Teaching staff
of International Management
Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Ph.D. in Economics, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Ph.D. in Economics, Ph.D. in Economics, Ph.D. in Economics, Ph.D. in Economics, Ph.D. in Economics, Ph.D. in
Professor, Head of the Department of International Management
Guarantor of the educational and scientific program of the 3rd
level of higher education (Ph.D.) - "International Economic
Professor of the Department of International Management
Guarantor of the educational program of the 2nd level of higher
education "International Management"
Associate Professor of Department of International management
Guarantor of the educational program "Management of foreign
economic activity", first (bachelor's) level of higher
Professor of the Department of International Management
Associate Professor of the Department of International
Associate Professor of the Department of International
Associate Professor of the Department of International
Associate Professor of the Department of International
Associate Professor of the Department of
International Management
Associate Professor of the
Department of International Management