Department of International Management
Department of International Management
Department of International Management


The student`s scientific club "Manager of Foreign Economic Activity"

of International Management

The student`s scientific club

"Manager of Foreign Economic Activity"
has been working at the International Management Department since 2021.

The main research problems of the student scientific group are:

·        management aspect of foreign economic activity of enterprises,

·        problems of organizing export-import operations in a pandemic and post-pandemic periods,

·        anti-crisis management decisions of foreign economic activity entities under martial law;

·        prospects for the development of domestic exporters in the post-war period.

The work of the club provides the necessary combination of mass forms of work (conversations, disputes, discussion of reports, etc.) with the mandatory study of individual topics by students-members of the circle.

Based on the results of the work of the club, there is a discussion of the problems of management of foreign economic activity of the enterprise and current changes in tariff-non-tariff, currency regulation in accordance with the defined topic of the meeting, the publication of articles and abstracts of scientific conferences.

Among the forms of involvement of club members of applicants for the educational program "Management of Foreign Economic Activity" of the bachelor's degree in research work: participation in scientific and practical conferences, round tables, student online forums, competitions of student research papers, preparation and publication of scientific articles in journalistic and professional publications, the work of the Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists, research work of the Department of International Management.

Club`s perspectives:

·        involvement in the research field of the International Management Department "Management of foreign economic activity development of subjects” (2025);

·        participation in the Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists;

·        conducting appointments with stakeholders of the educational program.

The mentor of the club is Oksana Pyankova

остання редакція 21.05.2024