Academic staff
of Restaurant and Craft Technologies
Doctor of Sciences (Food
Technology) Professor of the
Department of restaurant and craft technologies Supervisor of the PhD
Program “Food Technology” Director of the
Associate bachelor’s degree program "Restaurant Technologies and
Food Design" Doctor of Sciences (Food
ProductsTechnology) Professor of
Department of restaurant and craft technologies Director of the Master’s
degree programme «Restaurant Technology and
Business» Doctor of Sciences (Food
Products Technology) Professor of
Department of restaurant and craft technologies Doctor of Sciences (Food
Technology) Professor of
Department of restaurant and craft technologies PhD in
Food Technology Associate
Professor of the
Department of restaurant and craft technologies PhD in
Food Technology Associate
Professor of the
Department of restaurant and craft technologies PhD in
Food Technology Associate
Professor of the
Department of restaurant and craft technologies PhD in
Food Technology Associate Professor of
Department of restaurant and craft technologies Doctor of Sciences (Food
Technology) Professor of
Department of restaurant and craft technologies PhD in Food
Technology Associate Professor of
Department of restaurant and craft technologies Assistant Lecturer of
Department of restaurant and craft technologies