direction in the amount of 24 credits up to the B2+
level, which forms the prospects of receiving a parallel education
Possibility of preparing for the
final attestation, which is predicted by the curriculum of the
educational program: credits for special focused preparation for
admission to the master's level have been laid for all educational
Participation in the scientific
society of students, postgraduates and young scientists, which
forms research skills and lays the foundation for the trajectory of
a successful scientific career.
Catalog of educational disciplines |
Educational program "Business
(full-time (day, evening) and
extramural forms of education, Ukrainian) |

General manager (manager); director (head) of a small firm;
commercial director; Director of Operations; branch manager;
manager (manager) for administrative activities; social and
corporate responsibility manager; manager (manager) of
communication technologies; supply manager (manager); manager
(manager) in wholesale trade and trade mediation; manager (manager)
in retail trade of household goods (and their repair); manager
(manager) in matters of commercial activity and management;
corporate management professional; specialist in business
efficiency; quality specialist.
Ensuring an effective management system in the organization,
cooperation with state and public institutions, the ability to work
in international teams and adapt to changes, use modern methods of
diagnostics and examination of the activities of organizations,
create a rational model of corporate governance, resolve corporate
conflicts, develop the optimal financial policy of the enterprise,
study international markets and prospects for cooperation with
foreign partners on the basis of cross-cultural interaction, form
anti-crisis programs, initiate, develop and ensure the
implementation of investment and innovation projects and creative
development programs, use effective change management mechanisms
based on a comprehensive systemic business analysis.

Catalog of educational disciplines |
Educational program
"Management of health care facilities"
(full-time (day, evening) and
extramural forms of education, Ukrainian) |
master |

general director (director) / head (head) of a health care
institution, deputy general director (director) / head (head) of a
health care institution, medical director, head (head, head) of a
structural subdivision of a health care institutio
Management of production and economic and financial and economic
activities of the health care institution, financial and economic
results of its activity. Organization of the development and
implementation of the long-term development strategy of the
institution. Ensuring the fulfillment of obligations to state and
local budgets, state extrabudgetary social funds. Organization of
work and effective interaction of structural units. Ensuring the
attraction of funds for the institution's investment needs.
Provision of a health care facility with qualified employees.
External representation of the institution in administrative
bodies, mass media, etc. Protection of property interests of the
health care institution in court, state authorities and management.
Ensuring compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.
Ensuring the creation of working conditions at the workplace in
each structural subdivision in accordance with regulatory legal
acts, ensuring compliance with the requirements of legislation
regarding the rights of employees in the field of labor

Educational program
for the preparation of
higher education degree holders junior bachelor
(full-time and extramural forms of education,
Ukrainian) |

- Administrative Assistant
- Assistant of the head of the
enterprise (institution, organization)
- Assistant of the head of a small
enterprise without a management apparatus
- Assistant of the head of a
production or other main unit
- Trade Representative
- Commercial Agent
- Service Organization
- Supply / Sales Organizer
- Inspector for the assignment’s execution controlling
Training of specialists who possess universal competences and
are able to successfully perform typical management tasks in modern
organizations and their divisions, which are characterized by
complexity and uncertainty of conditions

- Formation of an individual educational trajectory.
- Special focused training to perform all typical specialized
management tasks.
- Continuous improvement of the educational program taking into
account the interests of stakeholders, changes in the labor
- Participation in the educational process of leading
practitioners – directors, business managers, strategic partners of
the university (open lectures, master classes, trainings,
- State-of-the-art educational material base of European level
(specialized laboratories, computer classes, SMART-library,
numerous coworking spaces).
- Use of digital technologies in interactive learning
- Possibility of the further study at the educational level
"Bachelor" in accordance with the preferences and acquired
- Studying a foreign language of a professional direction in the
amount of 24 credits up to the B2+ level, which forms the prospects
of receiving a parallel education abroad.
Catalog of educational disciplines |
Educational and
scientific program "Management"
for the preparation of higher education degree holders, Doctor of
(full-time (day, evening) and extramural forms of education,
Ukrainian, English)