


International activities

Realization of double-diploma programs

On 1st October 2014 first 8 English and French groups began their studies in the multimedia class (which was funded by European Commission within the framework of the  TEMPUS MODEP project "Modernization and Development of professionalized courses"  (144920 - TEMPUS - 2008 - FR. JPCR) and partially by KNUTE) G-207 within the double-diploma programs in the newly formed European Education Center in KNUTE. During the study process original language study software is being used which was also bought within European financing. 

The Awarding ceremony of Bachelor and Master diplomas of France

On the 20th of June, 2014 at KNUTE’s central square was held a festive and memorable event within the ceremony of Masters’ graduation – diploma awarding ceremony for the graduates of double diploma program within the framework of cooperation between KNUTE and University d’Auvergne (France), including students of the pilot group of the project TEMPUS MODEP (MOdernisation et DEveloppment de cours Professionnalis) 144920-TEMPUS-2008-FR. JPCR.
Besides the 40 diplomas that students of Kyiv campus received, almost 20 were awarded to the graduates of our regional subdivisions – Vinnytsa Institute of Trade and Economics, Kharkiv Institute of Trade and Economics, Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics, and also of TEMPUS partners – Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Tugan-Baranovskii and Poltava University of Economics and Trade.
Celebration ceremony gained more solemnity thanks to the presence of Attache of Republic of France in Ukraine, Director of French-Ukrainian center for university and scientific cooperation – Mr. Gilles Mametz, who congratulated students on behalf of the Embassy.
Rector of KNUTE – Anatolii Mazaraki expressed gratitude to the Embassy for taking part in the ceremony and for the continuous cooperation with our university.
Traditionally ceremony ended with the performance Honored student academic chamber choir of KNUTE.   

Award ceremony of the French state diplomas to students of pilot group of the project TEMPUS MODEP 
(MOdernisation et DEveloppement de cours Professionnalis) 144920-TEMPUS-2008-FR. JPCR

On February 13, 2014, took place an award ceremony of French diplomas to the students of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics - 30 “The Bachelor” («Licence») diplomas and 21 of "Master” (“Master 2”) diplomas.

The special significance of this ceremony was provided with the presence of honored guests – Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Chief of International Cooperation, representatives of the French Embassy in Ukraine.

Rector A.A. Mazaraki opened the ceremony: "In all my years of teaching our students received 98 "Master" diplomas, 235 "Licence" diplomas and more than 800 university diplomas "Duma" 1, 2. Many graduates of the French-Ukrainian Institute of Management continued theirs studies in the Master's programs at universities in France. Cooperation between Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics and the University d'Auvergne become the largest project for Ukraine and France in the field of education".

Also speeches were made by F. Cassiere – responsible for international relations in the University d'Auvergne and E. Tosatti.
14 students from the universities of Poltava, Donetsk, Lviv received diplomas for their achievements in the pilot group of 4 -year European Union project "TEMPUS MODEP", which involved 12 universities in Europe, and was the coordinator by KNUTE. Diplomas were handed by E. Tosatti – Counselor of the Embassy and S. Batsyukova – Coordinator of National Tempus Office in Ukraine.

The final chord was the performance by the KNUTE’s choir of the students’ anthem "Gaudeamus" and on the occasion of St.Valentine's Day well-known song – "Une vie d'amour".

Basic results on realization of TEMPUS MODEP project
"Modernization and Development of professionalized courses" in KNUTE
(144920 - TEMPUS - 2008 - FR. JPCR)

1. Acquisition (from EU funds), installation in created multimedia laboratory and application in educational process of:

  • computer equipment (11 units)
  • ​software ("Tell me more" - in English and French)
  • business simulation games software (Shadow Manager, Mondial Manager)
  • server

2. Upgrading academic qualifications in major disciplines, foreign languages and managers and technicians of computer equipment (5 people were undergoing training in Clermont-Ferrand, France)
3. Pilot student groups were undergoing levels: Licence, Master 1, Master 2 of study modules in France during the realization of the TEMPUS MODEP program.
4. Distribution of business games and language programs among the student body outside of pilot groups within TEMPUS MODEP program.
5. 17 students from pilot groups received diplomas of Licence and Master 1 level.

Tempus in Ukraine celebrates 20 years

On 14th May 2013 in hotel "Rus" took place the international conference "Tempus-Ukraine@20"dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the Tempus Programme in Ukraine. It was organized by the National Tempus office in Ukraine together with the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, with the support of the EU delegation in Ukraine. The participants of the conference were greeted by Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine and EU Ambassador to Ukraine Jan TOMBINSKI who also made reports.
Conference gave the opportunity to thoroughly discuss achievements of TEMPUS program and to draft its further implementation. At the conference was presented “Review of Tempus project influence in Ukraine”, which exposed positive results as well as problems of Tempus projects implementation during 20 years of its history in Ukraine. Particularly actuality and efficiency, participation of higher education establishments and scientific institutions, students, employers, state authority bodies and non-governmental bodies in the sphere of higher education according to Bologna process.
During the conference took place the awarding ceremony for Tempus projects executives in Ukraine within different nominations. Vice-Rector for scientific-educational work and international relations of KNUTE Valerii Sai was awarded with diploma for initiativeness, artistic search, and contribution to the development of international cooperation. Kyiv National university of trade and Economics from 2009 till 2012 took part in the TEMPUS MODEP project "Modernization and Development of professionalized courses" which was aimed to develop and implement general professional courses Licence (L3) and Master (M1 and M2) adapted to the needs of professional training in Ukraine in the sphere of management of enterprises and administrative bodies which are consistent to the Bologna process. 

Multimedia class - pride of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

The multimedia class equipped with modern technique appliances operates at Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics with the active support of the Rector of the University А. Mazaraki at the expense of the European Commission within the framework of the TEMPUS MODEP Programme (MOdernisation and DEvelopement de cours Professionnalises) 144920 - TEMPUS - 2008 - FR. JPCR and partial financing of the University.
The multimedia technologies used in classroom G-207 KNUTE allow to reach a new level in foreign languages teaching, raise the scope for self-reliant work of students and provide conditions for distant education.
Multimedia classroom is oriented at the work of pilot groups of TEMPUS programme students, The Centre of Foreign Business Language as well as for KNUTE teachers training with the aim of Master Degree Programme introduction in English.
Noteworthy that software in this classroom (bought on the expanses of European grant) is used not only for teaching English and French but also to carry out business games for specialized disciplines as Foreign Economic Activity Management, Financial Analysis, etc.

Official cеremony of awarding French state diplomas to the students of the first pilot group of the project TEMPUS MODEP


Award ceremony of the first 17 European state-level diplomas of level Licence (BA) took place on March 30, 2012 in Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (KNUTE - 9, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade University named after Tugan-Baranovsky - 4, Lviv Academy of Commerce - 3, Poltava University of Economics and Commerce - 1) within the framework of the project TEMPUS MODEP ("Modernization and development of professionalized disciplines").
The presence of high-ranking guests from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science, Youths and Sports, diplomats of the Embassy of France in Ukraine, representatives of the National Tempus Office in Ukraine, as well as management of KNUTE, media representatives made this event especially significant.
Official part of the holiday began at 16:30 in the festively decorated hall of the university.
Rector of KNUTE A.A. Mazaraki greeted the audience.
Also, the words of welcome were said by: Head of International Cooperation authority of Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine A.D. Bozhkov (who read a letter from the Minister), Dep. Director of the MFA of Ukraine V.V. Voitovich, Advisor for Culture and Cooperation of the French Embassy in Ukraine, Director of French Institute in Ukraine A. Durufle, leaders of two French companies - Personnel Director "Leroy Merlin" E. Dorzhe and CEO "FRANSHLYAS" M. Zitu, Director of Professionalized University Institute "Management of enterprise" M. Chenevoy.
After this А.D. Bozhkov, А. Durufle and М. Chenevoy awarded French state diplomas to the students. The graduates spoke with the words of gratitude.
Great addition to this event was the performance of chamber choir of the University with performance of students' hymn "Gaudeamus".
The delegation of the University Auvergne-Clermont 1 consisting of М.Chenevoy - the director PUI "Management of enterprises", R. Cаmpos - financial director, lector N. Tchernev, С. Lagrange, К. Montraynaud and also 25 students of this university who came to Kyiv with pilot programme and 15 students who will undertake three months internship in Ukraine. 
After finishing of official ceremony of diplomas awarding there was communication between French and Ukrainian students. Representatives of KNUTE and guests exchanged their thoughts in connection with further improvement of the development of French-Ukrainian cooperation and realization of joint projects. 
Those who were present at the ceremony gave an interview to the mass media regarding the realization of the project TEMPUS MODEP (MOdernisation et DEveloppement de cours Professionnalis's 144920-TEMPUS-200-FR.JPCR "Modernization and development of professional disciplines"), which has been started in January 2009 within the framework of interregional programme of European neighborhood and partnership of the EU in which Kyiv University of Trade and Economics not only takes part but also is a coordinator from Ukraine and University Auvergne-Clermont 1 (France) - is the chief executive from European Union.
16 universities from 7 countries take part in this project.
Next day, March 31, according to tradition "Auvergne party" was held, where French and Ukrainian students communicated during 2 hours.
All in all, this is a confirmation of the fact that realization of principles of Bologna process is not a declaration but a real life of KNUTE.

Working meeting with the grantholder of the project  TEMPUS MODEP (MOdernisation et DEveloppement de cours Professionnalises)
(144920 - TEMPUS - 2008 - FR. JPCR)



6-7 December 2010 working council of project members took place in the framework of the project TEMPUS MODEP (MOdernisation et DEveloppement de cours Professionnalises) 144920 - TEMPUS - 2008 - FR. JPCR  with KNUTE as main coordinator from Ukraine. Grant-holder – University d’Auvergne was represented by President F. Dulbecco, Director of Professionalized University Institute (PUI) “Management of enterprises” M.Shenevoi and R. Kampos – PUI vice-director of finances.
Ukrainian HEIs were represented by coordinators from Lviv commercial academy, Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade by Tugan-Baranovsky, Mariupol State University.
In the meeting also took part: Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of France in Ukraine J. Faure, Counselor for Cooperation and Culture A. Duruflait, Atache for University and Scientific Cooperation G. Kolain. 


TEMPUS MODEP (MOdernisation et DEveloppement de cours Professionnalises)
(144920 - TEMPUS - 2008 - FR. JPCR)

Project is funded by the European Commission

Since January 2009 within the framework of interregional program of EU European neighborhood and partnership Kyiv National University has been participating in the project TEMPUS MODEP (MOdernisation et DEveloppement de cours Professionnalises) (144920 - TEMPUS - 2008 - FR. JPCR)

Brief description of the project:

January 2009 - December 2012

1. University d’Auvergne (France).
2. University of Porto (Portugal).
3. West University of Timisoara, Ovidius University (Romania).
4. Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (Ukraine).
5. Donetsk National University of Trade and Economics after M. Tugan-Baranovsky (Ukraine).
6. Poltava University Of Consumer Cooperatives in Ukraine (Ukraine).
7. Lviv Commercial Academy (Ukraine).
8. Mariupol Humanitarian University (Ukraine).
9. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, State University of Cahul after B. P. Hasdeu (Moldova).
10. MogilevBelarusian-Russian University, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University (Belarus).
11. Chouaib Doukkali University, El Jadida (Morocco).

Target audience:
Students obtaining Bachelor degree 

The objective of the program is the introduction of global professional courses Licence (L3) and Master (M1 and M2) in the field of management, adjusted to the needs of professional training in the universities of Belarus, Moldova, Morocco and Ukraine in the field of management of enterprises and administrative institutions that comply with the Bologna process.

Upon completion of the courses Ukrainian and French diplomas in Management will be issued.

Project activities: 
- development of new courses;
- training of university staff (teachers, administrators, technicians) for better professional qualifications; 
- provide universities with necessary equipment (material resources, software, equipment for lectures, etc.) to ensure that training process meets international standards;

Expected results: 
- Creation of a pilot group of 16 students with 4 Ukrainian higher education establishments, who, in particular, will go to France to gain work experience. 
- Providing equipment for computer class accommodating 10 workplaces for students and 1workplace for a teacher + server + training programs in each of the Ukrainian higher education establishments for advanced study of foreign languages and some special subjects. 
- Improving the training of students in the field of management in 2 areas: private management and public management. 
- Mobility of students in the spirit of the Bologna process.

Project coordinators KNUTE:

Valerii Sai - vice-rector for scientific-educational work and international relations. 
Oksana Obraz - associate professor of the department of modern European languages.
Tatyana Duplyak - assistant lecturer of the hotel, restaurant and tourism business. 
Natalia Kobets - specialist of the Department of International Relations. 

Tel.: (+380-44) 531-49-50, (+380-44) 531-49-51,


остання редакція 01.06.2023