Department of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity
Department of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity
Department of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity


122 Computer Science PhD

of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity

Educational and scientific program

specialty 122 "Computer Science" "Doctor of Philosophy" scientific degree

Head of the program Kryvoruchko О.V. kryvoruchko_ev@knute.edu.ua

The purpose of the educational program is to prepare research scientists for creative professional activity in the field of computer science based on a broad in-depth fundamental training; development of academic, professional and creative abilities of professionals who have mastered modern achievements in the field of computer science and are able to produce new ideas, solve complex problems, conduct research and innovation and scientific activities in the field of information technologies, analyze, systematize, evaluate, present the results of scientific research and/or ongoing innovative developments, to transfer their knowledge and experience in the course of pedagogical activities.

Curriculum 2021 Educational and scientific program 2021
Curriculum 2022 проект Educational and scientific program 2022 project

We kindly ask to sent all proposals for the improvement of the program to the heads of the program corporate email.

DISCIPLINES studied at this ESP



Foreign language in professional activity Public speaking
Foreign language of academic communication Information technologies in scientific research
Philosophical outlook of the 21st century Commercialization of intellectual property
Scientific text Legal support of scientific research
Methodology of scientific research Intelligent data analysis
Pedagogy of higher education Statistical methods of analysis and forecasting
Intellectual property in the scientific and research sphere International statistics
Scientific seminars (Mathematical modeling in scientific research) Technologies of data analysis
Scientific seminars (Systemic and methodological fundamentals of the information space) Stochastic modeling
Scientific seminars (Service-oriented technologies) Design of complex systems
Scientific seminar on the topic of the dissertation work Artificial Intelligence
Security of information systems and networks


1. Hnatchenko Т.О 9. Вікторов В.В.
2. Makoedova V.О. 10. Shestack Y.І.
3. Leontiev І.А. 11. Morozova Т.М
4. Kostyuk Y.V. 12. Kondratyuk S.S.
5. Захаров Р.Г. 13. Stepashkina К.V.
6. Khorolska К.V. 14. Kuzmich О.V.
7. Bebeshko B.Т. 15. Hnatchenko D.D.
8. Yaremych V.R.

Бебешко Богдан Тарасович
остання редакція 23.08.2024
Владислав Котов