Department of International Management
Department of International Management
Department of International Management


About the activity of the department

of International Management

The teaching staff of the department is highly qualified specialists who ensure the implementation of the educational process at the appropriate professional level at KNTEU.

The personnel policy of the department is aimed at constantly improving the quality of professors and teaching staff, and training scientific personnel.

The high professional level of teachers makes it possible to train highly qualified specialists who are competitive in the labor market.

During the teaching of disciplines, the latest technologies are actively used with the use of the most modern equipment.

The department actively introduces into the educational process:

- the credit-transfer system for the organization of the educational process;

- comprehensive methodical support of students' work;

- remote forms of education in the form of electronic textbooks, webinars, and online lectures;

- innovative technologies.

The department fruitfully cooperates with the departments of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine: regulation of foreign economic activity, international trade and economic cooperation, and European integration;

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine, Kyiv Interregional Customs for exchange of information, counseling, internship by students, and their further employment.

The Department of International Management advocates the position of increasing the level of practical orientation of education. Starting from the first weeks of study, lectures are held for students in state administration bodies, coordination organizations, and leading enterprises of Ukraine. In addition, during the year, leading scientists and practitioners in the field of foreign economic activity are invited to hold round tables and discussions.

The staff of the department takes an active part in international agreements of the commonwealth with educational institutions of Poland, Greece, Turkey, Moldova, and Belarus.

The staff of the international management department carries out active scientific and methodical work, works on the introduction of world-leading teaching methods and the best practices of international companies to constantly improve work with students and ensure the maximum compliance of each of them's preparation for work in the largest known international companies.

The staff of the department actively carries out international activities: teachers of the department participate in international projects, and students have the opportunity to study at leading universities abroad under numerous academic mobility programs.

Taking into account the experience of the staff of the international management department and the recognition of its achievements among all professional circles, both specialists and practitioners, as well as among colleagues from other universities, the department won the right to hold the All-Ukrainian Olympiad among students of higher education institutions specializing in "Management of foreign economic activity".
The department is actively training students of higher education for the degree of Ph.D. in specialty 292 "International Economic Relations".
Special attention is paid to the department to the formation of programs of specialized disciplines and curricula: teachers monitor the latest trends in the development of the foreign economic sector, the regulatory and legal framework for the implementation of foreign economic activities, and consultations are held with graduates regarding directions for improving training in one or another discipline.

остання редакція 15.02.2023