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of Restaurant and Craft Technologies
The most important priority of the department's strategic development is the training of qualified specialists for the food processing and restaurant bustechnology in educational programmes at three levels of higher education, who have the necessary professional competencies, are able to adapt to the business environment and solve important production and strategic tasks facing the region and the country; are able to demonstrate innovation and independence in solving professional problems in accordance with the needs of society, able to demonstrate innovation and independence in solving professional problems in accordance with the needs of society, the labour market and the state on the basis of combining education with science and practice.
Our mission is to educate, research, develop and implement innovations.
Associate Bachelor’s degree Educational Programme «FOOD TECHNOLOGY» EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME PURPOSE Training of competitive restaurant business professionals in production, technological and service processes of the restaurant, workplace organization, line, department, production unit of the restaurant, regulations development, organization of customer service processes. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (POSITIONS)
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME PARTNERS Hotels complexes: «Ramada Encore Kyiv», «Premier Palace Hotel», «Bratislava», «Tisa»; restaurant chains: «Mamamia», «Chernomorka», «Mafia», «Rebernya»; restaurants, cafes and bars: «11 Mirrors», «Barvy», «Mr.Grill», «Spotykach», etc. COMPULSORY EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME COURSES «Food production technologies»; «Restaurant products technology»; «Organization of restaurant business»; «Hygiene and sanitation»; «Commodity science», «Food chemistry», «Foreign language for specific purposes». COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES - Participation in the educational process of leading practitioners. - Constant updating (modernization) of education content. - State-of-the-art training facilities of European level (specialized laboratories, computer classes, SMART-library, numerous co-working spaces). - Mastering hard skills by participating in master classes from world food art professionals and international competitions in culinary and confectionery arts. - Opportunity to receive parallel education and internship abroad. - Foreign languages learning. - Rich sports, social and cultural life. |
Bachelor Degree Educational programme «TECHNOLOGY AND ORGANIZATION OF RESTAURANT BUSINESS» EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME PURPOSE Training of ambitious specialists in the field of the restaurant business, competent in the management of technological processes, quality and safety of restaurant products, who can create new business projects and modernize existing restaurants. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (POSITIONS)
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME PARTNERS Hotels complexes «Ramada Encore Kyiv», «Premier Palace Hotel», «Bratislava», «Tisa»; restaurant chains: «Mamamia», «Chernomorka», «Mafia», «Rebernya»; restaurants, cafes and bars: «11 Mirrors», «Barvy», «Mr.Grill», «Spotykach», ect. COMPULSORY EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME COURSES «Technologies of food production»; «Technology of restaurant products»; «Confectionery and baking art»; «Sanitation and hygiene»; «Organization of restaurant business»; «Standardization, metrology and quality management»; «Information systems and technologies in the restaurant business»; «Economics of restaurants»; «StartUp-training»; «Management»; «Marketing»; «Foreign language for specific purposes», and others. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES - Participation in the educational process of leading practitioners. - State-of-the-art training facilities of European level (specialized laboratories, computer classes, SMART-library, numerous co-working spaces). - Learning and practicing information technology in professional activities. - Possibility of receiving dual education. - International practice. - Mastering hard skills by participating in master classes from world food art professionals and international competitions in culinary and confectionery arts. - Opportunity to receive parallel education and internship abroad. - Foreign languages learning. - Rich sports, social and cultural life. |
Bachelor Degree Educational programme «RESTAURANTS TECHNOLOGIES AND FOOD DESIGN» EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME PURPOSE Training of specialists in restaurant business, who can create innovative ideas and unique restaurant concepts, focus on success, manage technological processes and implement food design and food service projects in HoReCa. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (POSITIONS)
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME PARTNERS Restaurants, restaurant complexes, catering companies: «Mamamia», «Chernomorka», «Rebernya», «Borsch-cafe», «Mafia»; restaurants, cafes, bars: «Hinkali», «11 Mirrors», «Barvy», «Mr. Grill», «Melange», «Spotykach», Hotel and Restaurant Complex «Chabany», catering company «FIGARO FAMILY GROUP», Restaurant Complex «The Trypillya sun», restaurants chain of LLC «Fishka», LLC «Kyiv Entertainment Group», LLC «Continent Card», culinary and bakery departments of LLC «NOVUS UKRAINE» and others. COMPULSORY EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME COURSES «Chemistry of taste, colour, smell»; «Technologies of food production»; «Technology of restaurant products»; «Organization of restaurant business»; «Sanitation and hygiene»; «Food Design»; «Architecture and design in the restaurant business»; «Photojournalism and photography»; «Information systems and technologies in the restaurant business»; «Restaurant design»; «Marketing»; «Foreign language for specific purposes» and others. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES - Participation in the educational process of leading practitioners. - State-of-the-art training facilities of European level (specialized laboratories, computer classes, SMART-library, numerous co-working spaces). - Learning and practicing information technology in professional activities. - Possibility of receiving dual education. - International practice. - Mastering hard skills by participating in master classes from world food art professionals and international competitions in culinary and confectionery arts. - Opportunity to receive parallel education and internship abroad. - Foreign languages learning - Rich sports, social and cultural life. |
Master Degree Educational programme «RESTAURANT TECHNOLOGIES AND BUSINESS» EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME PURPOSE Training of top managers in the restaurant business, who can generate innovative ideas and create unique restaurant concepts, success-oriented, competent in managing technological processes with the implementation of HACCP and ISO requirements, lead teams in project management, promotion of business ideas and business project implementation in a business environment. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (POSITIONS)
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME PARTNERS League of Fitness and Nutritionists of Ukraine, restaurants, restaurant complexes, catering companies: «Mamamia», «Chernomorka», «Rebernya», «Borsch-cafe», «Mafia»; restaurants, cafes, bars: «Hinkali», «11 Mirrors», «Barvy», «Mr. Grill», «Spotykach», Hotel and Restaurant Complex «Chabany», catering company «FIGARO FAMILY GROUP», Restaurant Complex «The Trypillya sun», restaurant chains of LLC «Fishka», LLC «Kyiv Entertainment Group», LLC «Continent Card», culinary and bakery departments of LLC «NOVUS UKRAINE» and others. COMPULSORY EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME COURSES «Concepts and restaurant creativity»; «Strategic marketing in the restaurant business»; «Professional communication in a foreign language»; «Innovative restaurant technologies»; «Design of restaurants»; «Project management in the restaurant business»; «HACCP in restaurants». COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES - Participation in the educational process of leading practitioners. - Constant updating (modernization) of the education content. - State-of-the-art training facilities of European level (specialized laboratories, computer classes, SMART-library, numerous co-working spaces). - Opportunity to receive parallel education and internship abroad. - Learning and practicing information technology in professional activities. - Foreign languages learning - Rich sports, social and cultural life. |
Master Degree Educational programme «CRAFT TECHNOLOGIES» EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME PURPOSE Training of top managers in the field of food technology and restaurant business, able to generate innovative ideas and create unique authoring technologies of craft products from bioavailable local raw materials, competent in process management with HACCP and ISO requirements, able to lead craft project management teams, promotion business ideas and implementation of a business project in a business environment. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (POSITIONS)
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME PARTNERS Department of Development «Guild of Craft cheesemakers», Ukrainian Craft Distillers Association, Brand «Varvar Brew» LLC «Beer Craft», LLC «Backaldrin Ukraine», restaurants, restaurant complexes, catering companies, in particular restaurant nets: «Mamamia», «Chernomorka», «Rebernya», «Borsch-cafe»; chain cafe with cheese manufacturing «Matsoni», brewery restaurant «Schultz», LLC «Fishka» restaurant chains, LLC «Kyiv Entertainment Group», culinary and bakery departments of LLC «NOVUS UKRAINE» and others. COMPULSORY EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME COURSES «Craft production technologies»; «Innovative food technologies»; «Professional communication in a foreign language»; «Craft production design»; «HACCP craft industries»; «Craft production project management». COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES - Participation in the educational process of leading practitioners. - Constant updating (modernization) of the education content. - State-of-the-art training facilities of European level (specialized laboratories, computer classes, SMART-library, numerous co-working spaces). - Opportunity to receive parallel education and internship abroad. - Learning and practicing information technology in professional activities. - Foreign languages learning - Rich sports, social and cultural life. |