Дослідницький центр аналітики великих даних
Монографії, розділи
- Kulazhenko V. E-trade market
analusis using data clustering methods. Big Data processing:
methods, models and information technologies: monograph / Pursky
O., Moroz I., Ivanova I., Kulazhenko V. – edited by Oleg I. Pursky.
– Shioda GmbH, Steyr, Austria, 2019. – 90-161 pp.
- Ivanova V., Ivanova E. Management
of intellectual business as a basis for the development of
knowledge-based economy / Ivanova V., Ivanova E. // Management of
the 21st century: globalization challenges: collective monograph /
edited by I. Markina. – Prague: Nemoros s.r.o., 2018. – 508 р.
(399-404 pp.).
- Ivanova V., Ivanova O. The
intellectualization of entrepreneurship and business processes as
the key characteristic of economic development. Security Management
of the XXI century: National and Geopolitical Aspects:
col.monograph / edited by D.Diachkov. Nemoros s.r.o., Prague, 2022.
– 404 p. 36-43 pp.
- Roskladka A. Practical
implementation of the methodology of forming a system for
monitoring the process of information support / A. Roskladka, R.
Baglai, V. Lazorenko, M. Zaichenko // Big Data Processing: methods,
models and information technologies: monograph. – Shioda GmbH,
Steyr, Austria, 2019. – P. 161-188.
- Roskladka A. Computer modeling of
tourism flows in Ukraine / N. Roskladka, A. Roskladka // Ukraine
and the World: the tourism system. Prague. Eatern European Center
of the Fundamental Researchers (EECFR): col.monograph, 2019. P.
- Roskladka A. Formation of the
monitoring system for non-production enterprises / A. Roskladka, N.
Roskladka, V.Hamalii, N. Geseleva // Big Data processing: methods,
models and information technologies. Shioda GmbH, Steyer, Austria,
2019. P. 188-215.
- Roskladka
A. Cluster Analysis of Ukrainian Regions Regarding the Level of
Investment Attractiveness in Tourism / G. Kharlamova, A. Roskladka,
N. Roskladka, A. Stavytskyy, Y. Zabaldina // ICTERI 2021 Workshops.
ICTERI 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science,
vol 1635. Springer, Cham. P. 147-168. (Scopus)
- Ivanova, O. Innovative
development of Ukraine: strategies, models, mechanisms / O.
Ivanova, V. Ivanova // Механізм регулювання економіки. – 2019. – №
1. – С. 57–70.Polozova Т., Musiienko V., Storozhenko O.,
Peresada O., Geseleva N. Modeling of energy-saving processes
in the context of energy safety and security // Journal of security
and sustainability issues. – 2019. – № 8 (3). – Pp.
- Roskladka A. Data
Scientist: a glance into the future / A. Roskladka, O. Ivanova,
V. Kulazhenko // Зовнішня торгівля: економіка, фінанси, право.
– 2019. – № 3. – C. 109- 120.
- Roskladka
A. Computer support system for choosing the optimal managing
strategy by the mutual investment procedure in smart city / V.
Lakhno, V. Malyukov, A. Roskladka, S. Rzaieva, V. Gamaliy, V.
Kraskevich, O. Kasatkina // Advances in Intelligent Systems and
Computing -Volume 1194, Springer, Cham, 2021, p. 278-287.
- Lazorenko V.,
Khorolska K., Bebeshko B., Desiatko A., Kharchenko O., Yaremych V.
(2022) Usage of Clustering in Decision Support System. In: Raj J.
S., Palanisamy R., Perikos I., Shi Y. (eds) Intelligent Sustainable
Systems. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 213. Springer,
Singapore. (Scopus).
- Mitsenko S.,
Yehorchenkova N., Yehorchenkov O., Kataieva Ye., Kychan O.,
Polishchuk S. Development of Approaches of Data Science Tools
Applying for Successful Smart City Project Management. // IEEE
European Technology& Engineering management summit (Dortmund
University of Applied Sciences and Arts) – P.197-203 –
- Roskladka A. Data
analysis and forecasting of tourism development in Ukraine /
A.Roskladka, N. Roskladka, O. Dluhopolskyi, G. Kharlamova, M.
Kiziloglu // Innovative Marketing. - Volume 14, 2018, issue #4, p.
19-33. (Scopus).
- Ivanova V., Ivanov
O., Ivanova O. (2021). Development of approaches to innovation
transfer and intellectual property management to ensure enterprise
competitiveness. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise
Technologies, 6(13 (114), 94-105. (Scopus)
Ivanova V., Ivanov O., Ivanova O. (2021). Formation of human
potential of industrial enterprises: model and information
technology. International Journal of Business Performance
Management. Vol. 24, No. 1, 2021 – P. 73-91. (Scopus).
- Gamaliy V. Еxchange
rates: the influence of political and economic events. A
fundamental analysis approach/V. Gamaliy, N. Shalimova, R.
Zhovnovach, M. Zahreba, A. Levchenko//Banks and Bank Systems,
2018.- V.13, issue # 4. – pp.131-142.
- Gamaliy V.
Web-based System for Regional Development Level Evaluation / O.
Pursky, T. Melnyk, T. Filimonova, V. Gamaliy, A. Kharchenko // CEUR
Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 2866, 22–30 (2021). (Scopus)
- Roskladka A. The
data science tools for research of emigration processes in Ukraine
/ A. Roskladka, N. Roskladka, G. Kharlamova, A. Karpuk, A.
Stavytskyy // Problems and Perspectives in Management - Volume 18,
issue #1, 2020, p. 70-81. (Scopus).
- Roskladka A. System
Analysis of the Internal and External Migration Processes in
Ukraine / A. Roskladka, N. Roskladka, O. Romanyuk, T.
Troianovska-Korobeinikova, L. Savytska // In: Babichev, S.,
Lytvynenko, V. (eds) Lecture Notes in Data Engineering,
Computational Intelligence, and Decision Making. ISDMCI 2022.
Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies,
vol 149. pp 302–319. Springer, Cham. (Scopus)
Ivanova O. Modeling of information processes of tourism cluster /
O. Ivanova // Scientific letters of academic society of Michal
Baludansky. - 2018. - № 6. – 73-76 pp.
остання редакція 04.03.2024