For foreign citizens and stateless persons who want to becomе SUTE students
For Prospective Students
For foreign citizens and stateless persons who want to becomе SUTE students
- Admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons to SUTE is carried out in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine On Higher Education, On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons, On Foreigners of Ukrainian Origin, On Refugees and Persons in Need of Additional or Temporary Protection, Decree of the President of Ukraine dated June 3, 1994 № 271 On Measures for Development of Economic Cooperation of Regions of Ukraine with Adjacent Areas of the Republic of Belarus and Administrative-Territorial Units of the Republic of Moldova, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 11, 2013 № 684 On Admission and Training of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of November 1, 2013 № 1541 On Organization of Admission and Training (internship) of Foreigners and Stateless Persons, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 25, 2013 № 2004/24536.
- Foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as foreigners) may obtain higher education at the expense of private individuals and/or legal entities, unless otherwise is provided by international treaties of Ukraine, the consent to be bound by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, laws or agreements On International Academic Mobility between higher education institutions.
Admission of foreigners to higher education institutions at the expense of the state budget is carried out within the quotas for foreigners (except for foreigners and stateless persons, including foreign Ukrainians permanently residing in Ukraine, persons recognized as refugees and persons in need of additional protection).
- Enrollment of foreign students at the expense of private individuals and/or legal entities is carried out by SUTE:
1) once a year, at the beginning of the academic year (but not later than November 1), to obtain Junior Bachelor’s degree, Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree;
2) during the year for postgraduate, military postgraduate and doctoral studies.
SUTE calculates the points/grades of the enrollee on the basis of the document on the previous level of education and sets the minimum required number of points/grades in general education subjects in which the entrance examination is held.
Admission of foreigners to get the appropriate level of higher education is based on the results of entrance exams in specified subjects and language of studying and on the basis of academic rights to continue education, provided by the document on the acquired level of education in the country of its origin, and success points/grades which give the right to continue studies and obtain the next level of higher education in accordance with the laws of the country that has issued the document on the acquired degree (level) of education.
- All categories of foreigners entering their studies are enrolled to SUTE on grounds of administrative orders on admission confirmed by the Unified State Electronic Database on Education.
- SUTE requirements regarding the compliance of foreigners arriving to Ukraine for the purpose of studying, with the conditions for admission to relevant levels of higher education, as well as the terms for accepting applications and documents, holding entrance examinations, creative competitions and enrollment are specified in these Admission Rules and published on the SUTE official website.
- Foreigners who receive state scholarships under international agreements, national programs, and other international obligations of Ukraine are admitted to study within the established quotas for foreigners on the basis of directions from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
- Foreigners arriving in Ukraine to participate in academic mobility programs or to obtain higher education under educational programs agreed between Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions shall be admitted for studying taking into account the relevant contractual obligations of the relevant higher education institutions.
- Foreigners of Ukrainian origin who legally stay in Ukraine and whose status is certified with a Document of foreign Ukrainian, have the same rights to education as citizens of Ukraine, with the exceptions established by the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine or international treaties, the consent of which is bound by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
Foreigners of Ukrainian origin, whose status is certified by a Document of foreign Ukrainian (except for persons permanently residing in Ukraine), may be enrolled for studying on state orders within the established quotas for foreigners by passing interviews in subjects envisaged by these Admission Rules.
- Foreign citizens and stateless persons, including foreigners of Ukrainian origin permanently residing in Ukraine, who have been granted refugee status in Ukraine, and persons in need of additional protection, have the right to receive higher education on an equal basis with other Ukrainian citizens, including public procurement places.
- The admission and enrollment of foreigners and stateless persons for studying under the educational program/direction “Preparation of Foreign Citizens for Admission to Higher Education Institutions” is carried out by the SUTE Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons (hereinafter referred to as Preparatory Department).
10.1 Admission to Preparatory Department is carried out on the basis of copies of previous education documents, passport or other identity document, written consent to the processing of personal data and the decision of the Commission for selection and admission of candidates from among foreign citizens and stateless persons for studying, which is created by the Rector’s order.
10.2. Admission and enrollment of foreign citizens and stateless persons within the licensed scope of the educational program/direction “Preparation of Foreign Citizens for Admission to Higher Education Institutions” is carried out on a full-time study mode, with students majoring in humanities and economics.
The basis for enrollment to Preparatory Department shall be the SUTE Order On Enrollment, registered in the Electronic Journal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
10.3. Accepting applications and documents, selection and admission of candidates for studying at the Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons is carried out within the following terms:
Stages of the Admission Process | Full-time studies and part-time studies | |
First day of accepting applications and documents | July 29, 2022 | |
The last day of accepting applications and documents |
3 stage - (in the case of enrollment to the group at least 5 people) - no later than May 28, 2023 |
Terms of entrance examinations for foreigners in certain subjects and languages of study | According to the schedule of Admissions Committee | |
Terms of admission |
10.4. Foreign citizens and stateless persons who have successfully
completed the Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens and
Stateless Persons and received a state certificate are recommended
to continue studies under basic accredited educational
programs/areas (specialties) at the University based on the results
of entrance examinations held in the form of an interview in
specified subjects and language of studying.
- The terms of the interview and enrollment of foreign citizens and stateless persons coming to Ukraine to study and enter the university in accordance with the quotas proved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine or enter on the basis of agreements concluded by SUTE with private individuals and legal entities are determined by the Admissions Committee.
- To enter the university, foreign citizens personally submit an application on paper. The following documents are attached to the application:
- a standard form application;
- a copy of a document certifying the person and citizenship;
- a document (original and its copy) of previous education or degree obtained on the basis of which the admission is carried out;
- a valid Medical Certificate verified by the official health institution of the country, issued not later than two months before arrival to study in Ukraine;
- valid Medical Insurance Policy (submitted before classes begin);
- consent to personal data collection and processing;
- 12 photos (3,5x4,5), matte paper;
- return open-date ticket valid for one year or a contract of voluntary liability insurance for reimbursement of expenses related to the expulsion from Ukraine;
The documents specified in paragraphs 2), 3), 4) shall be translated into Ukrainian and notarized.
Documents on previously obtained educational level must be officially certified in the issuing country, and legalized by the relevant foreign institution of Ukraine, unless otherwise is provided by international treaties of Ukraine.
When entering SUTE, foreign students are encouraged to provide a certificate issued by the competent authority of the educational document country of origin; it shall contain information about the academic rights granted by the educational document, the status of the educational institution that issued the educational document and/or the educational program.
Education documents issued by educational institutions of other countries are recognized in Ukraine according to the law.
- To enter Ukraine, foreign students must obtain an official invitation from the university, issued in the prescribed manner, and obtain an D-13 entry visa at the consular section of the Embassy of Ukraine in a relevant country.
- Accepting applications and documents, entrance examinations held by the university, competitive admissions and enrollment of foreign citizens and stateless persons who stay in Ukraine on legal grounds on the basis of complete general secondary education, basic and full higher education is carried out within the following terms:
- Applications and documents from foreign citizens who have graduated from the preparatory faculty/department or received education of a certain educational and qualification level are accepted within the time limits set by the university, but not later than 1 month before the expiration of the temporary residence permit in Ukraine.
In addition to the documents specified in paragraph 12, this category of prospective students shall provide a Certificate on Completion of the Preparatory Department (faculty/department), a letter from a previous education instituion which doesn’t deny further studies at SUTE and confirms no material and other claims to the student, as well as a valid temporary residence permit in Ukraine with a seal of deregistration from the previous place of residence.
Interviews and admission of this category of students are carried out according to individual schedules (within 5-10 calendar days from the date of signing the Order on Expulsion from the previous education level).
In case of violating deadlines for submitting documents, the committee decides whether to issue a standard invitation to a prospective student, who shall leave and enter Ukraine in accordance with applicable law within the time limits set by the university.
- The specialties (educational programs) in which the university admits foreign citizens and stateless persons are listed in Table 1.
- A person recognized as a refugee or a person in need of additional protection has the right to receive higher education on an equal basis with Ukrainian citizens