Кафедра обліку та оподаткування
Кафедра обліку та оподаткування
Кафедра обліку та оподаткування


обліку та оподаткування


e-mail: o.fomina@knute.edu.ua

Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of Accounting and Taxation

Director of the PhD Programme “Accounting and Taxation”

Scholar's Profile: Scopus    Publons  Google Scholar       ORCID    

Scope of Interestsmanagement accounting on trade enterprises, managerial reporting.

COURSES: “Accounting”, “Management Accounting”, “Managerial Reporting”, “Accounting and Analytical Provision of Strategic Management”, “Methodology of Scientific Research”

Professional profile: D.Sc. (Accounting, Analysis and Audit (by the types of economic activity,2016). Ph.D. (Accounting, Analysis and Audit (by the types of economic activity,2008). Head of the Department of Accounting and Taxation, Professor of Department of Accounting and Taxation. Head of the Specialized Scientific Council of STEU. Member of the academic council of the university.

15 years of teaching in the leading Ukrainian universities 

Course supervisor: "Мanagement accounting"(BA), "Accounting and financial reporting according to international standards"(MBA), "Strategic management accounting"(MBA).

The Head of Ph.D.  programs “Аccounting and taxation” 

Supervisor of Ph.D Dissertations, Master theses.

Head of research topic "Accounting for business value management"(2018)

Author of 120 scientific publications, co-author of the 10 textbooks («Accounting»(2022), «Management accounting»(2021), «Accounting and financial reporting according to international standards»(2021)) and author of scientific articles indexed in SCOPUS and WoS 

Head of Research Topic "Accounting and Taxation in Trade" (2017-2021). Participation of budget research project "Accounting for business value management" (№0118U000131, 2018-2020), "The concept of formation and development of management reporting using information technology" (№ 0113U000511, 2013 - 2015).

Member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal "Scientia Fructuosa».

Member of:  Рublic organization "Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Ukraine”, International public organization
council of independent accountants and auditors, Sectoral expert councils of the National Agency for ensuring the quality of higher education of Ukraine;    Representative conducting educational activities from the body of public oversight of auditing activities;

Member of the editorial boards of professional periodicals


  • Professor, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2019
  • Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Kiev National University of Trade and Economics, 2016
  • PhD in Economics, Kiev National University of Trade and Economics, 2008
  • MS, Vadym Getman Kyiv National Economic University, 2003
  • BS, Vadym Getman Kyiv National Economic University, 2002


  • Professor, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2019
  • Doctor of Sciences ( Economics), Kiev National University of Trade and Economics, 2016
  • PhD in Economics, Kiev National University of Trade and Economics, 2008


  • Head of the Department of Accounting and Taxation, since 2018
  • Professor of the Department of Accounting and Taxation, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2017 – 2018
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2009 – 2014
  • Senior Lecturer of the Department of Accounting, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2008 - 2009
  • Assistant Lecturer   of the Department of Accounting, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2007 – 2008


  • Thanksgiving Letter, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2009
  • Honorary diploma, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2010


  • Developer of a Distance Course “Management Accounting”.
  • Member of Ukrainian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors, since 2016



  1. Fomina O., Slomchynska S., Pursky O. (2019) Investment real estate in business value management, Germany (In English).
  2. Fomina O., Sopko V., Zadniprovskyi O., Kyiashko O.,  Muzychuk ,Hryhorenko O., Martyniv I., and others (2018) «ASSESSMENT IN ACCOUNTING: CONCEPT AND TOOLS»  Tallin, Estonia:"Scientific Route" (In English).
  3. Fomina O., Sopko V., Benko M., and others (2016) Disciplinary matrix of management reporting Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUТЕ.( In Ukrainian).
  4. Fomina O. (2016) Management accounting in trade Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUТЕ. (In Ukrainian).


  1. Fomina O., Avhustova (Sobchuk) O.,and others (2022) Accounting. Kyiv, Ukraine: SUТЕ. (In Ukrainian).
  2. Fomina O., Korol S., Romashko O. and others Accounting by type of economic activity. Kyiv (2021), Ukraine: KNUТЕ. (In Ukrainian).
  3. Fomina O., Avhustova O., Holovina D. and others (2021) Managerial Accounting Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUТЕ. (In Ukrainian).
  4. Kostyuchenko V., Umantsiv H., Fomina O. (2021) Consolidation of financial statements: Kyiv, Ukraine: KNUТЕ. (In Ukrainian).


  1. Fomina О., Semenova S., Moshkovska О., Hrytsenko О., Hrebinska S. (2022). Risk-oriented strategic management accounting in the conditions of the war against Ukraine. Problems and Perspectives in Management.
  2. Fomina O.V., Semenova S.M. (2022) Cryptocurrency as an accounting object in Ukraine and the EU. Efficient economy. No. 9. DOI: http://doi.org/10.32702/2307-2105.2022.9.12 (In Ukrainian).
  3. Melnychenko O.V., Novak O.S., Fomina O.V. (2022) Problems and prospects for the development of taxation of transactions with cryptocurrencies. International collection of scientific works "Problems of theory and methodology of accounting, control and analysis" No. 3(In Ukrainian).
  4. Fomina O., Semenova S., Berezovska D. (2022) Transformation of financial reporting of small enterprises according to IFRS. Foreign trade: economics, finance and law No. 4. S. 44-59. Series. Economic sciences. https://doi.org/10.31617/3.2022(123)04 (In English)
  5. 3. Fomina O., Semenova S., Berezovska D. (2022) Transformation of financial reporting during martial law. Scientia Fructuosa. No. 3. R. 103-113. https://doi.org/10.31617/1.2022(143)08 (In English)
  6. Fomina O., Zadniprovsky O., Korol S., Romashko O. (2022).Professional judgement in accounting: contents and conditions of application. Business: Theory and Practice, Vol. 23 №1, рр. 26–38. DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/btp.2022.13330 (In English)
  7. Fomina O., Muzychuk, M. Functions, assets and risk analysis in the preparation of transfer pricing documentation Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, 2021, 9(5), pp. 935–945(In English)
  8. Semenova S., Fomina О., Moshkovska О. (2021). Accounting for innovations in value management of companies in the context of globalization. «Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences», SHS Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences, Zilina, Slovak Republic, vol. 92; 02057. Published online: 13 January 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/20219202057 . (Web of Science) (In English)
  9. Fomina O, Korol S. Zadniprovsky O. (2021) Corporate reporting: transposition of the provisions of Directive 2013/34 / EU. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. Series: Economic Sciences, 2021, № 5. pp. 64-76. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31617/zt.knute.2021(118)05. (In Ukrainian)
  10. Fomina OV, Shushakova I.  Forensic economic expertise on transfer pricing. Ukraine economy. 2021. №10. P.52-66 https://doi.org/10.15407/economyukr.2021.10.052  (In Ukrainian)
  11. Fomina O, Avgustova O, Shushakova I (2021) Valuation of intangible assets. Business Inform. 2021. № 4 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2021-4-154-160(In Ukrainian)
  12. Fomina O. (2020) Management accounting in the bank's treasury. Market infrastructure. № 45. P. 33-38  https://doi.org/10.32843/infrastruct45-40  (In Ukrainian)
  13. Fomina O., Semenikhin M. (2020) The concept of settlement operations and the practice of their application in enterprises of electronic commerce. Market Infrastructure. № 40. P. 462-466 https://doi.org/10.32843/infrastruct40-78  (In Ukrainian)
  14. Fomina O., Moshkovska, O.,  Luchyk, S., Manachynska, Y., Kuzub, M (2020) Managing the agricultural enterprises' valuation: Actuarial approach. Problems and Perspectives in Management. № 18. Issue № 1 P. 289– 301 https://doi.org/10.21511/ppm.18(1).2020.25  (In English)
  15. Fomina O, Sopko V, Avhustova O (2020) Enterprise Solvency Management, Effective Economy. №6  https://doi.org/10.32702/2307-2105-2020.6.7  (In Ukrainian).
  16. Fomina O., Muzychuk M. (2019) Modern aspects of international regulation of transfer pricing. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series "Economics". № 1 (53). P. 246-251 https://doi.org/10.24144/2409-6857.2019.1(53).246-251 (In Ukrainian)
  17. Fomina O., Sopko V., Romashko O. (2019) The valuation of business in the terms of European integration. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. Series: Economic Sciences. № 3. P. 116-126 https://doi.org/10.31617/zt.knute.2019(104)10  (In Ukrainian)
  18. Pursky O., Kharchenko O., Fomina O., Holovina  D.. (2019). Model for Consumers Priorities Detection in E-trade Based on Classifying a Client’s Personal and Consumer Profile. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Strategies, Models and Technologies of Economic Systems Management (SMTESM 2019). Atlantis Press, Series: Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 95. – Р. 48-52 https://doi.org/10.2991/smtesm-19.2019.11  (In English ).
  19. Fomina O., Moshkovska O., Avhustova O., Romashko O., Holovina D (2019) Current aspects of the cryptocurrency recognition in Ukraine. Banks and Bank Systems,. № 14 Issue № 2 . https://doi.org/10.21511/bbs.14(2).2019.18  (In English).
  20. Fomina O.,Moshkovska O., Prokopova O., Nikolenko N., Slomchynska S.(2018) Methodological approaches to investment property valuation  Investment Management and Financial Innovations. № 4 (15) https://doi.org/10.21511/imfi.15(4).2018.30.1.    (In English).
  21. Fomina O (2019) Current trends in cost accounting. Business Inform. № 2. P. 294–300. https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2019-2-277-282   (In Ukrainian).
  22. Fomina O, Avhustova O (2019) Accounting of logistics costs for management purposes Business Inform. № 4 P. 294–300. https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2019-4-294-299  (In Ukrainian).
  23. Fomina O. (2018) Accounting management of calculations with the budget for VAT. Effective economy. № 9. Retrieved from http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/pdf/9_2018/5.pdf (In Uktainian)
  24. Fomina O., Sopko V., Prokopova O. (2018) Risks of tourist activity in accounting. Investments: practice and experience. №9. P. 26-31 (In Uktainian)
  25. Fomina O., Volosovych S. (2018) Technological innovations in the insurance market. Bulletin of KNUTE. Retrieved from http://visnik.knteu.kiev.ua/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2327&catid=241&lang=uk (In Uktaninan)
  26. Fomina O., Slomchynska S. (2018) Accounting for investment property in the context of convergence of international standards. Foreign trade. №6. P. 72-85. Retrieved from http://zt.knteu.kiev.ua/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2389&catid=252&lang=uk (In Ukrainian)
  27. Sopko V., Fomina O., Prokopova O. (2017) Organization of accounting and analytical support of enterprise. Scientific notes of the University "KROK". Vol. 47. P. 116-121 (In Ukrainian)
  28. Fomina O. (2017) Conceptual bases of accounting of venture activity. Investments: practice and experience. №24. P. 12-16 (In Ukrainian)
  29. Sopko V., Prokopova O., Fomina O. (2017) Organization of accounting and analytical support for the management of the enterprise. Scientific notes of KROK University. Vol. 47. P. 116-121 (In Ukrainian)
  30. Fomina O. (2017) Modeling of functional management accounting systems. Problems of theory and methodology of accounting, control and analysis: International collection of scientific papers. Vol. 3 (38). P. 126-132 (In Ukrainian)
  31. Fomina O. (2016) Development of management accounting functions. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. № 6. P. 117–123 (In Ukrainian)
  32. Fomina O. (2016) Management accounting of incomes of trade enterprises: process approach. Bulletin of Zhytomyr State Technological University. P. 32–38 (In Ukrainian)
  33. Fomina O. (2016) Systems of indicators of management accounting. Eastern Europe: Economics, Business and Management. 2016. Vol. 2 (02). P. 284–288. Retrieved from http://www.easterneurope-ebm.in.ua/journal/2_2016/54.pdf (In Ukranian)
  34. Fomina O. (2016) Management reporting in the system of accounting and analytical support of enterprise management. Odesa National University Herald. Vol. 21 Issue 6 (48). P. 201-205 (In Ukrainian)
  35. Mazaraki A., Fomina O. (2016) Management accounting tools. Economic Journal – XXI. №6. P. 48-51 (In Ukrainian)
  36. Mazaraki A., Fomina O. (2015) Institutionalization of management accounting. Bulletin of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics. № 5. P. 5– 15 (In Ukrainian)
  37. Fomina O. (2015) Management accounting for the theory of constraints. Global and national economic problems. № 3. P. 920–925 (In Ukrainian)
  38. Fomina O. (2015) Monitoring of management reporting as a component of the control process of the enterprise. Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University. Vol. 11. P. 293–296 (In Ukrainian)
  39. Fomina O. (2015) The concept of the method of management accounting. Global and national economic problems. № 8. P.1187–1190 (In Ukrainian)
  40. Fomina O. (2015) Organization of Monitoring of Management Reporting in Knowledge – economy – society. Challenges of contemporary economies in the face of global market conditions. Book III. Edited by: Ryszard Borowiecki, Andrzej Jaki, Paweł Lula. Publishing House: Foundation of the Cracow University of Economics, Cracow. P. 459-464 (In English)
  41. Fomina O. (2015) Principles of management accounting. Actual problems of economy. №9 (71). P. 392-397 (In Ukrainian)
  42. Fomina O. (2015) Organization of management accounting at a trade enterprise. Business Inform. № 7. P. 295-299 (In Ukrainian)
  43. Goncharenko O., Fomina O. (2015) Estimation of enterprise risks in the accounting system. Economic Journal – XXI. № 3-4. P. 67-70 (In Ukrainian)


  • The educational and methodical seminar "Cyber hygiene - basic safety rules in the digital environment", 4 hours (0.13 ECTS credits). Certificate NMSVSHPM2022-004-58 dated July 21, 2022.
  • The educational and methodological seminar "Corporate educational process organization platform MS Teams", 4 hours (0.13 ECTS credits). Certificate NMSVSHPM2022-003-71 dated July 20, 2022.
  • International online internship "On Being a Scientist" (Germany, Hamburg, 2021)
  • Internship at the International Audit Company "BDO" (2019)
  • Internship at the Higher School of Business - Luis National University, Nowy Sacz, Poland (WK / 4858, 2018)
  • Certificates: specialist "Master Accounting" and "1C" Accounting for Ukraine "(2018)," Parus "(2017)," M.E.Doc "(2014)," Intalov "(2007).

HOBBY: travel, contemporary art.

остання редакція 05.06.2023