Department of International Management
Department of International Management
Department of International Management

Calendar of events


Department news

of International Management

- involvement of practitioners in the educational process, during 2023-2024 (January-April) there were guest lectures, online discussions, webinars with: Lantmannen concern operations director Olena Piskun on the topic "Cross-cultural management. Ukraine-world" (April 2023); by the junior personnel manager (talent development) of the personnel management department, Sofia Stanislavska, on the topic "Career opportunities in the international company "British American Tobacco" (October 2023); by the deputy head of the customs post "Zakhidny" - the head of the customs clearance department 1 of the Kyiv customs office Oleg Pakhomov on the topic "Customs authorities of Ukraine" (November 2023); by Mykhailo Lavrenchuk, a graduate of OP, Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs of LLC "Gazsurf" on the topic "Foreign economic activity of the enterprise in the field of import of industrial equipment" (March 2024); coach-consultant on entering the foreign market, creator of educational programs for entrepreneurs, managing partner of the consulting agency Export Solutions, co-founder of the Vilni project, graduate of OP Anastasia Bytko on the topic "How do entrepreneurs start exporting and where are you in this system?" (February 2023), "Basics of exporting goods and what is expected from managers of foreign economic activity" (April 2024);
- the possibility for applicants to undergo internships abroad and complete final qualification papers based on the materials of foreign companies: "Cubic Verein" (Austria, Innsbruck) in 2023, Voltica service (Poland, Wroclaw), Škoda Auto a.s. (Czech Republic, Mlada Boleslav) in 2024;
- permanent development of the guarantor and members of the OP support group (Programs "Creating export Academy in Ukraine" 01.08.-15.12.2022. and "Service export Ukraine" 04.10.2021-31.08.2022, developed by the Institute of Marketing (Estonia) in cooperation with the State University " Office for the Development of Entrepreneurship and Export", development of language competence "French at the Intermédiaire level" in 2022 at the Center of European Education), active participation in business events (Business Forum "Doing business in Ukraine: challenges and opportunities" (June 2023 ), II International Export Forum: From the Recovery of Ukraine to Global Economic Prosperity (October 2023), the Sixth National Forum "Development of SMEs 2023: Opportunities, Sustainability and Recovery" (December 2023).

Online seminar "Organization of export-import operations under martial law"

On April 29-May 7, 2024, on the basis of the Department of International Management of the State University of Trade and Economics, a scientific online seminar "Organization of export-import operations under martial law" was held on April 24-29, 2023 for scientists, doctoral students, graduate students, students and business representatives.

The purpose of the scientific online seminar is to form students/learners of a set of knowledge on objective laws, conditions, processes and specific features of the organization of export-import operations under martial law, as well as to acquire skills in their practical use. Attention is focused on:

- essence of foreign trade operations and principles of their implementation, features of export-import operations under martial law conditions;

- the essence of the principles, norms and rules of customs and tariff regulation;

- basic procedures of state customs control in Ukraine; determining the impact of the customs tariff on producers and consumers and the theoretical and organizational foundations of customs affairs;

- features of the movement of goods across the customs border of Ukraine, the procedure for calculating and collecting tax payments that arise when moving goods across the customs border of Ukraine;

- the procedure for customs clearance of goods in modern conditions.

The program of the scientific online seminar was as follows:

04/29/2024. Foreign economic activity: the essence and peculiarities of implementation in the conditions of martial law. Customs system of Ukraine.

30.04.2024. Customs payments as a tool for customs regulation of the country's foreign exchange. Commodity nomenclature in customs affairs.

05/01/2024. The impact of non-tariff regulation on the enterprise's foreign exchange. Tools of trade protection.

05/02/2024. Customs and invoice value of goods: methods of their determination. Characteristics of the system of customs regimes.

05/03/2024. The role of expertise in conducting customs control. Organization of customs control.

05/04/2024. Classification of goods during export-import operations. Illegal movement of objects across the customs border.

05/06/2024. Transport support for export-import operations. Classification of supporting documents for foreign trade operations

05/07/2024. Determination of the country of origin of goods for the purpose of further customs taxation. Customs regulation of foreign trade in foreign countries

During the discussion, participants and listeners noted the scientific and practical orientation of the online seminar and its relevance in modern conditions.

Lecture by Ihor Oleksandrovych Babyar, a stakeholder of the "International Management" 

On April 6, 2024, on the basis of the Department of International Management, as part of the week of the Faculty of International Trade and Law, a lecture was held by the stakeholder of the EP "International Management"  Babyar Ihor Oleksandrovych, the commercial director of LLC "KLS Ukraine", which discussed the features of logistics support for foreign trade operations in modern conditions. Modern logistics systems of Ukrainian companies and the realities of today's transport and logistics companies were discussed, students and teachers asked many questions to the lecturer-practitioner, which emphasizes the relevance of this topic and the need for further meetings with our guest.

On March 20, 2024, a lecture was held by M. M. Lavrenchuk, a graduate of the "Management ZED" OP and a stakeholder of the "International Management" OP, deputy director for commercial issues of Gazsurf LLC. As part of the meeting, issues related to the specifics of the enterprise's foreign economic activity in the field of industrial equipment import were discussed. Students received an invitation for an interview...
Thank you for the interesting meeting, we are proud of the graduate-practitioner!!!

Guest lecture by Oleksandr Tkalenko, senior holder of the EP "International Management".

On March 9, 2024, a guest lecture was held by Oleksandr Tkalenko, a stageholder of the EP "International Management", on product certification in the EU. Oleksandr Tkachenko
focused the attention of the present students and teachers on the need for international certification for companies that intend to work on the global market and increase the competitiveness of their products. During the discussion, the students noted the relevance of the topic and expressed their desire for further similar meetings. We sincerely thank our guest and hope for fruitful cooperation!

On April 1-05, 2024, DTEU students, as part of the "Career Week-2024" Program, had the opportunity to participate in online meetings with prospective employer companies. On Wednesday, April 3, the master class "International company: obvious and non-obvious advantages for starting a career" was held. Deloitte representatives Victoria Shevlyuk (junior employer brand development specialist) and Anna Bilyk (senior employer brand development specialist) presented the advantages of starting a career in international companies. The meeting will be useful for the winners of the EP "Management FEA" and "International Management", who are preparing for interviews, working on the development of their own career trajectory.

Congratulations on the successful defense of final qualification papers for the EP "Management of Foreign Economic Activities" of the Bachelor's students of groups 5-1z and 3-9sz, which took place on February 12-15, 2024.
We wish to implement your ambitious projects!!!
We invite you to continue your master's studies!!!

Student holidays are a time for teacher preparation for the new semester...
On January 17-18, 2024, Oksana Piankova, the guarantor of the OP "Management of foreign economic activity" BA, associate professor of the department of international management of SUTE, took part in the online training intensive "The first steps of an exporter".
The speakers are experts from the Office for the Development of Entrepreneurship and Export, the USAID Program "Competitive Economy of Ukraine", as well as representatives of Ukrainian business.
Key issues: self-assessment of export opportunities, search for customers on the international market, peculiarities of concluding foreign economic contracts and issues of currency supervision, customs clearance of goods, requirements for products on the EU market.
Relevant, interesting, useful...
Step by step to a successful export!

Export-oriented business is an icebreaker for development!!!

Sixth National Forum "Development of SMEs 2023: Opportunities, Sustainability and Recovery" (December 2023)
Meetings with Valery Korol, an "old" stakeholder-stakeholder of the "Management FEA" educational program, pleasant new acquaintances, useful knowledge and excellent prospects for students. Without a doubt: export-oriented business is an icebreaker for development!!!
Exciting performances by Gennadiy Chizhikov, Valery Pekar, Andriy Remizov, Vitaly Koval, Mykhailo Nepran and other speakers.
With optimism for the future. Step by step to a successful Ukrainian export-oriented business...
We spend time with the benefit of the educational program "Management of FEA", in the breaks we discuss the prospects for 2024.

E-Export Intensive training workshop 10/25/2023
We develop hard and soft skills in context

E-Export as opportunities and prospects for opening one's own business on global marketplaces.
The E-Export Intensive training workshop is organized by Ukrposhta and the USAID Competitive Economy of Ukraine Program.
Project partners: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Ministry of Digital Transformation, Office of Entrepreneurship and Export Development, National Project Diya.Business, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine, Payoneer and Disqover Agency.
Having joined online, we learned: stories that inspire to start an international business; where to look for support for the development of your own project; how to effectively export goods from Ukraine.
Format: online broadcast

On October 24-25, 2023, the II INTERNATIONAL EXPORT FORUM took place:

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine held the event in a hybrid format, which made it possible to significantly expand the audience. Among the speakers: representatives of the Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development, the Ministry of Finance, the State Customs Service of Ukraine, USAID, EU4Business, ECA, GIZ, domestic exporters.
Oksana Piankova, guarantor of OP Management ZED, had the honor to represent the department of international management, the head, teachers and students of the department took part in the Forum in online format.
According to the results of the event: positive impressions and many ideas for development, a meeting with our stakeholder Anastasia Bytko, acquaintance with Andriy Remizov and Olga Gvozdova, an agreement on cooperation with the Office for the Development of Entrepreneurship and Export in the context of the development of the EP "Management of Foreign Economic Activity".
Step by step to a successful export…

On October 17, as part of the Career Days, students of the 4th year of the EP "Management ZED" and "International Management" took part in the webinar "Career opportunities at the international company "British American Tobacco".
Speaker: Stanislavska Sofya, junior personnel manager (talent development) of the personnel management department, introduced the students to the company's international experience, career development prospects in Ukrainian business.
We hope for the development of cooperation between SUTE and representatives of international business.

October 4, 2023.
New steps to successful export...
We are learning to export to Germany with the Nova Poshta Business School and our graduate stakeholder Anastasia Bytko.
Interesting! Practically! Relevant!
We are developing the educational program Management of foreign economic activity in the context of today's realities and business accents.

On October 3, 2023, another meeting of students took place with Oleg Pakhomov - the deputy head of the customs post - the head of the WMO 1 of the "Western" customs post of Kyiv Customs of the State Customs Service of Ukraine, who has been a stakeholder of EP "Management of Foreign Trade" for many years in a row.

Interesting, useful and relevant!!! Thank you! We are proud of our acquaintance and long-term cooperation!!!

On June 16, 2023, students of the OP "Management FEA" attended a meeting with "Myronivsk Hliboproduct". Applicants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the international food and agro-tech company, the areas of activity, the markets of its presence and the concept of career development.
Together to success with MHP!!!

Congratulations to the winners!!!
We summarize and choose a development strategy...

On June 13, 2023, the final meeting of the residents of Gurtkiv - the managers of the FEA took place. In the online format, the participants exchanged opinions on the "scientific achievements" of the 2022-23 academic year.
The winners of the 1st round of the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works in the specialty 073 "Management" presented the best competitive works:
Kateryna Luhova ("Anti-crisis management at export-oriented enterprises")
Rula Oleksandra ("Development of the subject of foreign trade in the context of trade wars")
Maryam Maria Nazarova ("Women's export-oriented entrepreneurship: the economic front")

How to develop an export-oriented business in turbulent times? How to not just survive the crisis caused by the war, but to turn into an effective risk manager. A coach and a troubleshooter are modern saviors of an export-oriented entity...
We would like to thank the OP Management FEA team (guarantor Oksana Piankova and students from Gurtkiv) for the opportunity to participate online in the Business Forum "Doing Business in Ukraine: Challenges and Opportunities" held on June 7, 2023.

The purpose of the business forum is to provide Ukrainian businesses with information about the available opportunities and grant programs of the Government of Ukraine and the USAID Competitive Economy of Ukraine Program, as well as effective tools for business recovery and development.
Forum participants shared their experience of overcoming challenges caused by Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, namely relocation to safer regions, resumption of business activities, preservation and increase of exports in wartime conditions.
The program of the forum included dynamic panel discussions. Among the most relevant for foreign trade managers: "Challenges faced by business and market opportunities for enterprises in the period of war" and "New frontiers: increasing exports to support economic development and rapid recovery"

On May 26, 2023, an extended meeting of the scientific group "Management of FEA" took place. Maryna Hryhorivna, a member of the support group Slokva, together with fellow students of groups 2-6 and 3-7, presented the results of the research of relevant markets (on an individual topic).

Lifelong learning…
On Wednesday, May 24, 2023, the guarantor of the EP "Management of foreign economic activity", associate professor of the department of international management, Oksana Piankova, attended the expert meeting "Possibilities of export. Dairy sector". The speakers conducted an in-depth analysis of the dairy market, identified problems, exogenous risks and prospects for further export expansion of Ukrainian goods.
The information obtained will be the basis for further practical implementation of the disciplines "Foreign economic activity of the enterprise", "Organization of foreign trade operations", updating the topics of coursework and final qualification papers.

We congratulate Tetyana Hrytsenko, a student of group 2-6 OP "Management FEA" on the successful completion of the Summer School within the framework of the Jean Monet Erasmus+ project, which took place (May 15-19, 2023).
Let's be proud of our achievements.

On April 19, 2023, in the context of the implementation of the "ProProfessions" project initiated by the students of FMTP, a practical speaker was involved: Elena Piskun - operations director of the Lantmannen concern. Topic of the lecture: "Cross-cultural management. Ukraine is the world".
Meaningful! Interesting! Useful!

On April 4, 2023, the guarantor of the EP "Management of foreign economic activity", EL bachelor, associate professor of the department of international management, Oksana Piankova, took part in the webinar project "Trends of foreign markets".
The webinar project was organized by the Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development, the Diya.Business national project in cooperation with the Pro-Consulting company, with the support of the USAID Program "Competitive Economy of Ukraine".
Among the speakers of the first webinar "Trends of retail and packaging": Olga Gvozdyova, adviser to the director of the Office for the development of entrepreneurship and export, expert in foreign market research of the USAID "Competitive Economy of Ukraine" program; Andriy Mokryakov, senior consultant of the Pro-Consulting company.
During the webinar, participants learned about: trends that will affect retail sales in Europe; change in the share of the largest supermarkets under the influence of Covid-19 and e-commerce; "secrets" of packaging for successful sales on shelves in EU countries.
The information obtained will be useful in teaching the disciplines "External economic activity of the enterprise" and "Export management", will contribute to the formation of professional competences of future managers of foreign trade enterprises.

Link to the recording


We improve our qualifications and develop professionally

Oksana Piankova, guarantor of EP "Management FEA" successfully completed training under the program "Creating export Academy in Ukraine" 08.01.-12.15.2022 (Certificate #109156, 128 hours)
The program was developed by the Institute of Marketing (Estonia) in cooperation with the State University "Office for the Development of Entrepreneurship and Export"
The acquired knowledge will be useful when teaching the courses "External economic activity of the enterprise", "Export management", directing coursework and final qualification papers.

Presentation of the project by J. Monet "Anti-corruption policy of the EU: key elements, orientation towards sustainable development, lessons for Ukraine

On May 19, 2022, an online presentation of the project entitled " EU anti-corruption policy: key elements, orientation on sustainable development, lessons for Ukraine " (EU AntiCor) was held online on the Zoom platform. The event was organized by the State University of Trade and Economics within the framework of the EU Erasmus + program 101047968 - EU AntiCor - ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH (Implementation period: 04.03.2022 - 03.03 2025) with support of the National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine (EU project).

The event was attended by more than 48 people (students of Bachelor's, Master's Programs, research and teaching staff, members of public organizations, and employees of business entities) from different universities in Ukraine: Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, State Tax University, Cherkasy State Technological University, State University of Trade and Economics, Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University, Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism, Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Semyon Kuznets Kharkiv National Economic University named after Semen Kuznets, Odesa National University named after Mechnikov, Sumy State University, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing, Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

In welcome speech Anatolii Mazaraki, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector of State University of Trade and Economics, Svitlana Melnychenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector of State University of Trade and Economics, Yulia Honcharova, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of International Trade and Law welcomed participants and stressed that the future of our country, its integrity and European integration as a civilizational choice of Ukraine depends on the principled and impartial representatives of state bodies and the implementation of the EU AntiCor project will become one of the platforms for very serious discussions on combating corruption.

The event was also attended by Petro Krainik, Manager, Jean Monnet National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine (EU project), who congratulated the project team and participants of the presentation, emphasizing that in wartime it is extremely important to spread European studies, values, and discuss issues on the fight against corruption to preserve the unity of Ukraine as a state and as a nation.

During the meeting, there were reports by Tetiana Melnyk, Academic Coordinator, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of International Management of the State University of Trade and Economics, Vitalii Omelianenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after Makarenko, Lyudmila Serova, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of International Management, State University of Trade and Economics, Andriy Oliynyk, Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Lecturer, Department of International Management, State University of Trade and Economics, Liudmyla Guliaeva, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism.

The speakers focused on the following topical issues.

The urgency of the project is determined by the component of economic reforms in Ukraine in view of the deepening of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the form of an Association Agreement. The key objectives of the project are to raise public awareness in Ukraine on key aspects of EU anti-corruption policy, to enable State University of Trade and Economics students to better understand EU anti-corruption policy, to intensify anti-corruption research, to generate knowledge and ideas to strengthen EU role in fighting corruption in Ukraine in various fields of activity, etc. The EU AntiCor project is expected to implement the following measures: creation and teaching of 3 courses in the field of anti-corruption in the EU, 1 manual "EU Anti-Corruption Policy: Key Elements, Sustainability Development, Lessons for Ukraine", the study "Anti-Corruption Policy in EU Countries and Ukraine », events for the public (conference, webinars, round table.)

Also, there were announcements coordinated by Odessa National University named after І. Mechnikov (project 101047919 - MEDITERreg Ring of the Mediterranean: Regional Studies), Sumy State University (project ERASMUS-JMO-2021-MODULE - SKILLS4JOB - 101047867: EU experience in improving youth employment through the development of professional skills for teachers, economics and teachers Management), State University of Trade and Economics (Advocacy European Competition Rules module).

Video recording – at the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrl-uzh3hnc

Strengthening competences: training on the practice of accounting for foreign trade operations and drawing up the company's financial statements in 1C: Enterprise 8.3

The teachers of the department took part in the training of practical skills of maintenance and repair accounting and preparation of financial reporting forms of an international company. A. A. Oliynyk, the assistant of the department, conducted the training.

The teachers got acquainted with the principles of accounting and acquired the practice of accounting for business operations for the supply and sale of goods and services on the domestic and foreign markets. We considered the peculiarities of accounting for banking, foreign exchange, export-import operations, and taxation of the subject of foreign exchange.

 Based on the results of the training, the employees determined that it is necessary to implement the practice of analysis and assessment by students of all forms of financial statements of the enterprise in order to increase their competitiveness and promote future career growth.

An exciting trip to "Obolon"

Students of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics with their mentor, associate professor of the Department of Foreign Economic Activity T.M. Stukach, Doctor of Economics. visited the country's largest enterprise for the production of non-alcoholic and low-alcohol beverages, PJSC "Obolon".

The tour was memorable for its high level of organization, content, and availability of information. Students got acquainted with the history of the establishment of the plant, its mission, assets, production, and export capacities. It is good that the company includes the main plant in Kyiv with remote productions in Oleksandria and Chemerivtsi, Khmelnytskyi region, and two subsidiaries - "Ziebert Brewery" (Fastiv, Kyiv region) and "Krasilivske" (Krasiliv, Khmelnytskyi region), and also the enterprises in Bershad, Kolomyia, Okhtyrka, Rokytny are known and desired not only in Ukraine but also in the markets of 58 other countries.

The students received comprehensive answers to their numerous questions about the resources used by the company, product quality, production technology, etc.. They were able to see with their own eyes the unique system of technological processes for the production of beverages, the largest fermentation tanks, powerful bottling lines, and also make memories clear pictures.
At the end of the excursion, the students received branded "Obolon" souvenirs as a good memory of the plant.

University tour and personal development strategy training for Kyiv students

On October 8, 2019, teachers of the department of foreign economic activity of the enterprise conducted an introductory tour of our university for students of school #148 of the Darnytskyi district of Kyiv. The coordinator of the event was Tetyana Mykolaivna Stukach, associate professor of the department.
As part of the meeting, the assistant professor of the department, Studinska Halyna Yakivna, conducted training on the strategy of personal development for schoolchildren. The guests also got acquainted with the capabilities of the department and the university in promoting comprehensive personal and professional development.

Meeting of the student science club "International"

On May 31, 2017, teachers of the Department of International Economic Relations held a meeting of the student science club "Internationalist" with the participation of students of the 3rd year of FMTP and teachers of the Department of International Economic Relations N.Yu. Korovaichenko, O.S. Holovacheva, O.V. Kam'yanetska. in the form of a brain-ring on the topic: "International trade policy".

остання редакція 21.05.2024