The University of Granada (Spain)
International activities
University of Granada (Universidad de Granada, UGR) is a
prestigious, public university with almost five centuries of
history. The University of Granada was founded in 1531. Today it is
a higher education institution with a higher proportion of foreign
students than any other European university. 60,000 students and
postgraduates study at the University of Granada. The university
employs approximately 4,000 academics, most of whom are
professors and doctors of science, and about 2,000 support
staff. University facilities are located in five campuses
located in different parts of the city.
Bachelor programs offered by the University of Granada:
- Administration and Management;
- Political science and public administration;
- Law;
- Economics;
- Finance and accounting;
- Management and state administration;
- Marketing and marketing research;
- Tourism, etc.
Within the framework of the projects of the EU Erasmus+ program under the of Key action 1 "Learning mobility for individuals" between the State University of Trade and Economics and The University of Granada, an academic mobility program for students and staff is being implemented.
For students who obtain bachelor's degrees (3 year of study at SUTE), in subject areas of the student's choice.
The language of instruction is English.