Department Commodity Science and Pharmacy
Department Commodity Science and Pharmacy
Department Commodity Science and Pharmacy


Final qualification papers

Commodity Science and Pharmacy

Indicative topics of final qualification papers:

Formation of consumption properties of goods.
Products assortment and quality management.
Consumer assessment of products assortment and quality.
Comparative characteristics of the assortment and quality of goods of domestic and foreign production.
Merchandising evaluation of new goods.
Merchandising characteristics of the assortment and evaluation of goods quality.
Structural and assortment balance of the goods market.
The research of changes in the properties of goods during storage
Influence of conditions and terms of storage on consumer properties of goods.
Research of the assortment and nutritional value of new types of goods.
Quality and storage stability of new goods.
Trends in the development of the product groups in Ukraine and abroad.
The influence of new types of raw materials on consumer properties of goods.
Product quality control and its importance in the quality management system
Comparative characteristics of requirements on safety and quality of goods in Ukraine and abroad.
The quality of goods on the market of Ukraine.
Forecasting the quality of goods during storage.
The impact of new storage technologies on consumer properties of goods.
Consumer preferences щт certain group of goods.
Formation of the category of goods in retail.

остання редакція 25.11.2024